Travel Question

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
What would you do?

I have 2 options for my upcoming trip to Wisconsin. I can go the shortest route which is north to PA then due west and back north at Chicago. Or...I can go what I call the "Southern" route which adds about an hour and a half to the trip (will be staying in Chicago with relatives, actually Inverness, the first night).

Pro's and cons.....Southern route is less conjested, no turnpikes, 1 stretch of toll road, cheaper gas (not forced into using the turnpike gas stations) but it is longer and the mountains in Kentucky are a B!TCH.

Northern route is faster but there are the tolls, turnpikes, heavier traffic, bigger cities to navigate and there is getting through Chicago. I have thought about leaving at about 3am to ease the traffic. My big concern is that if there is a wreck on any one of those awful turnpikes then you could sit for a looooong time.

Which way would you go and why? I've done both.

I've not done that route, so I can't attest to those precise roadways.

Toll roads. If I can get through them quickly, I'm okay with running on them. If they are a pain to get through (lines at the money stations), I HATE them.

How much does the toll offset the cheaper gas?

In travelling back to Texas from the Carolinas, rule #1 is straight and direct. I want to get there. While 90 minutes is not much, it's still 90 minutes.

Construction. Can you find out through AAA which of the two might have significant construction that will impede you. Several years ago, I20 out of Birmingham was down to 45 for about 35 miles. What a pain.

Not knowing anything more than what you've told me here, I would take the southern route. I'm guessing that the extra 90 minutes in travel time would be offset by the increase in traffic on the northern route. Prettier scenery too. You would also run less risk of witnessing a crazy man running around in pink underwear doing a rain dance or whatever it is he does.

I agree...I'll do just about anything to stay out of heavy traffic INCLUDING leaving at 2 am:)
Like Tex i dont like toll roads and the traffic nightmares that come with them. As you know where i live in Mass traffic nightmares are a fact of daily life. I have become very adept at avoiding them over the years. If i was making the ride i would take the less direct route. Less traffic will make for a more enjoyable/less stressful ride. If you can afford the extra time thats what i would do. Like Tex said also check for construction before you go.

It's really a rub because the gas price and tolls probably won't amount to more than 50 bucks. I just can't seem to justify the extra time if I can get on the road early and miss a lot of the traffic. I live in commuter hell here in DC, so traffic per se doesn't bother me. It is just a frustration factor. As anybody who regurlarly travels the TP's knows, they are ALWAYS under construction somewhere!!

Accidents can always happen but when you bottleneck the TP's, it is a baaaad scene!! Coming home one year, a big rig jumped the jersey wall and wiped out about 8 vehicles and that heavens for the CB!! We were able to jump off the TP about 20 miles before the wreck (we were in the stand still traffic by then) and navigate around it. The extra drive time is on me (I do it all) so if I leave early, the wife and child can sleep for a good bit!! I'm torn......

I would take the shortest route. Tolls and traffic don't really bug me. Just try to plan it so you are not passing major cities at rush hour.

Rich D
Hey Tox, somthing else you might consider. You know, you meet the most interesting people on a Greyhound bus and you get to experiance every small town along the way.



For what it's worth, I used to drive from WI to DC regularly when I was stationed out at Andrews AFB. The one time I decided to take the the southern route, the scenery was beautiful, but there was still road construction to deal with. So instead of just slower travel on the congested turnpike, it was stop for the flagman while he lets about 100 oncoming cars pass thru the single open lane on the two lane highway, then crawl along the construction zone, then proceed with set jaw because there's no opportunity to pass the slowpokes in front of me, etc...

I prefer the northern route, and I ALWAYS timed my departure to avoid rush hour traffic in Chicagoland, which usually meant departing Green Bay at like 1 AM. (That was much easier for me when I was 20 yrs old!)

LOL at Harpo!

Yeah, Tox - just make sure it's one of them buses with a trailer hitch so you don't have to leave the boat behind!
Looks like I will do a temp. rig for the CB and head North (leaving a week from today!!) ........and keep my fingers and toes crossed.

