Speaking of seasons Mushrooms

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Edward Lea.

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Do you all down south have a Mushroom season like we do here in the middle of the country? Not a legal season or anything like that but we were just talking about where to go around here for the upcoming season. I was thinking that if you guys get to go mushroom hunting down there it is probably in the middle of the season for you all. We aren't quite there here in Iowa yet.
Not quite here yet in Michigan either....

General rule of thumb: when the forsythia sp? are in full bloom (the shrubs/bushes with the bright yellow flowers), you can nomally start to find some morels...

mmm mmm tasty!

I'm sure Mr. Neeley will tell everyone when his $hit is for mushroom hunting...


Mushroom hunting? :huh: Sounds interesting; :blink: what type of ammo should I get? :lol:

Oysters, chanterelles, chicken of the woods, King bolettes, and the all time favorite, MORELS!!!

Our season should start popping for blacks around mid-to-late April, with greys and whites closely on their heels, and the big 'ole yellows around the 3rd week of May into early June.

I'm still reeling from my record setting season of 2003, with over 70 lbs. of morels in just over 100 hours of time in the woods!!!

54 lbs. last year, and this year should be just as good. :D
Neeley got me to confess to the Jamestown Massacre and to being the Boston Strangler just by offering me a steak and Morel Dinner....

Post that photo of the flying shrooms...
Sorry but I have to ask. Where abouts is the mushroom king Kneeley located? North or south or middle?
Ahhh so you have plenty of woods to hunt in. I was wondering if the folks down south have much opportunity for hunting mushrooms. I was thinking it should be getting warm enough way down there for them to start if they have them. I was in the Navy in Florida but never bothered to look for them. Being a young man in my latter teens I spent most of my off duty time hunting a different quarry while I was there.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I took 3 pounds off my land here in Virginia one year. Enough for a good meal. If you go harvesting, make sure you carry them in a mesh sack.
