Something for our Troops

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham [URL]http://www.letssayth
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hey All,

I don't know if any of you are aware of this service so I decided to post it. The URL I

added here is called "" and they will send a card to one of our service men or women overseas. You can't pick who it's going to or even what service but it's really simple to do. Everything is ready for you to pick out what you want to send. There is a list of different "Thank You's" and all you have to do is pick one and submit or you can pick 'other' and write your own. It's a fast and simple way to tell some Soldier, Marine, Sailor, or anyone serving overseas how much appreciation and gratitude we have for them.

I know how lonely it feels to be away from home, especially at this time of the year. One letter or card at mail-call could make my day and I'm sure it does the same for our men and women overseas.

Nancy and I have already sent one and I hope all of you will do likewise.

Thanks Y'all,:wub:

Uncle Billy
Thanks Bubby and Pondscum.. I sure would have liked to have seen better involvement from our brother's here on N.T.O.W.S. however. There are always "thanks to our vets" and we should "support our troops" but nothing could have been easier than this just to say thanks and maybe make someone feel better, especially at this time of year.

Thanks Again You Two..

Uncle Billy

I am sure most who participated, did as I did, they followed the link and send a card. Don't interpret a lack of posts here with a low response.

However, bringing this back up to the top is a good idea!