Tournament Report

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I fished my third season tournament today. I have had a slow start to the year but I have been making some big changes to my mind set and all. It seemed to pay off. I caught my five fish limit. It was a small limit that only weighed 6.6 pounds. It was good enough for fourth place. I didn't win any money....won a tackle box. This tournaemnt was a BIG confidence builder for me. Over all most people struggled. I lost the fish to win but I was happy with what i did catch. I will let you know how the next tournament goes>

Where did you fish? It was a raw, wet day. I planned to go out today but chickened out.

we fished the ardmore city lakes. My dad and i fished Scott King. The area i fished was protected from the wind. We never got a drop of rain down there. On the way down driving through norman we hit a BIG thunderstorm and heavey rain. In fact at one point two or three bolts of lighting hit a pole withing 200 yards of the truck on I-35.

The weatherman was showing that lightning strike near Sooner Mall this morning. I was glad I stayed home watched some fishing shows and rearranged my underwear drawer.

sounds like you had a very productive weekend Harpo! LOL.

Have a good Easter!

Nice going, BJ! You weighed more fish in that one tournament than I have in all the tournaments combined that I've ever entered!

What do you mean you "fished Stacey King"? The first NTOWS Rally at Truman Lake just north of BPS, Springfield, I was lucky enough to ride with Rich in a 929 driven the previous year by him!
Good job. Keep it up. 4th is a VERY respectable finish. Even if there was only 10 boats, that puts you in the top 40%. Do that every time on the pro tour and you'll land AOY!