Uncle Billy

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I did 4 1/2 years in 4th Bn 325th AIR in the 82nd and 3 yeras in 1st Bn 508th ABN in Panama.

ended up this 72 jumps and a muffed up back .
Went to Jump School at Ft. Benning, GA after Advanced training. Went back to Ft. Polk for a while and applied for O.C.S. Put in for O.C.S. Engineering at Ft. Belvoir, VA and O.C.S. Infantry at Ft. Benning came back. Hardest thing ever in life was going in the Company office and telling Top I wasn't going.:) So my next stop was Ft. Lewis, WA awaiting deployment to South East Asia... No LRRP unit forming so I went back to Benning as a Cadre member and then back to Lewis and then Viet Nam. I had about half the jumps as you and anyone on this board can tell you about my back.

Uncle Billy
Man Hutch all I ever hear anymore is that darn "C" word that took your Uncle. I've been saying for a long time that people like him should have their names added to the wall. I was over there the same time as he was. .

I had to have a biopsy done yesterday morning.

Uncle Billy
They put a small plaque on the ground it's next to the statue of the 3 guys unless you where tying your shoes you would miss it what a shame . I pray all goes well with your biopsy. it was tough to see him go like that he help my mom raised me for the first 6 years of my life cause my dad passed before I was even born so we where always tight he is the one who got me into fish'n as soon as I was old enought to cast a rod and reel. any way enough of the sad stuff.

are there any other dirt darts on NOWTS or just dirty nasty legs (Airborn saying )

take care Bill

Just Army legs I think... and a BUNCH of Jarheads.:rolleyes: I got an article 15 in Ft. Lewis for failure to salute an Officer. He was a leg and I wasn't going to... My favorite saying at the time was, "What are they going to do, send me to Nam". Three days later I was on a plane and when I checked into my Co. HQ. my CO tore it up.

I'm sorry about your friend.

Uncle Billy