Something I don't do very often....

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I want to apologize to Rich for making him use his power to sensor this site. If my comments were out of line in your book, know there was intent of humor behind them not pure evil.

I've had a rough go at it lately and I guess I wasn't thinking. Found out this week I have to have surgery at the end of the month and I wasn't expecting it. I am moving next month and leaving everything I know behind.

I will probably need this site in the next 6 months as I know no one where I am going. So, hopefully I can control my mouth and not get frozen again any time soon.

Savor this post because I am rarely sappy...must be PMS. Ha!
Keep your chin up girl,your going to do just fine.You'll be back to sassin' off in no time.LOL

Trep caught a big fish...

Your being sappy.....

Dogs and cats playing together.........

What's the world coming to !!!!!!!!!


Know that above all else, among friends there is little in the way of mistakes that create permanent harm. After all friendship involves acceptance and forgiveness as much as, if not more, than the easy good things. The core of the good that I have gotten from here has been the result of the diversity of the people and ideas. It gets easier as I get older to just shut out differing views rather than expend the energy to try to understand. Among the people and views expressed here I try very hard to listen and consider. It keeps me from becoming entirely a "crumudgeon". We won't always agree or "get along" perfectly, But, because we have always been a group of people who listened and discussed things vehemently but civily, we have created lasting friendships. In my view, you are one of those who have become a friend. So, in my opinion, as long as you mean no harm, as you have said, you have not done any deliberately. If you did so by accident, you have apologized here... Hopefully, that can be the end of it from the public side. I would encourage you to do whatever you feel is appropriate privately to move on for all parties' sake.

Next, with regard to what is happening in your world... I'm sure I am among many who will express concern and worry with you about your needing surgery. Keep us posted so we can send hideous flower arrangements and embarassing cards and letters. And, as far as moving, I know from your previous posts that this is a big BIG step... But, I was happy for you when I read your posts about seeking and then getting the job on good terms. I'll join with others and reflect back to you that shared joy and encourage you to look forward to the move as a very positive step. Keep on rocking!

There are lots of folks here who are your friend and lots of folks who wish you well and care about you. God bless.

Teri, you're feeling stressed out and I don't blame you.

I'm not prying into the surgery thing but good luck and we're all behind you with prayers and best wishes.

Don't worry about it kiddo:)


What kind of surgery are you having?

I had some myself last year, i had a 5 hour procedure on my ear ro repair it. Needless to say i was pretty worried before i had it done. Having never had any surgery it was the land of the great unknown for me, thankfully all turned out ok and i wish the same for you. Even if you are a Colts fan :) LOL
Teri, no harm, no foul. I think what you posted wasn't that bad. I think it was taken out of context. As far as your pending surgery goes I'll say extra prayers for you and your pending move will be fine as I think you have an uncanny ability to communicate because of your honesty and it's easier to make friends in new places because of that. Take care AND keep your chin up.


Good luck with your surgery and with your move. I won't say much cause Mr. Myer said it all.

And look at it this way, by moving to Tennesee you just extended your fishing season. :)

PS, I can certainly relate to stress! If I didn't smoke 10 Marlboros a day, I would be as personable as a wet blanket, divorced and probably in jail!
Teri I am close If you need anything... you know I will be there..Jr
welcome back terri,

i did enjoy your post in the past and look forward to sitting in my iccredibly small cubical, laughing at what you all have to say.

stay positive and good luck.

You guys are swell. My surgery will be Sept 29th. I should be down and out for about a week and hopefully things will get better after that. They better as I have to get moving to Nashville. Thanks for the well wishes!

Good luck with the move and you will be in my thoughts on the 29th!

Rich D
Teri, I was not needing or expecting an apology. Thank you for offering.

We all have life challenges. Keeping an even keel is not always the easiest task. I hope the surgery and the move go smoothly.
And I thought it was me looking at another yellow 'glass boat (the Q4 F/S) that set you off!!! LOL

Been there done that, including the PMS!!! My wifes!!! LOL OUCH don't tell her i said that!!! LOL

Lean on us anytime you want Teri!!


Although I have only met you one time, I wanted you to know that you DO have a friend in Tennessee. I will be happy to give you any information about the area since I've lived here all my life (they don't call us volunteers for nothing). I've also had my share of doctors and surgeries, so good luck with yours and hope for a fast recovery.

Have you decided where you are moving to in the Nashville area? If your job is in the Hermitage area, don't move to the west side of Nashville. You WILL regret it. I seemed to remember that a real estate agent was showing you that area.


Email me if you want to discuss it and I'll give you my phone number. Email is [email protected].

Your new Tennessee friend,


P.S. You coming to the Colts-Titans game? Call me if you're in town. We'll end up making you a Titans fan eventually!!
Teri, Greg M pretty much covered it, just know you're in our thoughts and prayers at the end of the month, for the surgery and the move also, Mike (egMike) and family.
Teri,'re a gem,...feel free to call me or write anytime you want. i've gone under the knife a couple of times and it's okay,..the drugs are way cool!! LOL!!!

Hang in there,....keep your chin up and DEFFINITELY lean on us when/if you need it. I'll help you any way I can!!

Keep us posted on your progress and recovery,...I'll be thinking about you!!



BTW, was pretty good this weekend!! :eek:)
Thanks for everything on this post.

Tom, GO COLTS!!! That game was awesome...for me anyway.

Sorry I missed ya. I didn't read your post until after the weekend. I will shoot you an email this week with a few questions about different areas of Nashville.


Hope that the hospital stay goes well. That and along with the move. Be cool and if ya need anything holler!!! (that is southern for call me >;)

On the apology thing, what Mini said..... JD works better then midol though, from what I have heard :)


yeah mini...I had that morning breath yesterday!!!!!

MVM....peace out my brotha's!!!!