Virginia's new boating course requirement

  • Thread starter Jim in VA [URL]
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Jim in VA

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
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Posted this in a reply to a post by TritonGlenn, but thought it worth its own topic too. A few of us had lamented the lack of knowledge and common sense of other recreational boaters (bass boaters too), but especially of irresponsible jet skiers. Many (myself included) would like to see mandatory licensing or other requirement. Well it looks like Virginia is heading that direction in that the 2007 General Assembly passed and Governor Kaine signed a new law that requires boat operators in Virginia to take and pass a NASBLA approved boating safety course. The statute is effective July 1, 2007, but that means that VDGIF must write and implement the regulations effectuating the statute (by July 1, 2008). After that time, the requirement phases in over a period of 8 years depending on age (younger boat operators - including jet ski operators - get hit first). About time!

The official link to the FAQ's from VDGIF is linked below.
Did he say what I think he said? If so there are going to be some very busy VDGIF workers. But thats a good thing, I got stopped and checked twice on an electric only lake in one day last year. Makes there numbers look good, I stopped and checked X amount of boats yesterday and they where all legal. Check X boats that you already know are legal and yes your numbers go up. It's like the sticker on my boat that says Coast Gaurd approved is a magnet for getting boarded? Granted don't take it the wrong way, I had never been boarded before in almost 30 years and once I started fishing with Greg??? LOL

I welcome the enforcement, I respect what these people do.


Yep - that CG sticker does attract 'em, doesn't it? :lol: I had only been boarded once or twice until I got my 1997 Cajun bass boat, and on the maiden voyage in that rig, I was asked to submit to a "courtesy CG inspection"... which I promptly failed. ;) My registration numbers were in a "matching" color to my pin stripes, and were not "block" style, so the CG wrote me a "fix it" citation (no court or anything - kind of like a warning ticket). I was so ticked, that I drove immediately to Wally World, peeled off my fancy matching stickers, and put on those ugly white 4" block letters just so I could pass that stupid inspection (found out later that I ran into a over-excited CG sailor that day, and I probably could have got away with leaving those stickers on my boat for the rest of it's life. Dang it! :( ) So I go back to the same ramp (city park in Great Bridge), and he inspects it again. He gives me that sticker, and I promptly peel the backing and attach it to the side of my windshield.... like a big neon sign that says "BOARD ME, BOARD ME" to every Game Warden in site for the next year. I ended up peeling it off once I realized why they were boarding my boat so much.... and then pretty much went back to once a year or so after that. :p Beware of the Coastie sticker curse! :lol:

All the best,

Funny, I don't have a coastie sticker on my boat, but the DC Police love to stop me. I've been stopped three times in the last year (passed each time, but still...).

Last time was about a month ago, and the only irritating part about it was that the guy had his blue flashing lights on throughout the inspection. It must have looked like I was doing something wrong to the passers-by in Georgetown.

Sorry about the thread-jack Jim.
Seems to be worse at certain years for me.

For some reason....I've haven't seen them much this year:unsure:
Sean - its that fancy white boat of yours! They generally leave me and my tin alone (checked once and only for a DC fishing license! No flashing lights, but some great tips on what the officer saw underwater during his dive training - i.e., where the BIG fish were hanging!!) :D:D:D:D
but some great tips on what the officer saw underwater during his dive training - i.e., where the BIG fish were hanging!!)

So Jim, just where are the pictures of all those BIG fish??? :p:p

Uncle Billy

ps. So Jim, just what kind of license and anything else do I need to go with you to get those fish? Shhhhhhhh...
Hey Uncle Billy!

When ARE we going to get that trip together?? :D All you need is a DC license and your tidal MD (or VA freshwater!). In fact, we can always hit Lake Anna if you want as well.

As for those BIG fish, I keep taking people to those spots and they keep pulling 'em out from under me!! I have yet to break the 3 pound barrier for a bass, but my track record for taking others out near where the DC Harbor guy told me to fish is something like this:

-- former partner's son: 5 pound bass

-- buddy of mine from college: 15 pound catfish

And then just this week ssullivan1 posts that picture of what looks to be about 6 pounder near the same spot! Sheesh, I can't cut a break!! :lol::lol:

ps: looks like for boaters in VA, anyone with a NASBLA approved course completion card is good to go. Given the phase-in, those in my age bracket don't need to worry until 2018!
Given the phase-in, those in my age bracket don't need to worry until 2018!

Then I should be good to go until the next century or so..:lol: I don't have a NASBLA approved course completion card but do have a Coast Guard Certificate in a frame. Kinda bulky to carry around don't you think?:huh::D

Other's may say it ain't so but in my opinion, your chances of breaking that three pound limit would be greater on a lake than on a river. Maybe we can figure something out when I can finally get out of this house! Maybe I can get out of here and meet you on the Potomac somewhere?

Uncle Billy

Anytime Uncle Billy! We can go as long (or as short) as you feel comfortable. My PT175's back see is always open! In fact, if you feel up to a Lake Anna trip, we can always fish in comfort from a big deck boat (two fishing chairs up front and lounge chairs towards the back. Just let me know when!
What's a "big deck boat" Jim?" Is that like one of those Pontoon boats like BPS sells? Like their

"Party Barge?" Lounge chairs towards the back. How decadent can you get?:wacko: Let me try to work on a plan or too Jim and I'll let you know, ok?

Uncle Billy
Hey Uncle Billy:

Yup - its a BIG, WIDE thingabob with lounge chairs a bimini top and everything! Here's a stock photo of what it looks like (that's not me behind the wheel - just some model used for the brochure, but the model and color scheme is the same on mine).


Just say the word and we'll make a day of it. We'll invite Bill and the gang with your okay! :D
That looks great Jim!!! I can probably keep my butt in that boat?:rolleyes: The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned though I am just not sure exactly when I can do it. The trouble with Anna, and I really love the hot side, is that I don't think I can drive that far.

Let me try to figure something out, ok?

Uncle Billy

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