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Travis Smith

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Im thinking about changing my handle to Cookie Monster. Whaddaya Think? I love oreos and thats why im thinkin about doin it.


Oh to be 15 again and have nothing better to worry about than what my NTOWS handle is going to be....LOL

You are no cookie monster until you can eat 4 of Jill's cookies faster than Mac or Mini. I'll send you some so you can try it.
He won't be a cookie monster until he can snatch 4 out of our hands first,...and that AIN'T gonna' happen!!
Mr. Cookie Monster -

I've tasted Jill's cookies.....

I've seen Bob devour Jill's cookies.....

He's a skinny runt compared to the others.....

Be vewee careful, Wabbit..... Be vewee careful.....

Are you calling me a runt? You better review the rally pics again.....I saw two runts there and I wasn't one of them!!! LOL!!

Bob G.

Well..... Maybe just "skinny" would be more appropriate!

I saw the eyes of the lady when I picked you up at the Paducah airport.....

You could read the thoughts of someone who had never been more than 50 miles from home.....

"So THAT'S what the Empire State Building looks like!"

I didn't notice the look in her eyes, she was probably scared!

She was there to pick up a lady friend who was there visiting. The reason I know this is that the lady friend was on my return flight. When she saw me in the airport, she remembered me from the day I arrived. That was my 15 seconds of fame!!

Bob G.
LOL!! You all should have been there.....

The young lady was mid-20's and the mother of a young child. Tiny and quite cute!!

When Bob stepped off the plane, all dressed in black, her eyes lit up! You could tell she was thinking he was all she had ever dreamed of - Johnny Cash and Clint Eastwood all rolled into one!

He picked up his 7' rod case.......... :)

She had to come over and ask "Are you a professional?"

Then I took his rod case from his hands..............

And he left with me!

TRUE story!

a true professional would've then reached into his pocket,..pulled out a 10" black power worm,.....folded it in 1/2,...pulled out his lower lip...shoved the worm in there 'tween his cheek and gum and said,..."Yes Ma'am!"

...then offered her one!!

We'll train you right when you come to MI. in June Bob!!
I LOVE cookies. Marke, you should send me some of her cookies. And Ma I do have some quick hands so you better watch yer back when it comes to cookies and setting the hook too.

Auctuall I do have better things to worry about like girls but when I wrote this post I was home alone and very bored with no cookies to eat. LOL
