Too Hot!

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Brian Bell2

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
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How many of you folks that live in the South head out on the water when its 95 + degrees outside. We have been running 95 to 98 degrees here in Jacksonville, Fla. Went out last weekend thought I was gonna get heat stroke.
I got so dehydrated about 3 weeks ago, I ended up in the hospital getting fluids through an IV. Took them forever to get the IV in - seems that dehydration causes your veins to collapse.

I was only out for about an hour yesterday before I had to say "enough".
This time of year I try to get to the lake before sunrise and then I'll be done by 10:00 or 10:30. By that time the fish have gone deep and I've just never learned to fish deep, so it's okay. Sometimes I'll go after work but that's getting to the lake at the hottest part of the day and then have to endure it until sundown. Either way I don't get a lot of fishing time in and it's not worth traveling to a lake very far from home.

Last year, Andy and I went on several camping trips in the hottest part of the summer. We would fish in the morning and evening and I would drag him around on the tube during the middle of the day. We haven't made a campout yet this summer.

One word of caution on summer fishing. Keep an icechest on the boat with plenty of WATER not Cokes or beer, and drink a lot of it, even if you're not thirsty.

Hey Brian, I live in Jacksonville as well. I just bought a '04 PT175 and I had to get it on the water. I took it out Saturday and almost cooked myself. The wife and I went out about 7:00 this morning and at 10:00 we headed in. It's just TOO hot!!!
Then there are those of us who have the bimini tops...Dont' leave home without it. LOL

Carl - But even US have to come out from under there occationaly to check a line, or pull up the anchor!!! LOL

Eli (my 4 yearold) and I headed out at 9am. First spot, fishing for bluegills with crickets and worms, and MAN I was sweating just getting the anchor set and the lines baited!!! HECK I think I lost 10 lbs right there!!! LOL

I will tell you the Bimini was the BEST addition! We motored with the top up all around the lake, hit the beach to cool off, fished some more, and then when we were hot again, hit a deep cove, anchored and jumped in!!! Lifejackets on of course! And the seats were nice and shady when we go back in!!


You gotta learn how to position the boat so you are always fishing, checking lines, and pulling up anchors under the shade. It takes years of practice. LOL.


I hear that, I lived in South FLA for 24 years and cannot recall a summer this hot in many years. This heat realy takes all the fun out of getting on the water. I am looking forward to Oct. when it starts to cool off again.

Look me up if your interested in doing some fishing together, I am over in Jullington Creek Plantation.

cell 904-891-3219

Avoid dehydration by drinkning plenty of water all day (DUH!), but start while its still low light and keep it coming !! Dont wait to feel thirsty, 'cause its too late then !!! I drink a bottle on the way TO the ramp at 6AM, and one while idling out past the outer markers!!
Nope, no fishing for me. It's just been too hot around here lately and I don;t go out juts to be miserable any more.

Trep, if you lost ten pounds, you would have floated away:)

I was out all day (6:15AM - 3:30PM) on Saturday. Temp reached 97+, with heat index of 107+. It was a scorcher. Saw some water topping 90 degrees!

I started drinking liquids (water and gatorade) early, and kept it up all day long. After coming off the water, had two huge gatorades, followed by more water.

Bill - I was WAITING for someone to bite that wieght bait!!! LOL

It's supposed to me mid-90's all week! I was HOPING to get an evening trip in, but don't want that heat.

Next week i've got Friday with my team at Lanier at one of our guy's house's on the lake. Gonna bring the boat up Thurs afternoon and fish with some of my guys, and then Fri AM-noon take some of the other folks out, probably as the air temps get warm we'll downline for stripers.