Toxic - take the mellower trip. We get enough stress driving around here in DC. When I visit my brother in NJ I never go up 95 and the Turnpike and Parkway. I always go the slightly longer, but definitely more peaceful western route (only one toll too!). Are you pulling the boat?

Tox I travel I75 from KY alot going north. I have not seen alot of construction around KY that would cause you any trouble. What route are you going exactly?? I travel KY, IN, OH and some of Illinois pretty regular. (Even some western parts of VA close to KY. Give me a shout on my cell because my laptop is acting crazy and Iam looseing connections left and right.

David, Yep I'm pulling the "beast" so knuckleheadded turnpike drivers are not something I am looking forward to. I like being able to get off the highway and get fuel at a mom and pop place. I have found some really good cooking in some of them. As you know, the turnpike fuel stops are full of 500 people crammed into Arby's to get cold and moldy roast beef sandwiches for 10 bux a pop!! Gas lines are long (especially with the boat because I can only take the first in line pump or the boat usually blocks the pump behind me). AAAAAAARRRGGGHHHH, now I'm back on the fence again!!LOL!!

Donnie, I just head 81S to 64W then head north somewhere before I hit St. Louis!!LOL

I did the Greyhound bus thing about 2 months ago to join my wife in Birmingham. Actually, the bus station and bus, are a very interesting slice of Americana. We had just about every type of person/group/couple on that one bus.

The problem I had was that it got out of Charlotte late; didn't make up the time and I missed my connection in Atlanta (should have been a 45 mniute layover).

I wound up in two bus stations; two airport terminals; two private cars; one bus; one commuter train; a truck stop and one rental car. All that, to get from Charlotte to Birmingham.

Total savings : $50.00 at best.

Tox 64 runs al the way to Louisville, no problems from Lex to Louisville. For the most part none that Iam aware of thru KY. I drive from Chicago to northern Ill, and no problems there. Iam less than an hour from Wisc. probally more like 30 min. I feel once you hit Ill the driving and roads get better and you make pretty food time. As for the hills in KY, I wouldn't worry about them. You may only hit a few and they should't slow you down, they are not big or long. Give me a shout if you are this way maybe we cant do some dinner in Lexington. Hope this helps!!

I travel Chicago with boat in tow all the time...take the northern route and just avoid 294 bypass right now...lots of construction on the south side of Chicago that seems to be long term. You are faster right now to go 94 near the city in my opinion. Just time it right...
Hey Corey I should of called you this AM. I have most of the day off before I have to start testing. Maybe you could of played hookey and we could of went fishing??? Beats staying in the hotel all day!! Iam in Crystal Lake right now.

I think this is a conspiricy....I know y'all are emailing each other and saying:

"OK Donnie, you tell him to go South, then Corey can tell him to go North. By the time we get done with him he'll end up in West Texas.."LOL!!


I could have been tempted and I'm only about 30 minutes from Crystal Lake... But, Crystal Lake is "on the way" to Lake Geneva... Oh... You should have let me know
Take the north route and you can come through Michigan and hop on the new boat we got heading to Milwakee, Wisconsin. You could also stop by my house and we could wet a line.


It's gotta be a northern thing but I hate and avoid toll roads if and when possible. I drive a big truck and the thought of having to pay $80 plus dollars, forced to drive 55 mph, in bumper to bumper traffic, across a state on a road that's falling apart, and was built using mostly federal tax dollars is outrageous. No, it's criminal! That's my take for what it's worth.
Believe me, I am!!! When I retired from the army I could of relocated to any where I wanted. I choose God's country as opposed to going back to California or worse. Spent 7 long, cold years at Ft Drum, NY. You folks can have your 6week summer. I'm staying in the south.

