They said it would hit $3 @ gallon.....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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They predicted and noone believed it:(

What are you thinking now?:angry:

It sureashell has changed my driving habits in my boat and trucks:blink:
I heard -- "Next year $4 a gal".. :(

So -- Here is my ?????? I need to buy a new car / truck / suv next summer, I would like to be able to tow my boat (about 3000#) and 5 people,, What would you buy?? :blink::wacko:


Rick - if your boat is about 3000lbs, plus 5 people you need a 5000lb tow capable vehicle. So you're talking mid-sized pickups (Explorer Sport Trac, Dodge Dakota, Nissan/toyota and the new Honda Ridge line). I'd look at consumer reports for mileage and repair records on each (Honda will be a problem along with the new Dakota as they don't have history) yet.


And all some of you gave me heck for a mini-van as a tow vehicle for a 1800lb boat, it gets better mileage then a full sized truck!!! :lol:
I'm in the same boat. With the baby on the way I need to look at and SUV...something with a 6 cyl. is going to have to do... definitely Toyota though ;)
When doing that Bruce...consider something else....with todays V8's, you can achieve just as good of MPG because you'll work the V6 harder.
Yep Tee for towing you are 100% correct. i actually get BETTER milage with my v8 pulling my 882 then i did when i had a v6 and it tows it much easier. ONce you get into a boat that weighs something a V8 is the only way to go.

Im actually thinking of trading in to a full sized truck with a lot more power and my towing milage could get even a little better yet.
Bruce - MINIVAN, MINIVAN, MINIVAN!! My wife was completely AGAINST a van and bought the '96 Dodge Ram Club Cab and traded it 18 months later for the Honda Minivan, and we're on our 3rd van, she would not have anything else for smaller kids with the sliding doors.

Bruce - what Trep said. We have a GM minivan (Olds Silhouette) and it tows my 1800 pound rig well. Very comfy for all and good gas mileage. That said, if you need something that tows a bit more, try looking at the Honda Pilot/Acura MDX (same car - different names and prices!). I believe they can tow up to 5,000 pounds. The nice thing is that they are car-based SUV's so the gas mileage, while not as good as a minivan, will be better than a traditional ladder on frame truck.

Diesel is cheaper than gas now. Hurray!... wait a second its still higher than its ever been.
Guys: I was paying over $4.00 a gallon (imperial gallon) while stationed in England in the early 70's. I just sit back and remember the old days when I fill up my truck.

I can say it makes a BIG diff in my boat. If I cruise @ say 3500 vs.'s at least 50% less useage even with a 90. When I was at Dale in the Spring I traveled more distance wise than I ever have and only used 2 tanks in 4 days vs. a tank a day @WOT:(

Plus unless I'm in a tourny..I don't do much runnin' and gunnin' anymore:)
I agree, I took the wife and kids out different weekends and filled up once for three most of the day trips just cruisin with very little WOT. I have gone out and ran wide open quite a bit and drained the tank in one day.


I may just buy an older Chev. Sub. "99 that gets 14-18mpg for $10-$13k instend of spending $30-$40k and get 20mpg...... I can buy alot of gas for $20k:blink:

Well today It hit 265.9 hear In this small Indiana town..3.00 by the end of the week:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:
Might not be a bad idea Rick....I still get 16 pullin' my 185 with my 94 Silverado which ain't as good as the 04 Sierra gets but, can't see 23K difference either:lol:
The Arab's aren't the only ones getting rich on this one folks. How do you explain Diesel getting more expensive than gasoline? This means higher shipping charges, paying more for goods less expendable cash. Economy just may tank on this one.

Guys, the new Tacoma and 4Runner run a 4.0L V6 w/ 245hp, which is what my Tundra V8 puts out now. Should be plenty of power.... AND with the correct setup, either will tow MORE than my Tundra. BUT I don't have $28K sitting around for a new 4 door Tacoma :blink:

I'm getting about 11mpg towing and avg. about 15 - 18 just driving.

Besides, when the tourny is over in a couple weeks, I don't have to worry about towing the boat any longer. Even less when it's sold :( :( :(
I sure hope no one comes out and says "It'll hit $5 a gallon", because if they do, be assured it will!!
Explain a 60 billion profit from the oil cos......????? Remember to VOTE
"remember to Boston Tea Party"

Maybe we need a Oil company gas party!!!!!!!!!

I wonder who is buying up all the oil futures to pushing the price of oil up???

:huh: Rick

I keep reading the local news website for NYC to keep up on the oil prices, it almost changes hourly on why prices keep soaring and why there is no limit in sight, it's pure speculation, who is willing to buy at a certian price in the future.

Anywhere from Iran to Hurricanes!

I think it should be a regulated industry.
Just getting back, so I thought that I'd put my .02 in.

One of the biggest contributing factors to the price, is the TAXES that are levied. Also, it is again quite obvious, that the price per gallon is not out of line with demand. If it was, people would stop buying it to fillup SUV's, boats, ATV's, recreational vehicles, etc.

The law of supply and demand virtually always run true, in the long run. Look at what's happened to new car pricing in the last 3 months.

I was in Seattle this weekend, and my eye's popped at the prices for gasoline up there. Wow. Saw some preimum for about $2.85 a gallon.

The price for fuel is playing severe havoc on the airlines. But people keep flying. American is now charging $25.00 for luggage over 50lbs per traveller. Reason: Increased fuel costs.

Chris - Thats an interesting thought..."I think it should be a regulated industry. "

My biggest concern with any additional government regulations, is in a LOT of cases it does NOT solve the problem. Look at the TSA when Tom Daschle said "you don't professionalize unless you federalize"! Rampant hiring w/out background checks, HUGE increase in THEFT by screeners, they won't profile but now Parents will face 'bizarre' scrutiny when infants have the same names as possible terrorists (,1,1476569.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true)

I am NOT a fan of big government in any capacity.

Tex - Yes a large componet of gas prices ARE taxes, but...the increase of 20% in the last few months is NOT because of new fuel taxes. I honestly do not KNOW why they are going up so fast, except as others have said maybe its do to Speculation and capitalistic greed. Which is one of the principles of our business society (the capitalistic part not greed, though some times with the wrong individuals they go hand in hand). We ALL know that the gas we are buying TODAY is NOT at the $60/barrel price that may be causing the price increases, so yes the oil companies (all over the world) are getting richer. So it's like the airline industry, Delta is looking at Bankruptcy again but yet they ran an article in the local paper that a Delta CEO who left I think 5 years ago was paid (as part of his contract) something like 500k/year for "consulting" whether Delta ever called him or not. So I am SURE, even as a Manager, that there are folks LINING their pockets with this profit, but if we the public ALLOW them to do this then its their spoils. The problem is we as a US society is USED to the Car/Gas dependancy for the majority of us. So we as individuals have to make changes ourselves and as a group to drive the price down.

Don't have the answer but that's my 2 cents today.
