TOX, you still on??? Go to chat

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Hey Rich, something is going with the chat room. I was in there, I could see that Tox was in there, but neither of us could post anything.
That's funny...there was 4 of us just looking at each others names....LOL

Rich I'd pay for a membership if we could get better chat software :eek:)
Still no good!! Yeah Marke I wanna make another trip up, I just havent decided if I want to go with the "crew" of do a lone wolf thing with my son or maybe a buddy from FL.

Cool, we're going home in September. Our weekend isn't set yet. Which one are you thinking. I might be able to make it.
The more I think about it the more open I am. The "group" goes the last week. They have been extreeemly lucky as far a weather considering they are normally 3 weeks from ice....If my son wants to go, all I have to do is make sure I have a room somewhere.....The group stays at stonehenge when they go. I'm not good enough on the lake to solo it IMHO.....


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