Towing my Nitro

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Mar 26, 2008
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I have a 40' Motorhome that I tow a car with. I want to take my 18' Nitro along. Backing a boat into the water with the motorhome doesn't work very well and I can't pull both. I have seen trailers that carry both, do they work? I am looking for ideas.:wacko:
I have seen motorhomes with a hitch and ball on the front bumper. When arriving at the lake they unhook and hook up to the front bumper and launch the boat this way. No backing up a motorhome at the ramp. I guess it would take some practice learning to steer a trailer thia way !
Depends on the size of the motorhome. Most ramps cannot accomodate the "Greyhound Bus" type even with a front bumper hitch.

Okay, on this one I will respond IAW my longstanding lack of sympathy for the problems of the rich.

No, they build trailers that carry both, but the trailers don't work. :wacko::wacko:
Hey, I don't begrudge anybody their toys. I have often thought about renting a motorhome and taking a trip but I couldn't figure out how to do the launch thing either. And if I can't take my boat, there's no reason to go!!:lol: I have seen 5th wheels with bass boats. That's easy, park the trailer, drive the truck out from underneath, hook up the boat and launch. I have seen the rigs like Roland has where they are small enough to tow and launch but they are small. All of the pro's that have the huuuuuuge motorhomes have someone else tow their boats. I'm sure there is a double decker trailer where you can put the boat on the bottom and have a ramp system for the "small" car up top but that doesn't help in the launching arena!! I dunno.....I'm at a loss.

Whats with this message board? I ask a simple question and get lam blasted by someone for asking. Thanks for the suggestions from the other people though. This is only my second post and I doubt if there will be any more. Take your insults elsewhere.:angry:
If you could figure out a way to take a big ATV along to lug the boat around with. They use one at a local marina, not sure what size, but it puts boats in and out of the water pretty easily.

Hey Tommy, don't keep this from you joining in. There are plenty of good-natured helpful folks on here. It is one of the better, more respectful places I've seen. I think this was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, if I'm not mistaken, Mr Klein appears to have a pretty decent looking parking spot for his Nitro himself.
Awwwww, don't take Marty too seriously. He's got a way of pissing everybody off but he's okay. This is the internets after all.

My Dad's old friend has a huge motorhome and pulls his boat. He plans his stays where there is a Marina and calls ahead and reserves a slip then arranges for someone at the marina to launch and recover his boat. Works swell. Once while staying at a lake campround in route he wanted to fish the lake. The guy next to him launched his boat and later recovered it.

I would help anyone that asked me to launch their boat. Just part of the brotherhood of fisherman and boaters.

Good luck

Mike Gandick


Blasted? haven't been here long enough to "really" get blasted:lol:
I wasn't lambasting you; I was poking fun at the problem [and I don't begrudge you your toys]. Perhaps I should have used a ;) instead of following suit on your :wacko:. Mea culpa :(.

I'm sure you're not serious about quitting the board after only one minor "jab." That would be :(. Only your second post? If so, then you were pretty quick to condemn the whole board ["Whats with this message board?"] based on my little response-:eek:.

Mr. Stern: Mr. Klein stands ready to accept the punishment meted out by the judge; according to SoonerFan's comment I think it would be difficult to receive a fair trial from my peer members of this board-:lol::lol:.

Just tone down the sarcasm/rhetoric, I don't know how many boards you post on but sometimes it is hard to get "all in fun" type stuff not to come off as being critisizing or demeaning, especially to new posters. We police ourselves here to take the burden off Rich and believe me, you will know when you "cross the line" as established by this online community. Haven't you felt the nudges to date?? You'll find that inocent teasing can get waaay serious depending on who you tease and their "flashpoint". The emoticons help ease that and some of us know each other on a personal basis so we get a little more sharp with each other. Just remember, CIII is the enforcer and he can shoot yer eye out at 1000yds:lol::lol:

Tone it down. Got it. One "wise crack" and "one call for relevance" generates this much angst; hard to believe. Also got it on the don't dish it out, but be prepared to accept chastisement.

1000 yards? "Call for fire" brings smoke from a lot longer range than 1000 yards-;). [Please note that this comment is in no way intented to criticize CIII's marksmanship abilities or the USMC and in no way should be construed as a serious threat of intention to do CIII or any other member of this forum harm.]
I think everybody needs some nice weather and some serious fishing.
Several years ago, I had a 28' Class C motorhome. I practised backing up with my boat, in a vacant parking lot until I was confident with it. Launching the boat in the morning never was a problem. The biggest problem I ran into was parking the motorhome and trailer in a spot or location that would enable me to get it out in the afternoon to get my boat out of the water. In the mornings, the parking lots would generaly be empty but at 3:00PM, it was wall to wall vehicles with their trailers.

I no longer have the motorhome so that problem went away. I think I will get a slide-in for my truck. I can still enjoy the camping during the tournament weekends but with out the parking and launching problems.


I dont have any hair....well not on my head :)

i like the getting help from a fellow camper/boater too. But just for my own sake I would still try to do it my self (or at least be able to).

Go with the front bumper hitch.

Lets see pics of that beast :)

I want one....
:):)Thanks guys for your responses. I always thought that fishermen and campers were some of the nicest people around and that's one of the main reasions I like to do it. I guess we all got a little cabin fever
Teri, if pulling hair is out, how about spanking? With no hair that is about all Mac has left?:lol:


I used to fish with an elderly gentleman and he could back up worth a darn. He had a welding shop add a hitch to the front of his van and would "shove" it down the ramp. This was 25 years ago so it really drew the funny looks, but it was very effective.

Teri- if you draw the line at hair pulling how about a good old fashioned pillow fight?:wub::)
I'm next...always wanted to be spanked by another woman:lol:

Hey Teri....where ya' at? Headed to the Holler...shoot me an e-mail;)
Boy this thing went south quick....

Teri we may have to re-think what we discussed if Mac is feeling that way! lol

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