Toxic & Bill - Monday

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Got together and fished with Toxic Monday. We went to the Eastern Shore of Maryland and fished a place called Marshy Hope Creek, off the Nanticoke River.

It was a "blue bird" day, not a cloud in the sky, and it got HOT! The weather, not the fishing:) Anyway it was hard fishing but we did manage to boat a few, though Tox beat me (darn it). I did get a Senko lesson and ended up catching a couple on that bait after watching his success. I lost quite a few also. I kept crying. "there goes another .50 cents:(" My usual crank and spinnerbaits were just not going to work.

We fished fairly hard but did talk quite lot also and had, overall, a very good day on the water. I was hoping the fishing would have been better because this is one of my favorite places.

It was great fishing with someone from this board and Toxic is great to fish with. It was our first time together but felt to me like we had done this many times before. I hope we can do it again.

Now I have to spread aloe all over my sunburn and hope Toxic does his also. He is a WHOLE lot darker than when we started:)


I just found out that I won't be going into the office tomorrow so I cranked up the 'puter. Was a great day!! Bill is a pleasure to fish with. I am guessing that through creative boat handling, current, wind and sun position, he managed to keep me in the full sun for about 12 hours. Of course sitting in a flattened out Maxwell House coffee can in the direct sun didn't help matters either!! That's like being in a double boiler!! LOL!!Anyway, I had the camera so I took the pics, here's a couple, it was a good day with great company!!

I told you one lesson with me and Senko's would change your world...I caught how many before you "broke down" and tied one on? LOL!! But it was a tough day, post storm, clear high pressure...but over all we did good for the day. And we will do it again soon!!

Just what is that adage?? "you can't teach an old dog, what?"

Yep, you now have your Maryland License so we CAN do it again.

Now you have to remember, "big Senko, little fish - small Senko, big fish" :)

Maybe we can get together somehow when Trep is around and we also just have to drag Carlos into this....
