Tin did not sweep at the Rally!

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Al Greco

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2001
Reaction score
I've seen a lot of posts talking about tin sweeping all the categories at the Rally, its not so. I have Mac's award to prove it! The biggest Crappie caught was out of a glass boat. Gotta set the record straight so all the tin owners don't get too big of a head. Tin represented well but did not sweep the Rally. Wait till next year.....I predict a sweep for the glass folks.
We're not going to get big heads Al... We ALREADY have big heads! Congrats on the biggest Crappie. One of Mac's awards is a wonderful prize.


You may predict all you want, but what was already proven is that TIN RULES! :)


Those in tin did well, no doubt about it. I'm just saying next year is anybody's to win or lose. I used to own one of those 10' bass tenders and use to beat those glass guys often in tournaments so it doesn't really matter what you fish out of, I just like to keep the Tin vs. Glass debate going :)
Me! I used the Tungsten instead, it's heavier and smaller. Those Crappie are hard to stuff with those gremlin split shot!!!!!

Boy, I learn something new here everyday:) I'll have to remember "Tungsten" when I go to the store..

Al -

I think I told you at the Rally, but I'll post it here for all to read.....

I put you and your ugly, twin brother right up in the top of my list of "People I would most like to Fish With!" You're right up there with Penny Berryman!

Talk about a couple of really, really nice people! WOW!!

God Bless you guys!

OK Al, don't get your glass panties in a bunch, SURE the OTHER IBMer took the Big Crappie award while fishing for BASS!!! If Staci had put a few of those split shot in her fish she'd have beat you!!! LOL

I'll give you Prop's Al, you fished hard, long and did great!!!

Just don't get too cocky, we KNOW who that turns out !!!! LOL

Hey - I would fish with any of you folks. Tin or Glass. It is the fun of being with friends.

I would fish with anyone in any boat. In fact, I'm sending an invitation out to any member of this board -- If your travels bring you near Raleigh NC let me know and we'll go fishing. I fish every weekend (tournaments mixed in) so let me know and I'll show you what NC has to offer as far as bass fishing and good company. I would have loved to fish with the people I met at the Rally, just not enough time to do it. I'm sure I would have learned a lot from people like Staci, Ken, Steve, Anotherdink, DonJovi, Rich, Trep, Bob & Teri to mention just a few. I've learned a million things from fishing with different people. Actually going to take a guy from upstate NY out this Sunday. Never fished with him before but I'm sure I'll learn a trick or two. Water temps here are in the upper 70's, a topwater bait "will get er done" at 6:00 AM I'm hoping. GL&GF.

Did you run a straight edge across that axle yet?

I couldn't tell if it was bent,or looked that way from all the beers I drank.LOL

Steve, One of my buddies is going to replace or fix it soon. Believe it or not those two tires had almost no wear on them when I reached home. We checked them periodically just to make sure we were not going to get a blow out on the road. I got your address and will be sending a small token of my appreciation too you soon. Once again, I appreciate the help you gave me, you are the man!