Stick Marsh/Farm 13

  • Thread starter George Welcome [URL]http://www.imaginationbassin.c
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Apr 30, 2003
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Submitted by George, Imagination Bassin Guide Services

Date Fished: 10/27/03

Water Temperature: 76

Water Clarity: 2-3 feet

Today's weather forecast is calling for a slight chance of showers with winds from the south @ 10. Saturday's forecast called for 0% chance of rain with winds from the east at 15 - 20 Knots. Saturday it started relatively calm but by 9:AM the weatherman was right about the wind as the wind came and within short order we were fighting 20+ winds. 20 knots = 23 MPH and the weatherman proved to be dead on from 10:AM on. However he was a tad bit off about the rain as a rainstorm bore towards the Farm at 1:30.

Temperatures did get into the low 80's so it made for a pleasant change for two of the 3 gents I had on board. Three young gents in and around their 60's arrived with a trip on the Marsh as part of their annual get together. These guys presently live in Yorktown, Va., Holland, NY, and Davenport, Florida, but their commonality was that they all went to high school together in upstate New York. J. Geckler from Holland, Howard Hoffman of Davenport, and Art from Yorktown proved once again that "boys will be boys" as the banter flew about the boat in a continuous and humorous manner throughout the day.

We started in the SW area of the Farm throwing both topwater jerk baits and T-rigged plastics in our search for the lunker. The hydrilla over here is matted in some of the area and spread out and growing in the rest. After an hour and not so much as one "howdy" from the bass we were seeking we moved through the mat to the deeper south. As you move southward the mat has dropped back and the water is fairly open.

It didn't take long before our first fish of the day; Small he was, but a bass nonetheless. While we fished we kept in contact with Scott who was out on the center N/S ditch just south of the intersection, and working the area with rattletraps. We continued in our area with an occassional bass and decided to move out when Scott reported several fish on the traps. As we moved the short distance out to Scott's location the wind hit and the bite he had died. After a short while we went back to the area in the SW, moving from stump to stump and fishing the areas we could reach while tied off.

All the conditions were in place for an upset. Bass win and we lose. I sure do dislike that term "that's fishing", but although the fishing was lacking the comaraderie was plentiful as we finished out the day and headed for the ramp. Houdini was a definite winner with fish caught, but all three were winners as they shared memories and time together out here.

See you on the water. Say hi if you get the chance.
Ya know, I can tell George is an honest reporter!! It is a good guide that can say "they got the better of me today"!! Of course that never happens to me!!LOL I'd book him in a hearbeat!!

Hi George!

Boy...that make me think.... Stick Marsh in a Nitro, great company, fishing and weather. Hurry up vaction!

It doesn't get any better than fishing on the Stick Marsh with George. He gave us a tour of the Marsh, along with the history, then we went fishing. We had a great time and George was quite entertaining all day. I would book him again in a heartbeat and will be in touch real soon.
