Unbelievable....ESPN drops ALL Outdoor Programming for 2011

  • Thread starter Bill McElroy [URL]http://www.bassfan.com/news_arti
  • Start date
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I read that news over the weekend and shook my head in disgust. Their only intention with their outdoor enterprise(s) since inception was to achieve preset goals of advertising profit. (One hundred percent their right in a capitalist society, but don't tell us everything, BUT the obvious!) They didn't satisfy the bean counter requirements, so the outdoor programming was dusted. I'll bet WFN, Vs., and several other entities sealed that fate for them. It just reaffirms their ability to achieve the impossible with common physics. At the same time, ESPN SUX and BLOWS!!!! :p
It's only just begun.... Big changes ahead made out of need to adapt to survive.
All things change, at some point in time. This is just another. Obviously, the biggest part of this for many is what will happen to BASS in the future, but we'll find out soon enough.

I suspect that in large part, they are orienting themselves to far more of a 'global entertainment company' as evidenced by the 'Premier Soccer League' that has been on Saturday mornings.

I'll remind everyone that generally in business, if you don't change you are going to get run over or left behind - and in some cases both.

Never have much time for tv anyway. All I have is the "Deer Killin Channel" Outdoor Channle which sucks for fishin.

not for long fatrap. they are rumored to be looking at buying BASS
What a refreshing change. Tired Bubba and Jo Bo chasing deer with sharp sticks.
Bring back Have Gun will Travel........HEE YAAA:)

And Gunsmoke although sometimes you can find it on cable. Rawhide, Dragnet,the Rifleman. Great TV. "Lost" and dancing with stars, and American Idol can take a hike.

fatrap aka

The "Curmudgeon"
I do hope if Outdoor Channel does buy BASS, I hope Mark Zona and Tommy Sanders are still able to host the show, otherwise it might just SUCK..
I'm glad our AT&T Uverse gets both the ESPN/ESPN2 and the Verses since 90% have been on Verses the last few months. I DVR Zona, Ike, BassPros and the Bassmaster show on ESPN2 too.
Zona will stay on as a host of Bassmasters coverage along with Sanders. Mark will also have his own show on a different channel with a different name. I had a txt convo with him last week when I heard of the news.