Well it's official....I'm an officer!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Well almost 3 years later, 8 weeks of "intense" training, depending on who you ask, and I am now a NY state peace officer, ie Correction Officer.

A quick little overview.

We started with 33 in the Alpha session (my group, last names A-M) and 37 in Bravo, our sister session (last names N-Z). We lost 2 and Bravo lost 8 or 9. Personally, I wish we had lost about 5-6 more.

On week 3, weapons week I got there feeling very.....odd. By day 2 (Tuesday) I knew I was in for a whopper of a "cold". I wish it was only a cold. That was qualification day with the dept revolver. As the day wore on, I could feel my body shutting down quickly. Regardless, during practice, I shot a perfect 250 out of 250, the only in my session. But because it was practice, the WTO (weapons training officer) would not count it. I had to wait for the first line to qualify, then lunch, (which I could eat very little of, the last I would eat for almost 3 days), then I qualified. Breathing control and sight alignment are two critical parts of accuracy. I couldn't breath at all as my lungs were filling with fluid (see where this is going now?) and my fever has spiked at about 104. But I still shot a 247 of 250....twice, tieing for the high score of my class. My WTO had no doubt afterwards, had I not been so ill, I would have taken the marksmanship award for the entire class which eventually went to a Bravo officer with a 249.

That night back at the academy, I forced myself through PT, nearly vomiting several times and almost passing out. After that, I don't remember much. I fell out of the chow line and went back to the class room. Luckily, that week, we were in the hotel, not in house. NY is putting too many classes through to house them all. There is always one session in a hotel, and they rotate weeks.

Anywho, I was delerious and had to be carried to the truck by other recruits. The next day I was taken to St. Peter's ER where my fever was still 102-103 and they diagnosed me with pnemonia (sp?) and hypertension (which is big for me with my heart and normally low BP) So I was taken out for 2 days (the max I could miss of PT and not get cycled out)

So I missed the next 2 days, qualifying with the AR15, which I was a class favorite to be high qualifier given my experience with that weapon from my job at Natec. Then I missed qualifying with the dept Remington 870P. I got back Friday, just in time to take the exam and scored a 90. 2 others that were there the whole week, failed.

The next week was chemmies (chemical agents) and since my DI loved me (really, he had me picked for CERT) he put me through the paces with a double whammie of it and it was rough. Worst thing I've experienced physically to date. I would rather be shot again.

In the end, I missed the high honors (GPA) award by 4/10 of 1%. I only got a 91 on my final (combined with the 90 on weapons week) left me with a 94.1%. The reason I only got a 91 on the final was due to some weapons details I had missed.

A fellow recruit in my session ended up with a 94.5% overall and took the award. Those 2 days I missed cost me 2 of 4 total awards, but what can you do.

So here I sit, badge # 35189, NY state Correction Officer, reporting for duty tomorrow morning. :p
You have got to be stoked. Congrats Rob. You deserve a little stability in your life. Keep your yap shut, do your job and fish my friend!!

I am first, very happy for you and second, proud to call you "friend", you did yourself proud...

I know this is a big load off your back... And, a great accomplishment for you and your commitment to your family.
Glad to here everything is falling in place for you.

Best of Wishes

Congratulations... Good Luck .. Let us know where you get posted..

Best Wishes

Well Deserved Rob. Let me know where you get stationed. P.S. stay in contact so we can hook up this spring for some fun in the kitty-cat. Jim:):p
Congrat's Rob,.......way to stick it out.............now please don't give those guys a reason to start calling you "Barney" or anything like that!!;):rolleyes:
Thanks guys,

Barney? Now...now....Andeeeee!

But you guys should see us in our class A's......hillarious, we look JUST like bus drivers! LOL It's a good thing I took our orders from the academy because we got a bit of a snow storm last night, nothing major for upstate NY, but the other guy that was going to take them (but I did instead) banged in because the roads were too bad. Unfortunately, another officer that just transferred, was headed to his jail this morning, through the mountains and had a head on collision with a semi and was killed. Roads up here from December to April are no joke.

Hey Mac, during our training they had a segment to help prevent officer suicides and guess who's training video we watched......the MI staties! Seems those mitten boys have some of the highest rates in the nation, better take them to Mini's $#!+ to stick a couple of pigs.

They did point out the the average life expectancy of a NY CO is about 58 and we have the 2nd highest divorce rate in the state, 2nd only to NYPD! There's a big sell point huh??? I'm just glad to be in.

