Virginia branch MVM

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Gene B

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
My family is definitely scheduled to be in D.C. over Labor day weekend. We'll be driving down on Saturday Sept 5th and driving back on Wednesday the 9th. If anyone has a couple spots available, my daughters boyfriend and I would love to catch a couple fish with you. :) We'll be staying at my brother in laws place on the hill.


I think I am in town during that time. Where are you staying at?

I am in Michigan this weekend, talk to you then???
Sorry, I'm gonna be livin the salt life here in Florida that weekend. Wife and daughter might be coming down to see me. Got a room on the beach and I sit with free beers every night and watch the sun go down. Kinda like all of the Corona commercials on TV:lol:

We're staying at my brother in laws on capitol hill.

We're going to see my daughter this weekend. She lives a couple miles from Lake Michigan in St Joseph. I hope you're going to have time to whack a few toads while you're here. :wub:


When are you free when you are in DC? I think I am home that weekend and if you want to come South we maybe able to wack a couple largeheads on some REAL water HAHAHAHAHAHAAHH
We don't have set plans as to where and when we're going anywhere. We could get loose Sunday, Monday or Tuesday most likely.


Send me an email and lets hook up on Sunday, cool?

I will send you a email with my contact info and we can hook up!

Mail sent. Sorry it took so long,but I don't work on Mondays right now and I just got back to the office.

Gene/CIII - not part of the MVM, but might be able to join you all on Sunday if you need another boat with back seat open . . .
The more the merrier! let me check with Sue to see fi we can do snacks or something after the water time??? Anyone else in the area able to play??
Jim, very cool! My daughters boyfriend will be coming with me so a second (or more) boat would be great! I've met 10 or more people from the site and always looking to meet more!

Carlos, I can bring some stuff too. Let me know what we need. My wife asked if I was getting excited about the trip, I said no. I am getting excited about the fishing though! :)

no need to drag yoru stuff down Gene, you can use my stuff. You do know how to use a bait caster right :) You Northern guys are all into the spinng stuff HAHAHAHAHAHA

Really though, send me your contact info via email and I will give you a call
LOL Yeah I can use a bait caster, but I'm not sure about mike. We'll need a spinning rod for him I'm sure.

e-mail is being sent.

Carlos will definitely show you have to whack a few toads. Have a great time!
I'm sure we will. I think this will be the 4th time I've fished with Carlos, or at least in the same area on different boats. :) I'm still waiting to see you whack a few on St. Clair. Maybe next year.


Gene no email boss....

Roger on the spining gear!

HAHA on the same area in diffrent boats!!! that was this year......

You schooled me on St Clair with the rapala! I have them with me when I head up North now....
I love the little John! :wub: It was working great on St. Clair at the end of the day! The Bronze eye frog is yet to earn it's keep though. :angry:;)

Is it the addy listed in your profile? I'll shoot off another one. Mail sent. Mine is correct in my profile if you want to try sending me one.

Gene - FYI, got my kitchen pass approved so I'll see you guys Sunday of Labor day. Don't worry about fishing gear. I'll have an extra spinning set up (or two) for your daughter's b-friend.

CIII - probably can't stay too long after (need to be home by mid-afternoon), but I can bring whatever.

Awesome Jim! I'm looking forward to meeting another friend from the board.
Email sent Gene

I can run three folks in the ride no problem and have gear to cover. I will be sure to prefish some so we know where they are at for Sunday! lets jsut hope the weather holds out.

Jim roger on the staying, we can just do a soda or cold water if you want before you have to jet.

Light is at 0615 or so, if you all can be at the house 0540 or so for our 5 minutes commute to the ramp!

Sound like the start of a plan?
Yes I did and I sent my contact info back. The e-mail address from the one you sent didn't match the one in your profile. That's why you didn't get mine. :)

I have yet to figure out how to change my email in the profile and still be able to logon....

Email recieved, info to follow


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