The end of the Tin and Glass debate

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Barry Loos

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2001
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Last night I was sitting with my Monday night fishing buddies and told them about the tin and glass debate on our web page. We laughed at first but then it turned into some serious debate. (Sound familiar) Before I knew it, the blood began to boil amongst a group of long-time friends. Finally, one of the guys tried to calm things down with some humor when he said, "I spent more time finding the right boat than I did finding my wife." Right away another fellow jumped in and said, "What's your point Rich, I've seen your boat and I met your wife and they're both ugly." At the expense of poor Rich (who has a lovely wife and an ugly boat) we all broke into laughter and the boiling blood calmed down. We decided to kill the tin and glass topic on Monday nights. We enjoy each other's company and don't want silly arguments to start on a no-win topic. It might be a good lesson to pass on.


Bear -

I'm with you.

I really feel very uncomfortable with the tin vs. glass thing. It may be "good natured" but I know that, deep down inside, it is hurting some - and I think that those "some" are likely the tin owners..... It's almost as if glass owners were saying "we paid more so ours are better."

Please, Friends, can we stop this stuff.....

me! that's a funny line from your buddy!! Glad Rich has a sense of humor!! Nothin' like friends you can beat on while havin' fun,..knowing they won't get P-O'd!!

Mini & Neeley, and I and a few other's all rag on each other's hilarious!! and we all know we're just messin' around....just don't EVER try and reach over the table and snatch a Wing off of Mini's plate, HAVE to know your limitations!!!...You can tease him and call him any name in the book,...but don't EVER try and mess with his wings!!! Capt'n Hook tried it.........ONCE!!

Tin VS Glass? What's that? All I know about is Me VS Bass........hey that rhymed
I can't speak for others, but I have never implied that glass is better because it costs more. In fact many tin owners here likely paid more for their boat than I did, (pre-repairs! LOL) It has all been in fun, and we have repeated that over and over again. If someone is taking issue with it, once again it is someone is going to take issue regardless of the topic or participants. We have been having fun with one another and thats all. I have said over and over that I would run tin if they get it the way I like it. Now Bear, that was classic. But if you want to see an ugly boat, you have to see mine! LOL It's a tank, and runs great, but is UGLY! IMHO
Some might think that this wasn't "civilized"...and probably using any word with it's root in "civilization" with me and some others here is a stretch... But, I for one chose an aluminum hull and a deep v configuration because it was the most efficient and economical means to fulfill my fishing needs... I chose an aluminum hull because for over forty years I have had excellent service from aluminum hulls. There is no question in my mind that if I were only planning to fish for bass in a serious tournament situation I would choose a glass bass boat because it shades the "compromises" in the direction of facilitating the needs of a bass fishing platform. If I wanted to ski and wake board I don't doubt that I would follow my nephew's lead and buy an inboard... But, then it's not too easy to fish from... Whenever someone sets out to buy a boat...that someone has a list of priorities... filling that list in the "order" set leads to a choice... Using a $40k glass bass boat to run traps and nets on the Mississippi River would be difficult and ludicrous. Likewise, entering the Bassmaster's Classic in an 18' Jon live deck...just an open floor would leave the fisherman handicapped against his competitors... Get my point...I hope...we are "victims" of our need to make compromises... I've made mine and ended up with the boat that fits my needs and desires...and budget... I count many of you among my list of "cyber friends" and know that some of you are excellent an example...if I tried to force Jeff White to fish his lakes in a bassboat I probably would get a fight out of wouldn't fit his style or needs...likewise...Rob would not feel adequately equipped to chase bass in Jeff's boat...the downriggers would probably get in his way!... Nobody here has the "only" answer...they just have the right answer for them at the time.... There just is no one right answer for everybody...
Greg, I always knew you were smarter than you looked! LOL That ain't sayin much cause you don't look that smart, but you are smarter than you look! LOL Disclaimer, I've met Greg and so I know what he looks like. I can say that! LOL But you hit it right on!
Oh thanks Rob..."Buddy"...thanks...but, you are probably right...I gotta be smarter than I look...
Rob - It's not EVEN noon! Come on down at 12:01 and i've got real nice pale ale cold in the bottle!

I'll echo everyone else's sentiments, this is a great board with a great bunch of folks! By the way, it MUST be the testosterone - with the late exception of Cass this whole Glass/Tin set of threads has been MALE!! Or maybe the ladies KNOW that it's useless to argue with a man, and let us fight amongst ourselves while THEY went fishing!!!
Yeah, Trep...

Women know that when we argue, there is never an end to it and we don't reach a consensus. Unlike them. They argue with us and somehow always come out the winner.

I think they just sit back and laugh at how inept men are.

(I've learned that if my wife digs her heels in and argues with me, I'm better off if I just quit right then and there. She only argues when she's right.)
Just say you're sorry, you're wrong and you love her. It works at least 2-3 times until they realize it's a verbatim answer, then they ask, "What did you do wrong", THEN you're screwed! LOL Ever seen those commercials, don't leave men to their own guy falls asleep on the couch and the other 2 put catnip all over his chest and get the cat to attack him! Hillarious! Men are such simple creatures, why can't women figure us out?
Y'know...there are times when I just wake up in the morning, look over at my wife, and say "I'm sorry."

She'll ask, "For what?"

I'll say, "For just being a man."

Then I'll laugh, kiss her on the cheek and go shower.
The boat is but a piece of matter that gets me and my inventory to the fish.

