Tough decision...

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Bryan Fary

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
It has been awhile since I have posted, and to be honest, it has been awhile since I have even fished. Unfortunately, I haven't been using my PT185 like an anticipated I would when I bought it this spring. Problem is....well it really isn't a problem....but my business joined a country club that is 10 minutes from my house and I have been living on the golf course instead of the lake. When I get a free chance to go to the lake, I can't talk the wife and kids into going because they would rather swim at the pool club. With hunting season getting ready to start next month......I am debating selling the boat for lack of use. I have all the lakes that I can fish from the bank at the golf course (and do pretty darn well). I was thinking about selling the boat and buying a 4 cyl 4x4 Toyota or Nissan pickup to drive back and forth hunting to save miles and gas on my Tahoe. I love the boat and everything about it, just not getting much use to speak of out of it. Just trying to make an educated decision. I figured before I actually pulled the trigger, that I would get input from the group.

Any and all input is welcome!

don't let a nice little rig go to waste, sell it to someone who will take it out all the time, buy your toyota(they bombed us) truck and go huntin and golfin'.............Good luck with that decision!
I know how you feel. I recently sold my Nitro 750SC because of cancer surgery. I wanted to get out and travel more with the family. I would usually fish by myself. I don't regret selling the boat. We, the family, have traveled more in the last past year than the last 10 years. I plan to buy another boat when I retire in 5 years and plan to do more saltwater fishing. To me it's what the family enjoys because we do it together. I know you will do the right thing.

Reads to me that you've taken a carefully thought decision already that fits your desires, your family requirments, and your budget.
I agree with the sentiment from the board. Don't hang on to depreciating assets that aren't being used - sell the boat. You can always get another later. I faced the same decision last month with my bike. For the first time in a decade, I'm now without a motorcycle (at one point I had two!). I kept the helmet, leathers, rainsuit, etc., because I may get back into riding someday. But by then, I can always pick up another bike. Didn't make sense to keep paying insurance, registration, etc. on a toy that kept losing value over time while collecting dust in the garage. Boats are the same.
Drop the wife and kids off at the pool, and go fishing by yourself.

Buy the Toyota, it will pull the Tracker fine. Just will not set any speed records on the way to the lake.

That would be my solution.:)

Do it all! Mike, my Toyota was built in the good old USA buy a union shop. I dont remember them bombing us.:lol::lol:
If you need the money, sell it! If, having it sit out there already winterized doesn't bother your financial budget, keep it. I'm going through the same thing right now and everyone here told me to keep mine. You can always get another one but you probably won't. It's ready to go fishing right now and so you might? Awwwwww, do what you want!:lol:

Good luck with whatever you decide Bryan.

Uncle Billy
BIll, that was a joke about the toyota!!!!!! No harm no foul, thats what my Dad always says about toyota and Nissan, Honda, ect.:lol:
I must say that I am somewhat surprised at the boards reaction. I figured I would get a ton of reasons not to sell it. I appreciate the level headed responses that everyone gave. Seems most had the same idea as I do which means the boat is officially for sale. Now to determine a selling price. Paid $10250 this spring. Added a Lowrance Color GPS/depthfinder on the dash. Added a 2 bank GUEST charger to charge the trolling battery as well as the cranking battery. So it technically should be worth about the same $$ right? Anyone interested in a 2003 PT185 in PERFECT condition? Just listed in Swap and Sell.


Bryan - Having sold my 2000 PC 175 last late summer, price is based on 2 factors - 1) what the market will bear and 2) how quick you want/need to sell it. If you own it outright with no interest/loan payments, price it where you want to break even (or make a few $$) given depreciation and the fact that most accessories are NOT realisticaly a direct input to price, but nice to haves.

If you need to sell it quick, and you don't get hits at the price you list, drop it. Also ensure you market it WIDE and FAR! I put mine on all the usual boat sites (, this site, local boat/fishing sites) but actualy sold the boat through, and also had solid bites from And my wife had me make color brochures with tear off phone number/info I posted at all the bait/gas stations around the lake and got my first looker from that.

So blanket the market, i'd go with the free sites first, then 3-4 weeks later, if no solid bites and you need to sell it quicker hit sites like, and so on.

Good luck!