I assume you are thinking of coming across through the southern end of Ohio or through Pennsylvania. No matter what you choose to do you are faced with either driving on 80/94 at the south end of Lake Michigan or coming up Interstate 57 to the South end of Chicago and then traveling through Chicago/Milwaukee/Oshkosh... You have about 150 miles straight through the worst city road systems for "rush hour" traffic in the world... (Rush Hour is from 5:00 AM to midnite) So, time your "to Wisconsin" trip to arrive at the Ill/Indiana border or at the I57 & I80 intersection at midnite and then you will cruise at 65mph all the way... Actually if you use the northern route and hit the Il/Indiana border at midnite you can hop on the Chicago Skyway and save some time... Your homeward bound trip should have you going through Oshkosh at 10:00 PM... Either way at that time of night you will share the road with "big trucks" but they keep moving.

I can help with your trip planning around here if you want to call me...
Tox, Greg is correct about I80/94. This is a main artery that runs along the north of Indiana, and south of the big lake. They currently have construction near the In/Il border, and traffic at most times is miserable. The west bound lanes were open (as of June 10), but they are narrow and the road is absolute junk. Thousands of big rigs run this road daily, and going that way can prove very stressful. As far as I know, the stretch of 80/94 east of Hwy 49 is in decent shape, and shouldn't be too bad to travel. An option would be to run 80/94 to 49 south to 30 west into Illinois and then pickup a northbound to Inverness. 30 is in good condition, and travels well until you get to the Merrillville/Hobart (I-65 junction) where it deteriorates into traffic lights and stop and go traffic most of the way to Illinois. If I can provide any more info, let me know.


That is EXACTLY why I like the Southern route. Good roads, lighter traffic, 1 toll, and I miss BOTH Chicago AND Milwaukee, you see I head North up through Madison!!!! This year family wants us to stop in Inverness for the first night. It's called a monkey wrench in the travel plans!!

Greg I dont get here to ofter (Chi town) but if they send me back I may look ya up!!

I'm from Chicago (about 30 minutes from Inverness) - don't be a wuss, Chicago traffic ain't that bad HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Gimme a ring when you're up this way, maybe I'll meet you on the water - where in Wisconsin are you headed - I have a tournament Saturday on the Madison chain, and I've fished a lot of other lakes up that way


Inverness is out my way... So, I'll help you out with the route from wherever you want
Vectordave, I live in DC well, actually Virginia but I commute into DC every day. It's not the traffic that scares me it's the $25,000 piece of glass hooked to my rear bumper. A few of us are trying to meet up on Winniconnie/Wolf River if the creek don't rise any more. I am staying in a house on the Chain O' Lakes in Waupaca. My best friend has a house in Madison and a boat on Mendota.

I'd just as soon keep it outta Chicago sh!tstorm traffic. Milwaukee isn't much better. The Northern route will beat you to death. The Buckeye state has some of the worst roads, strictist law enforcement and the dang state goes on forever. If I go the southern route, I get good ol southern folk, pastures with grazing horses and decent roads with no tolls. I also get Granny and Jed Clampett with their model A truck full of chickens running 18 mph down the highway!! The truckers don't like to ratchet jaw either. One year I actually considered going north and taking the ferry across the big pond.


Man I would have been all over it but my boat is stuck in my garage for a few more days (Had new driveway poured). Next time you are around let us know and we will make plans.
Tox: For what it's worth I hate the PA TP, when I go home to Ind I take the southern rte. 81 is the most boring rd on the planet I take 70 to 68 to 79 then 64 That maybe out of your way but I am sure there is a way across.

Well, 2 days to go and I am still undecided. CIII cast his vote for the Northern route. I just really enjoyed the Southern route last time and with the upcoming holiday the turnpikes will probably be packed with people trying to get out of town. I like Greg's idea of hitting Chicago at the right time (12am) but I can't do that unless I leave a day early. It is 12-14 hours to Chicago depending on the route and I plan on leaving at about 3am. I'm just wondering if that won't help with the turnpike traffic also. Decisions, decisions.....

Greg and Nothern members, what are the lake/river conditions???


Lets put it this has not stopped raining for more than two days in a row at my house! I am not sure on if the lakes are open though.