Trepper, why Tracker?

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Michael Snow

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Trep, you keep talking about another boat and when anyone suggests a non-Tracker product, you insist that it has to be a Tracker Marine product.

I'm NOT saying they're bad but I'm wondering why the brand loyalty? In a world where brand-loyalty just doesn't seem to exist, I'm wondering where yours comes from. Did Tracker do something to "earn" your loyalty or just happy with your past Tracker products?

I was also wondering about your brand loyalty to Tracker Marine. You don't seem to be brand loyal for your cars. I like my Nitro and have had virtually no problems with it, but when the time comes for a new boat, I'm gonna keep my options open for a bass boat suitable for Lake Champlain. I see a few Nitros and Trackers on the lake, but mostly see other brands of bass boats.

If Tracker Marine suits your needs all of the time, then thats great and I hope that you always get a good one!

Bob G.
Lookin 'at your last comment about Tracker there Mike....I guess your not that fond of em'? And NO a trailer was not the final factor on my decision. I did mention price and those two boats are not even close in comparison. Dollar for dollar..they (Tracker) are not a bad boat and have come a long way, they may still have a little ways to go but, they sell more tin rigs than any other:)My first rig was a Tracker and the trade they gave me was another factor. NOONE could even come close to what they gave me! Tracker loyality will also get ya' discounts:)
Bob - Yes i'm not brand loyal on my Cars. My dad was a Ford product guy for 90% of his life, and mom still is. We've had good ford products but he DEALER service in Houston and Atlanta (multiple dealers in both cities) has been SOO bad, i've given up for now. I'll address your quesiton on Tracker with Snow's down below.

Snow - OK first my comments to the Champion and Ranger are part tongue-in-cheek as this is a Tracker/Nitro owners site. Also both are WAY out of my price range given the parameters (new of course) i'm trying to stick to.

Second, yes if the right boat at the right price came along, regardless of brand i'd LOOK at it.

Now to your real question " Did Tracker do something to "earn" your loyalty or just happy with your past Tracker products?"

First, yes I am happy with my past Tracker product, the PC 175 is the only "real" boat i've owned, prior ones were jon boats. The boat has performed as or better then advertized (ride, quality, fishability).

Second the things that i've seen with my dealer/Tracker that I consider having Earned my loyalty are:

1. Fixed Price - Having bought a BOAT load of new/used cars over the years, i got VERY confused during the boat buying process. Yes at the boat shows 1/year I could SEE on almost ALL brands actual prices on the models on the floor. BUT other then that (and any non-floor model) all models/dealers (Except Tracker that I looked at) made me feel like I was in a used car lot. "What do you want your payments to be Son? Well that depends on which options, and what kind of a deal we can strike..." I have bought ALL of my used cars in the last 5 years from either Carmax or Saturn for this EXACT reason. Hey I looked at the Reata last week (or tried to) on-line to get a guide on if the Ranger Fish/Ski was reasonably priced, and there is NO information!! And that goes for everyone else except (that i've found) Tracker and Stingray. Since their are not 3-4 dealers of each brand/type on the same street like car dealers, I don't want to or have the time to sit through the same used car deal driving all over town. It's a prefference. I don't fish Tourney, and for my needs if the dealers aren't going to make it easy for me to find out their prices, i'm not looking that hard.

2. Pre-Sale service - The sales guy on the boat show floor was a little confused on which special edition packages came with which boats. So, when a week after I ordred the boat the sales manager called to tell me they made a mistake in my order ( the Special Edition package was NOT available with the PC 175), he was very good to deal with and we easly agreed a "custom" package of extra that saved me the same $$ that the special edition would have and fit my needs. Also, when they had a delay in delivery due to less painted trailers being shipped to Atlanta, Service called and offered to split the up-grade cost to a galvenized with me to get me the boat quicker (I should have taken that deal, but didn't).

