Tournament Experience

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
I have seen quite a bit of discussion about tournaments, both large and small lately. Brings up a good question.

What is your tournament experience? Not in great detail, but in general.
Here's mine.

I joined a local Federation Bass Club this year. We fish 10 times a year in SC and NC. 3 of those tournaments are 2 day events. $5.00 voluntary for big catch (pays 2 places), $2.00 voluntary for big fish.

I've fished all of them this year, and in August finally made my first weighed limit. Not in the money or the plaque (3 places based on team/boat results - not individual).

Also fish in a couples club with my wife. A little more money ($25/$5), usually have 6-8 boats. No 'place' as yet.

Hope to improve enough in the next couple of years to maybe fish a BFL as a non-boater. May fish in a couple of Federation sponsored tourneys next year, just for the experience.

Hey Tex,

I don't fish T's because fishing to me is a way to relieve stress. The few T's I have fished seemed to just add stress and I didn't have much fun. Except last years Rally, that was a blast!!

When I want to be competative I play hockey or golf.

This will be short and sweet - NONE!

I've fished one Rally, the Dead Sea Rally at Lake Allatoona in Oct of 2000 (set up by Jim Lively here in Woodstock and coordinated by Jeff Southern's site Oh, and as you can guess I did NOT boat a fish!!!

I fish mostly small tournaments in TX. I also started fishing some big bass event (1fish wins)and thats been fun.

Next season I plan to fish series here in TX as well as a few of the local federation events.

We also have a wed. night series put on by w/ $500 1st place that I plan on fishing.


Where in Texas do you live? My problem with Bass Champs is that you are required to fish with the same partner at each tournament for the year. I can't find a serious tournament fisherman who can make all of the tournament. Tight lines, Wilder
I fish a "Club" tournament with guys from work...

We are not affliated with any State or National organization. We rotate each week between 7 local lakes. Team format...5 best fish combined are weighed in.

A little $$$ just to make it interesting...most boats we ever had at an event was 13...average is 7-8.

I just began fishin tourneys this year. I fished a small tourney put on by Northern California Bass Fishing-NCBF classic, another tourney put on by NCBT-The Pro-Teen Classic(im 18), and a club tourney. I am going to join a Federation affiliated club and fish the Mother Lode region Federation circuit as a non-boater next year. I like this tourney stuff and can't wait till January for the first Federation tourney!

Tight Lines,

Justin A
4 years in local club w/ 18 members 10 - 11 T's a year

3rd place over all last year

6 1st place finishes

joined this club so I would learn how to fish bigger lakes and how to locate fish on strange lakes.

It worked!

4th place this year overall, missed 2 key T's due to blown motor.

An excuse to go fishing, It's on the calandar so my wife can't complain.
It was a pretty slow year for me due to schedule conflicts and such, I only fished 25 tournaments this year. I usually do over 30 and have done as many as 40. In the short summer in Michigan, its not too bad.

I have been keeping that pace for about 7 years now, and prior to that I was just doing about 15 Opens a year on Lake St Clair. I fished my first tournament in 1986 or 1987....cant I am getting old.


Where to start.

1989-1992 fished 1000 Islands Bass Masters Club out of Clayton, NY. 1995 fished Military Bass Anglers Association.

1998 started fishing a Team style trail, Weekend Warriors. 2001 fished the BFL as a coangler, highest finish was a third place on lake Champlain. This year joined a local B.A.S.S. club, "Indian Lakes" where I finished this year as angler of the year, 1st place for total club points and first place for total weight for the season. I also fished the Northeast division of the BFL as a boater placing 71st overall for the season.
A booming freelance and sponsor schedule kept me off the water more than usual this year. I usually fish 12-15 tournaments a year,..but this year I fished 10 and a couple of those were charity events. I fish the GreaterNorth Trail in Michigan and usually the State Championship Fish-off (MBCF) but this year I was on my Bear Hunt during the Championship's days.....I donate a LOT of custom artwork to the trails I fish and to the Charity events for raffles and fundraising, so that cuts into my practice and pleasure fishing time dramatically...but it's worth it.....seeing the smiles on the faces of the winners and knowing that money raised at Charity events is going to good causes makes the time away from the water worthwhile. I'm so lucky to have the GREATEST sponsors in the world!!..they LOVE what I do for them and they don't care that I can't fish as much as I want too...I am one helluva lucky guy and it's all coming back to me in ways I never imagined!! There are two kinds of people in this world,....."Giver's and Takers".....BE A GIVER!!!,....The rewards will come back ten-fold and leave you feeling totally fullfilled and sometimes's worth the effort!!


Had fished NY federation in the past, 4 per year, NCBA (local club) tourneys, about 10-12 a year with 20 boats per, the Green MTN open in VT and the occasional LCI. Now focusing on Everstarts 4 per season, 1-2 B.A.S.S. opens in NE region, NBS tourneys, 2-3, and all the LCI trail tourney I can fit in with Buzz that don't conflict with others, probably 4 or 5. Also Green MTN open if they have it again. Anywhere from 15-18 tourneys per season schedule allowing.

Ya see, my fishing skills are so finely honed, with the added advantage of the tin boat, there would be no competition to it. Then there would be all fortune and glory that goes with it, I would move up in tax brackets, women would want me more than they already do... Nothing but aggravation all around!

Rich D
Women would want you more than they already do......meaning that finally somewhere, ONE woman may consider......."IF he were the ONLY man left on the world.....maybe" Yeah, I can see it Rich, you better not fish any! Besides, that way you can keep your illusion of tin greatness intact!
Hey! I will have you know at least two women have thought that! Several more once alcohol was involved! LOL!!!