Chances are good I'll be sent to Green or Coxsackie. I'm hoping for Coxsackie as it's a Max vs Green only a medium. Why a max over a med you ask??? In a max they're locked down at night but in a med they're in a dorm at night, up to 65 of them and just lil ole you from 11-7. Plus Green is young population and therefore full of....(fill in descriptive adjective here).... but Coxsackie is an older pop.

But this week, I get to work the SHU (pronounced SHOE) or special housing unit. Where all the really bad boys go. So I will most likely be one of the first to get what we affectionately call $#!+ down. Yeah, they scoop it out of the toilet, in a cup, jug, bucket....or sometimes in their mouth.....really, and throw or spit it on you. It's a mandatory felony and can add up to 4 years on their sentence, but it still ticks you off......BAD!!!! I will keep you all abreast as to what happens! ;)

At the end of the day... It is a job... leave it and go home... Took me years to learn how, but it can be done... And, above all, do not get into the the chill out at the bar after work routine. Most prisons have a "cop bar" just down the road for unwinding... if you stop, never two days in a row... have a diet pop and leave... you can be sociable and won't get too much heat... Too much preaching... Sorry, but I have walked in those moccasins and know what it can lead to...

Until you are totally in tune, be extra vigilant and very careful... very... It takes a lot of experience to learn to read the wind... Don't be in too much of a hurry to be at the front of the line every time... I want to hear you got home for dinner every day without a stop at the ER.

I am very proud that you have stepped over to the hard side of the "thin blue line". Any time you want an ear or advice, just ask... Twenty years of "doing it" has taught me a few tricks and I would be more than willing to share them...
Cass I am betting on Rob going the distance also. I don't think there is any quit in him. Now smarts..... I don't think there is any of that there either.....LOL

Sorry Rob, but thats probably the nicest thing you will hear for years to come.

I think thats why the rates are so high Rob....because I wont take just anybody there! lol

Anyway congrats to you and your family. The stability will do y'all well I am sure.

When you get a chance post a pic of you in your bus drivers uniform....lol

Hey Rob,

If you get the gig in Coxsackie you'll only be 20 minutes from me, I'm sure you'd like to get to a few of my underfished spots, there a load of fun! Not sure if you heard but Beckleys & Andersons went out of business. Old man at Beckelys just sold the business so no more Ranger dealer in my area & there goes one of my sponsors, that's 2 lost for the year the other one was Anglers Paradise which was more of a blow. And well with anderson's gone maybe the end of North East Team Bass which is too bad last two years finished 3 rd in points & I was really looking forward to trying to take it all in 2008! As of now not sure what I'm fishing but I know I won't be doing the BFL's or the ABA's just too much travel! Good luck with your new job I don't know of anyone more deserving of something stable!

Talk soon.

GEEEZZ Rob, i always knew you were headed to the State Pen.....I never though you'd take this route!!1

Well done buddy, way to go out and get it....it's all possible.

Rob, From a former Correctional Lt. (I now work with delinquent teenage boys), welcome. Pat attention to your supervisors and to the "old heads" and you'll be fine. You'll love the C.E.R.T. stuff, that's where the excitement starts.


One of my counselors hinted that he wanted me to go CIU (crisis intervention unit) or negotiator, ie "the brains", but my DI leaned towards CERT, "the muscle". The rib each other openly back and forth. I like and see the need for both. They both fall under spec ops, and need each other but I think I would like CERT more. Maybe, once I'm older and physically unable to do what CERT demands, then I'll move over to CIU. That seems to be what a lot of guys have done. And THEN......I heard about SUPERRRRRRR CERT. :cool:

That's what I want to shoot for eventually.

And I made it through the SHU and E-block today without incident. Tomorrow I have hospital and satellite, (mental illness wing), so we'll see how that goes! ;)

You may never get out of that "wing", so be careful... DOn't talk to anyone and never admit to the fishing... LOL:D
Whip up a big bowl of popcorn, dim the lights and then sit back and watch, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, One flew over the Cookoo's Nest and finally, Helter Skelter....then get up...stretch, scratch, yawn..pollute the air,..and go to bed. But first, thank God you're not one of THEM,...and that you have a support group like US who will congratulate you on your accomplishments and stomp on your cahonies at the same time,..just like we've always done!!;) That's what friends are for!!:cool::rolleyes:

Be careful in there!!
Hey Rob,

No matter what, I bet the inmates will never stoop to shaving off your eyebrows... Only "friends" would do that to you...:(
Fear only motivates the weak... The world is a very scarey place and I am one of the reasons...:D
Tox,........YOU are the reason our cat never sleeps either when you're here!!:eek::lol::p
Wow did this thread go south in a hurry!!:blink::blink: Congrats Rob!