3. Post Sale service - I've posted many time (and in the dealer report cards) that i've recieved better service at the Altanta Tracker store for having bought one of the Tracker line's lower end/priced models then i've recieved at just about ANY car dealer (that's Honda, Saturn, Ford, Mercury, Mazda ,Chevy...). Everything from fixing OEM part issues AFTER warranty for free, to doing all work on or ahead of scheduled appointments/pick up.

I've recieved NOTHING from Corp or Tracker Marine over the 4 years, just a good product and great service!
I am not generally brand-loyal either. But in this case.....

As those of you know who have been around since the early days of this site, I was one of the most outspoken critics of Tracker Marine's Customer Service..... That was under their old systems and into the beginnings of the new..... In the not too distant past, knowing what I knew, I would have had a hard time buying another new Nitro.....

They have made changes in Customer Service. Lots of changes. It took a while for them to get the bugs worked out. Things now seem to be working well.

I have been quite impressed with the way they have been handling issues recently - and I'm not easily impressed. In the last six months or so, we have seen few issues come to this board. One gentleman had his hull replaced and was looking for advice on how to set up the boat. Another had had his dealer go out of business; a Rep at Tracker made a mistake and they promptly made good on it.

I was astounded to see Nathan Long post!

They DO listen to what is going on out here!

Again, "Thank you, Mr. Long!"

I have had two Nitros; one new and one used. I never had a single problem with either that I didn't cause myself. And now, from all reports, they are building them even better!

AND..... There is also this site! This site and the people here make me want to continue to be an owner of a Nitro or a Tracker!

BTW...Out of ALL the trouble that I had with them in the beginning...They made it RIGHT in the end. And that is what it's all about:)
I'm NOT anti-tracker guys, I was asking a legitimate question. I don't have hidden agendas. If I have an agenda, it's right out front where everyone can see it.

We all see the "horror stories" about Tracker products on here (because it's an owners site) and some of the experiences I've read certainly make me glad I'm not in their shoes.

Trep is known for a few things: Bekka this, Bekka that, Bekka rocks, etc... driving wagons and having a good sense of humor about it... and he's known NOT to be sponsored by Tracker. In short, he has no agenda (hidden or otherwise) when it comes to boats. He's not "courting" Tracker as far as I know for a pro-staff deal. He's your simple run-of-the-mill retail customer. So, when he says he really wants another Tracker product, it only stands to reason that you would wonder "why only Tracker"?

His reasons are good -- can't ask for more than that. I'm actually surprised he isn't into "haggling" over cars and such (yes, sterotype). Fixed pricing is certainly something that I'm not into, but by the same token, I can understand why someone would like that. There's just something testosterone-based about "getting the better end of the deal". I want to KNOW that if I run into another boat on the lake that's the same as mine, he paid more than I did. To think that he got the same deal I did... well, that hurts. Come on guys, admit it... most of us are the same blamed way.
Personally, I don't think that Tracker Marine has changed a theing. Until someone corporate chimes in and says "We've changed this" or "re-vamped that", I would venture a guess that nothing changed and that certain people (customers) are better at getting what they want, than others. It's just the luck of the draw whether or not the next 5 people who have warranty probelms get them resolved quickly and fairly.

Everything else is just speculation. And I don't think it was that bad to begin with.

Oh Snow, the STEROTYPE again!!!! LOL

And no i'm not "courting" Tracker for a pro-staff deal. Thought...I mean I DID win the 2004 NTOWS rally for Big fish AND most wieght!!!! LOL

I used to LOVE the haggle on Cars, mostly because I KNEW enough folks in the industry, did my home work and KNEW the TRUE invoice, the Holdback and the concepts of inventory costs and taxes. So I had an EDGE. Used cars the same way.

Boats?? I've been in my 4.5 years and while I know a LOT more then I did, I am STILL a huge ignoramous on the cost of building them, dealer invoice costs, and the like. So i'll NEVER at this rate have enough information to make the RIGHT deal!!!