Leave it to the engineer! LOL How's the house Pierre? Any pics yet? Hey you fishing the BFL on St Lawrence next year? I might. We ought to get together and comb the islands. I need to find me some "magic" spots before the tourneys. Anyway, post some pics of this house that has you tourning you back on tourneys! See that little play on words I did there??? Pretty smart for a NYer dontcha think? LOL
Mo...the HORROR!!...Now why would you apologize for being a man??!!...Like you had a choice!!!??...LOL If you feel the need to apologize...tell her your sorry that she doesn't have the opportunity to be YOU!!! LOL!!!

He talks tough as long as his wife can't hear! LOL But we all KNOW who runs the show in the Mackelroy household! LOL
that's just about right too...after being with the same woman for 25yrs..and married for 18 of those 25,...I think I'll go home after work and practice #7!!...LOL!!!
Mo, fondling HER parts below the shoulder or your own in public is bad??? too general. LOL Remember the collective pool you are dealing with here. You need to be specific!
No, Rob. Exactly general enough. Too many specifics makes me out to be a type of person I'm not.

Like the fact that it only happened church.
Okay...okay...we were in church singing a hymn. I was caressing her back with my right and and, at a moment when I was focusing on singing the tenor line (I was having trouble following the notes), I let my hand drift a bit too far "south".

When we sat down, I got "the stare". I asked what that was for. She said, "I can't believe you just did that...HERE!"

I said, "What? Sing tenor?" (I'm actually more of a baritone).

Like I said. Fondling body parts in public....BAD, very very BAD.
God bless you my brother! AMEN! LOL God made it so it must be good right? Why hide it???? Too many prudes in churches. Drives me nuts. Your wife should consider herself "blessed" that she has a husband that can't keep his hands off her. At least that's the line I tell my wife. Could be worse, yo could be one of those guys who fondles someone else's wife. Again, she should be flattered. LOL (but they never buy it)
Oh, she was flattered by my actions. She just wasn't impressed with the venue in which I expressed them! Some of her fourth grade students were sitting behind us, and it embarrassed her tremendously.

Almost as much, I'm sure, as if she knew I was sharing this tidbit with the rest of you.
Hey it's good to show affection to your spouse in front of the kids. That way they know it's healthy and that married couples do have a sexual intimancy that unweds don't. I won't go further into it, but aside from getting TOO involved in public, which I don't think you did. Public displays of affection are what's missing today. Don't be like the guy I saw from my boat in the river on top of his girlfriend on the shore in broad daylight on the banks in front of 200 people, but a pat or grab seems perfectly fine to me! (maybe I'm not the best one to advise though, ya know) LOL Sometimes it's more fun FOR the shock value to people like my mother in law when in the mall or the old prudes in church that never married in the first place! LOL "well I never" No kidding you don't say, it's obvious you never, and never will either! LOL

We can drop the debate but I really thought we were bigger than that. I mean come on, it was ALWAYS in fun to me and for those who felt hurt, or picked on, or someway inadequate for choosing one type of boat over another...get real!! We all choose our boats for our own reasons. I for one had no choice and now I have a monster boat payment. A fact is a fact, glass boats are more expensive...does that make them better? In some ways yes and in others no. I would love to run a tin rig for reliability but I would loose clients. Glass rigs are the sportscars of the boating world (bass boat/fishing). Tin boats are like the family stationwagon, they get the job done safely and effictively. If we can't be adult enough to banter with each other, I promise this sentiment will always filter to another post in another way. Your rods are more expensive, you wear newer cloths...yada, yada. Perspective is everything if you attack someone personally this board ought to hand you your @$$ as a hat.

Toxic - "monster boat payment." What's that?? Payment? HAAAAAAA

That's exactly what I mean Trep....I don't like the fact that I have to pay big to drive a glass boat, but the guide thing requires it. People just need to realize we are comparing apples to oranges. The only thing they have in common is that they are boats. So, everyone should know that there is a "no-win" built into the argument. I know that, you know that, and I thought everyone else knew that. I like it when you tin guys rib me, it shows you care, snif...snif.

We LOVE you MAN!!!

I agree on the need for a sweet ride if your guiding, personaly I wouldn't care if it's glass or Tin (have a few Striper guides here in GA that run big welded center console tin boats) as long as it was big, solid and fast enough. The one Guide trip I went on the guy had a 21ft glass center console bay-style boat with a Honda 225, she would only top out in the upper 40's but was good enough for bass and striper fishing.

I did choose mine (one reason) by price, wife REALY wanted the Tahoe Q3 F/S but even with the base 115hp it's close to 20k when you add freight, rigging, extras and tax! So $10k budget was it, and I did not want my first REAL boat to be used, didn't want to learn the hard way (ROB!!!) about OPP! (That's Other Peoples Problems, no the other type from the Song!!!)
And as for safety, glass is not for kids!! I'm scared stiff when my 5 year old is on the glass rig. One trip and....see Ya....She has a "grab strap" on the back of her PFD just for that reason. Don't even ask me how I feel with clients kids on board runnin and horsin around.

I thought it was all in good fun. Are we getting too PC? IS that possible on a board? Cant we all just get along :)

Semper Fi

See Toxic did it again "And as for safety, glass is not for kids!! " must be too brittle for kids to play in, might BREAK IT!!! HAAAAA
greg,ill fish out of just about anything that i can kind of walk around in,those little boats i dont like too much.ive fished out of a 17 ft nitro on a few occasions,liked it a little,come close once of walking off the edge into the lake.

ive had tin since the 1st boat.guess i like tin due to the ease of fixing,and the reliability of them.seen lots of old tin rigs still floating and being used every day.