Spare Stuff for the boat

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I was reading on another board about spare stuff people take in their boats.

What should I carry with me for "just in case"

My list right now is spare spark plugs and a hub.

I am saving up to buy the prop that Pat mentioned on the 882 performance post a few days ago so I'll have a spare prop whenever I can order my new prop (hopefully-a month or so)
Small tool kit for those "on the water fix-its". I have also begun carrying my small "emergency jumper" (small, rechargeable battery jumper) in case the cranking battery goes dead for some reason.
I carry a drybox on my boat that contains: trolling motor prop and nut, bulbs for trailer lights, sunscreen, sunglasses, rope, flashlight, boat plug, water pump impeller and miscellaneous tools. In other compartments I keep a spare prop, a long oar, extra throwable floatation device, 2 cycle oil and more rope. In my truck a keep a larger set of tools, jumper cables, tow strap, 4 way lug wrench, and an atlas.
Oh man ... we did this once before... And, after I got done people were askingh if it would still float...LOL

First aid kit with an airway, space blanket, bug spray, sunscreen, binoculars, matches and fire starter, flare kit, extra set of car/truck keys (and spare boat keys are always in the truck), recharge kit for my SOSPENDERS, tool kit has electrical repair stuff, connectors, etc., spare bulb and clamps for the fuel line, spare fuel filter, rain suits and a few of those one time ponchos for guests, bottled water (2), energy bars (2), extra meds for me (one of everything), three spare plugs (yup three, I'm paranoid!), flashlight, spotlight, extra AA batteries...

In the truck, for the boat, a couple of those bicycle taillights that flash to put on the trailer if my trailer lights fail me, a real hydraulic floor jack, a small jackstand, wheel chocks, road flares, a portable compressor 12v and a couple of 12v extension cords for the compressor, an orange rotating beacon and triangles, a real first aid kit, two fire extinguishers (ABC), extra oil, tow strap, tools (lots of them), 12 v work lights, a 12v splitter so work lights can be set up away from the truck, a small 110v inverter, blanket and pillow, another sorta rain suit, another swis army knife, another multi-tool, duct tape, a small pipe cutter and six 5' pieces of conduit (unbelieveably long list of uses from tent poles to splints), and the list goes on....

Most of it is the same stuff I carried in my squad car (nice big suburban) so I got used to having it and just feel naked without it all..
Oh boy....this one's gonna go south in a hurry, but I just can't stop myself.


Here is my list that I took with me to the Rally.

Just remember young grasshoppa....a good NINJA is always prepared.

1 AAA battery

A bike inner tube

A spare change of underwear

6 postage stamps

A paper clip

2 turtle-doves

A hockey puck---regulation

3 jack-nuts

A copy of War and Peace

Wax Paper

Grass seed

Gynecologist's phone number

Spare blades for the mower

Silly Putty

4 boiled eggs

300 feet of parachute cord

Dr. Scholl's foot powder

100 lbs. of Ice....(buy it before you leave, you'll have cold water when you get there)

A wishbone from last Thanksgiving's turkey

Nair Hair remover

A vanilla scented candle


Preparation-H...economy size

4 eyes-of-newt

Dried gizzard of lizard

9 chicken beaks

Parrafin Wax


Cordless Phone

Strawberry Jam



Castor Oil

2 mouse traps

cheese for the mouse traps

crackers for any leftover cheese that the mice don't eat

3 cats to chase the mice that the mouse traps don't get

cat food for the cats

soy sauce to cook the cats in if you don't catch fish to eat

nose hair clippers

Flow-Bee hair cutting kit

Picture of MAC to put by my bed at night

Picture of MINI to take in the shower with me

Soap for the shower

Loofah pad for the shower

Body gel....for the shower


Key for the Handcuffs

SPARE key for the Handcuffs

Hack saw for the Handcuffs...if I lose the spare key

Feather Boa...1 each, pink, pastel blue, and magenta

Sewing needles


Staple remover

Nail gun


Owner's Manual for a '74 Harley

Eyebrow Shaver in case Rob show's up!!!


Chopsticks....(for the cat marinated in soy sauce)


I intend to start a thread to recognize Neeley as the sickest puppy on this site, for that matter as far as I know, this planet... and if any others are inhabited I think he's in the running for the whole universe...

Nobody, still uses a flow-bee!!!!

You forgot a toothbrush!!! Is that why you had to borrow mine at the rally!! LOL!!!

FYI...Southern Comfort and Crown Royal kills all germs!!!

Bob G.
Nah Bob... he was trying to remove stubborn klingons and didn't want to ruin his own tooth brush. :)
Note to self, never loan Neeley a toothbrush for any reason.....
Everyone laughs as me for all the stuff I carry in my boat.

My boat is so heavy its getting hard to launch.

But I never have a trip spoiled by equipment failure or lack

of spare props and such. Met a young couple with fishhook

in hand lately who were really glad I carry a first aid kit.

As a wise ole man once said,"Better to have it and not need

it than to need it and not have it"