Heck, even if YOU make a great deal, how do you KNOW that guy next to you at the ramp is not a State/National team member who got a BETTER deal!!!! BWWWAAAAAAAA

My view on progress by Tracker is realy only related to the dealer from personal experience. I have a GREAT dealer, and that alone (listening to ALL the horror stories for not only Tracker folks who've had bad dealers but read about Triton, Ranger, Basscat and others on BFHP and there are some REALY looser dealers out there!!!) is important now that I know more about this industry.
When the time comes, I am more inclined to stick with my dealer, Rt 8 Marine, and whatever brand they might be carrying then to stick with a brand and take my chances with another dealer.

Rich D

I agree with you about the dealer making all the difference with a boat sale. My dealer has been good to me, but I also have not had any major problems to put them to the test. I see them a few times a year to pick up bulk oil and to get my boat winterized.

I'm not anti-Tracker Marine either. I bought my boat because it was a decent boat for an ok price that fit my needs at the time. My needs and wants have changed since then and I'm not sure if a Nitro will be in the future or not. If I ran my boat on Champlain like some guys do, I'm certain that parts of it would fall apart. My glove box has fallen off a few times on 2 footers and I fixed it myself. My feelings are that the dealer would only fix it as good as it was when new which I don't think was sufficient. It would be nice if it was always calm, but the some of the better fishing days are when the lake is rocking and rolling!!

My next boat.....a 19.5 or 20 foot bass boat that rides good on lakes like Champlain, will stay together and not cost me both arms and both legs !!! How would I drive it anyways with no limbs!!! LOL!!!

Bob G.
Bob G. - I don't run Champlain and can't talk to the build quality on the Glass Nitro's, but I know i've taken a pounding in my Tin machine and she holds together great. You drove it in a heavy chop on KY Lake(don't know how that compares to Champlain) and for a 17fter did great!

I know this was not addressed to me, but here's my take on the subject. My first "real" boat was a 1997 Nitro 640 with a Force 75. After taking delivery, the Steering arm (I know that's not the correct term) was hitting the gel coat and made a pretty good gash in it. Tracker fixed it ASAP by having me take to a local 'glass shop. When finished, the shop billed Tracker. After a few raises (thank you Lord), I was able to purchace a 2001 19' Champion with a Merc 150. What a HUGE mistake. That boat rode great, but it nickel and dimed me to death (not the Merc). Of coarse all of that started after the warrenty ran out AND Champion went under. I finally got rid of it and bought my P/T 185 with a Merury 90, I love the boat. Unless something happens that changes my mind, I'll get another Tracker/Nitro when the time comes. My days of over priced, over rated boats are long gone and it's not because I can't afford one. I've just still got a really bad taste in my mouth from the whole Champion experience.
Some of you folks have forgotten more about boats than I will ever know. But I want to put my .02 in anyway. My 88txs17 does everything a boat is supposed to do. Granted when Randy and I rebuilt it we did it our way and there is not another one like it.(Randy did most of the work) Fishing the B.A.S.S northern opens this year was a real eye opener for me. I got to fish with some great people ride in some nice boats see some real butheads ect. My add to this post is I am selling my tracker, house ect. I like the Nitro line but would not buy one in this area (dealers) I like the look of the Tritons but not the ride. I don't like the lack of leg rooom in the Rangers I have been in so depending on the Dealer #1 my choice will be Bullett or Champion. This is based on ride and dealer not brand.
Beka was looking over my shoulder this morning and reading this post. She said I forgot one BIG reason why i'm a Tracker owner and most likely will be in the future...


She said "You LOVE to have any excuse to get into the store and shop!!!'

That is true, if I didn't have my boat serviced by Tracker/BPS here in Atlanta i'd probably see the inside of BPS less. Also since I LOVE to add to my boat, its a good place to get parts and since there is ALWAYS a PC 175 on the floor I can measure and see if things will fit.
