What a Warranty Statement!

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
For Christmas I received a piece of fly fishing equipment and this was the warranty statement that came with it:

If companies were smart enough to be brutally honest, they would have to admit to themselves that "if our product or service did not exist the world would go on pretty much as it always has..." Talk about your hard realities.

As dysfunctional as it may be, we cannot exist without you, yet you do not really need us. We have taken this fact and with a bit of counseling and advise from our therapist, decided to use it as an opportunity to become the best customer service company in existence. A major part of which is tied to how we handle warranty issues.

(Our) warranty is as straight forward as it gets. We don't care if you bought it at a garage sale, whether or not you have a receipt, you backed over it with your car or your dog chewed it up, as long as it remains repairable we will fix it for free, no questions asked. If our product does not far exceed your expectations at every level, we will give you back your money.

Let's face it. If you are annoyed, it is for a reason and regardless of what that is if we don't make it right, we lose.

We do not do this so you will never have to buy another product (that would be dumb) quite frankly it is just the opposite. When you have absolute confidence that whatever you buy from us will bring you more pleasure than the cash you are handing over was, you will buy more and more and we will all win.

Here's the deal. Call us...we in turn will give you a return authorization number. This will allow us to track you product through its exciting journey back home, where it will be welcomed by the hundreds of skilled hands which helped to orginally craft it. Once nursed back to health, it will be promptly returned to you.

And on another tag was this:

Our warranty is simple and lasts for the length of your life or your products: Anything bearing our company name is guaranteed to be the very finest equipment available; if you disagree we will refund your money. If anything should happen and it is your fault, we will fix it to the best of our ability at no charge. If it is our fault we will replace it immediately, and quickly do something to publicly humiliate ourselves, until you are completely satisfied.

Now here is a company that GETS it.
I've read warranties like that on items I've purchased in the past.....can't remember what it was, but i do remember reading something like that and thinking,.."Cool,..either their Lawyer still has a personality AND a sense of humor,...or they don't even have a Lawyer at all and just believe in their stuff!!"...either way...I (the consumer)win!
Send that Company's name along to Sue D... They are a match made in heaven!:wub:
You forgot to attach the company name. With a warranty statement like that, even though I don't fly fish, I'd like to know who they are!

All the best,

I DO flyfish and given the cost of equipment, I would LOVE to know who this is!!

ps: LLBean has a similar warranty, but with less humor.

pps: Hopefully, no one will abuse the warranty by any company willing to keep in place a "customer-first" policy.
Jim C,

Unfortunately, you know there are going to be people out there that will abuse the company warranty.

All the best,

Too sad that those are few and far between and "words" don't make a warranty.

Now if they back what they say....:unsure:
I hope I don't have to find out if they will, Tee. The quality looks to be really good.