silly question??

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Jon McGlynn

Active Member
Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Im still in the process of ordering my boat, 3-15 is the planned date. I have planned to order it with the "full boat flake" in a silver/black /with orange pin stripe( same combo as on the nitro web site for the 911 cdc). I have noticed while looking around in "owner galleries" and looking at dealerships that many of the nitros (and other brands) tend to mostly have a white cap, hull and inner wall and console. Is it that the plain white tends to hold up better than the fancy metal flake colors in the sun and normal wear and tear? I guess the reason I am asking this question is that my #1 reason for ordering my boat is for the color combo. If it turns out that it's a bad idea to get the fancy metal flake all over the boat, I would prefer just finding one I like off the floor with the white cap and all. I just dont want all that pretty silver on the cap and inside looking like crap in 5 years. Am I thinking about this to much or am I on to something......thanks for any advice.
I ordered my boat with mostly white on it because it reflects the sun and is cool to the touch during the summer. I don't think that the metal flake wears any different on my boat, but my boat is kept in a garage. Hopefully someone here can offer more advice.

Bob G.
My last boat was a 1996 Nitro 2000DC full-hull black with platinum. As of this time last year last year, the paint was in exceptional condition. The last 4 years of it's life it had been kept outside. I know the previousowner had waxed it at least once - just before I saw it. I'm too lazy to do that sort of thing!

i have a 98 lx700 which has the inside of the hull (area where you sit and the top cap) in the poly flake finish, the sides are white with the poly flake stripe and the bottom is a solid color (forest green). I prefer the poly flake finish on the boat as it seems to hide a lot of scratches. I cannot tell any difference as far as fading excecpt that the white along the sides seems easier to stain (i fish a lot of off colored water - red clay - here in oklahoma). when the poly flake is waxed or shined up, most of the scratches seem to disappear and blend in and are not as noticable. On the white area of the boat, the scratch has to remain clean in order for it not to be noticed. I'd go with the color scheme that you like best. I kind of prefer the poly flake for looks and somewhat hiding scratches and dings. I don't think there is much difference as far as the tendency to crack or not. hope this helps.

John -

My boat before the black one was a white and blue Nitro 180DC. (Pictures of both in my member library which you can view by clicking on the folder icon above.) Talk about 2 extremes in colors!

Jimmy D is absolutely correct about the white showing dirt from stained water more easily.

My white Nitro 180 didn't have any cracking in the gelcoat and the black Nitro 2000 only had a little right in front of the consoles..... So I didn't see any real difference in the two.

Like Jimmy said..... Get whatever color floats your boat!

My personal opinion is that white inside,or cap, stays cooler and thus more comfortable in the sun. You will be cleaning your new boat often no matter what color it is anyway.
Get the colors that you like.. here is FLA white is an advantage due to the hot summer days, spring days, fall days.. ect..., reflects the heat so its a bit cooler in the boat, and also is not hot to the touch, I have 2 kids and that was one of my reasons for going with white cap.
I have a full flake hull now, and my mast boat was mainly white. My next boat will also be white. It is much easier to keep clean, is cooler and the summer and shows dings and scratches less. On my flake hull i have now if i get a scratch from a hook it kools like a white lone on the hull, on a whire hull they dont ever show up. If you wipe the boat down water scum is not a problem in a white boat. The other advantage to white is if you need a getcoat repair it is the easiest color to fix. In the end its up to you to get what makes you happy.

There are no silly questions - I have full flake, and won't go any other way, you can't beat the looks --- get what you like, you won't have a problem with the flake. White has become popular only over the last few years so you see quite a bit of it. Its a preference thing.

Not a speck of white on my rig and it is no hotter than any other color. There is UV protectant in the gel coat and that prevents the flake from fadeing. Now black seats on the other hand............never again!!

White is VERY hard to keep clean. Take it from someone who knows and has run out of elbow grease from buffing.
White just needs to be waxed BEFORE the season,....then everything comes off a LOT easier,....gunmetal or silver glitter will hide the stress crax the is the worst color to try and keep clean and it's also the hottest..DO NOT order black seats unless you are into skin grafts!! LOL
I think white is easy to keep clean. I use 3M Clean and Shine Wax. Spray on, wipe off. I use it about 3 or 4 times during the season. No rubbing or buffing! Makes it easy to wash the scum line off.

Bob G.
Where do you get the 3M Clean & Shine Wax and which place has the best prices?


Wal-mart and West Marine carry it locally here. Wal-mart usually has better prices.

Bob G.
Great Bob. So when will you be over to do my boat???
Rob you beat me to it. LOL Thanks Bob :)


When the snow melts off of Jay Peak....see you next fall!!!! LOL!!

Bob G.