Lucky Trip

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
Just got back from Pike Haven on Lake Oahe. Met my sister and brother in law and fished with my wife in the boat. Not used to having four fishermen in there with me. Did ok but the non walleye members of the crew needed some coaching. Most of the fish were close to Pike H. but all were in 30 to 40 fow.

Ended up with about fourty fish caught some really nice ones, lost a biggy and had some Northerns,smallies and catfish. Anyway spinners worked with crawlers. Some on cranks with line weights. water 76 degrees. Outdoor temps in the high 90ties until a front came through friday night. Very llittle water going through the dam. Sandbars visible down there I haven't seen in years.

On a stupid note. At PH they launch your boat with you in it. The ramp is steep. Well Friday morning I forgot to check my plug first time in almost fourty years. Slid off the trailer turned around dropped the hammer to the first spot then two minutes at that spot the wife had a walleye on the boat floor but it started swimming across the deck of the boat. Took three people on the front deck to get on plane so I could beach the boat and swim under and put in the plug. Then later the Optimax died due to an ignition fuse blow out. When recovering the boat later Friday night my brother in law noticed a trailer tier had broken a belt and was going flat.

Lost a half daySaturday tire shopping and trying to replace my 15 amp fuse. I wanted to find a replacement not wanting drive all the way home on the spare, to worsen things I left everything uncovered that night hoping to dry out a little and it rained in the boat soaking what didn't get wet earlier including my camera case and GoPro camera which thank god was in it's waterproof case. This is the second fuse I've blown and asked the boat dealer who was a Mercury dealer what's up. He said check your wing nuts on the starting battery. I did and the negative was just about to fall off. I can't imagine that causing a fuse to blow.

One curious event. Were motoring along out in the middle of the lake and low and behold there was a rattlesnake floating across the lake. I turned around and got some video and left it alone. That's twice in three years for rattlers on the water. I almost stepped on a baby last year and we shot one earlier last summer. Sooooo South Dakota is rattlesnake country folks be mindful the can be in the damist places.

So the three total was

One blown fuse

One almost sunk Tundra

Replacement of one year old radial trailer tire.

One rainstorm in the boat

25 bottom bouncers

near miss on rattlesnake

40 walleyes

several smallies

Norther Pike

I just love fishing.


and slim fish.
No auto-bilge pump? On my last boat, I added a float switch to the circuit and replaced the Manual Bilge pump switch with an On-Off-On switch.

Glad you made it back alive!!
Funny! Sometimes those swim on top of the water critters think your boat is an island or a log like my SOT fishing kayak.

I have seen rattlesnakes swim in the ocean.
