Scales and Tales Licensing agreement-Goin'Global Baby!!!!

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
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As I mentioned a while back,..I had a HUGE announcement to make in the near future,..well....I can tell you this much now!....Affective May 1st...I signed a 5 year world-wide licensing agreement with Action-Performance out of Pheonix, AZ. to create and market Scales and Tales artwork, gift items, collectables, and a multitude of other merchandise all over the world. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for a cartoonist and it's our intention to make S&T a household name over the next couple of years. Products will be made available in WalMart, Target, BPS, NASCAR collectable stores and a multitude of other retailers all over the country and in foreign countries as well!! Other items we plan to bring to the table include bedroom sets for kids, including, towels, sheets, comforters, wall paper borders, lamps, throw rugs, picture frames etc..etc...there is no limit as to what we plan on doing. I will be doing a LOT with Ranger and we will be crossing over and establishing products and advertising with the NASCAR market as well......plans are still in the works and evolving every day, so I won't say any more until things are finalized, but my contract with them is the same as the ones they have with Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, Hank Parker, and 2 other VERY WELL KNOWN Fishermen who shall remain nameless until their deals are signed as well....but Action-Performance is the company that handles all the licensing and product development for NASCAR,...they make and sell the die-cast collectable Nascar replicas as well as the die-cast bassboat's in 1/24th, 1/32, and 1/64th scale models. Obviously, this is going to be a break for me like no other, but it will require more work on my end and ultimatly lead to what I want most out of life, be able to make a living cartooning and have the opportunity to fish where ever I want,..when I want,..for as long as I want!!..LOL (yeah,..riiight!) Anyway,..A-P is a very aggressive company and they have ideas that blow my mind,...and I throw ideas by them that get them equally as fired up, so this is going to be an incredible relationship! I will keep everyone posted as things develope but they want some initial items in some stores as soon as this Xmas! The real aggresive marketing campaign will start in Jan.'04,...because we will be developing the various items all summer and fall and of course it will take time to get everything made, and then sent to distributors for marketing and distribution. I will have total final approval authority on every single item that is developed bearing my name or the Scales and Tales logo, and even the copy and photo's for any ad's will be approved by me BEFORE it ever hits the media or goes into mass production. It's an awesome contract and extremely fair, both financially and legally...A-P is the sponsorship of ALL sponsorships for anybody involved in motorsports, professional fishing and now Cartooning!!..LOL.....they recognized what I had to offer,..they came to me with several proposals and we made it happen!! It all started at Beaver Lk and was finalized before I left for KY. I will tell you more later, but I can't thank you guys and gals enough for all of your support and well wishes. Look for some really cool fishing related stuff in the very near future and we'll have stuff designed for people of ALL ages....we'll be the PEANUTS of the fishing World!!LOL

Ranger asked me to develope a custom Tshirt for them for the BMC, and I'll be there signing those shirts at a table with Forrest Wood, so make sure you stop by the Ranger booth at the Classic if you're going to be in 'Nawlin's this July......stop by and say Hi!! I'll be splitting my time between BPS and Ranger, so look for me at either place! More to come later,....but that's what's happening so far this year,..who'da thought a tournament as tough as that Beaver Lk one was,..would've produced a deal like this?? Mini,....YOU are the MAN, and you have now been promoted to Towel-Man Emeritus
Thanks guys,..BTW Tox,...I'll be working on your logo this week....really need to clear my slate of a few small jobs before the BIG'UN's hit!! Yours is on deck BigDog!!


As I said before, it is fantastic when good things happen to good people... This is trully fantastic... I'll be able to say to my gandchildren... "I knew him then..."
I knew I was on your plate Mac, I also knew you were tourney fishin, and obviously marketing in a big way!! And I resent being called a small job. That comment is reserved for my wife, LOL!! Remember to give me your home address so I can keep up my end of the deal!!

Boy, this surpassed some of the 'things' that I thought you would be doing. Really happy for you Mac. Years of hard work are bearing fruit. If you had not put the time in, this would not have happened.

Since I am in the heart of Nascar country, just let me know if you get down Charlotte way. Got a spare room/bed if you ever need it, and needles to say, we got plenty of fishable water around here that I'd be glad to take you out on.

Best wishes, and continued success.

Hard work + dedication + talent + tenacity = good luck!

My mistake Tox,.....I meant to say it's a HUGE job, that requires a small piece of paper!!! LOL
Way to go mac!!!!!!Congats on a job well deserved!!!!

Steve ><}}}}'>
Mac - WAY TO GO BIG DOG!! Now all I have to do is put my hand signed rod handles, hat and t-shirt in the closet till Jan and then off to eBAY to retire!!! LOL

The deal sounds GREAT!

So I guess my t-shirts will have to wait till retirement!! LOL

Hey, does this mean you'll be retiring from GM??

One more time - Mac ROCKS!!!
Congrats Mac!! Wow that was big news! You are truely a great person and deserve it for all your hard work. Can't wait to see the final products. hmmmmmmm.. Scales and Tales bedroom (boarder, comforter, throws for the bed) sounds kinda of nice. Don't forget about us when your famous and RICH! LOL

Sweeeeet! Way to go big Mac! The Mac Attack has no officially begun. Hard work, perseverence, and a good attitude will get you there every time. Attitude, not aptitude determines altitude. So does this mean you will be leaving GM? Given the added time required.

You are, without a doubt, THE MAN!!!. Congratulations brother, you deserve it! If Tox's logo will be a collectors item, what will that make my tattoo?

Congratulations again!

Rich D
Great News Mac!!!

Like Greg Meyer said: We all knew him when....

You Da Man!!!


Ain't it great when dreams come true? Only in the United States right? Man it brings a tear to my eye.

Anyway a HUGE Congratulations, well done.


(Mike Grandick)
You are THE man, Mac. Always knew this was going somewhere BIG. Jeff Gordon, Hank Parker, and Bill McElroy!!! Congrats, Big Dog!!!


You need to develop S&T animated short clips, then get BASS to play them during the shows. Just like the Simpsons started on Tracy Ullman. Soon Scales & Tales, the First Season, now available on DVD!

Rich D
Great news Mac. Its always is good news to see one of the boards own make a giant leap in thier live towards fienancial freedom!!

I don't care how much my personalized toon becomes worth I'm never going to sell it Mac.

Rich D......Look for S&T animations at this years BMC!! Got a call yesterday from the producer's of the pre-weigh in show,...they want to use my characters for the animated lead in for Fish Fishburn's segment that they play on the giant screens before the festivities start,'s called "Fish Bites"....and this years' segements will have the first ever animated S&T bits......can you say "STOKED?!"...LOL.....I need to have art to them by this friday!! Can you say "STRESSED?!"...ahahahahhhhahhah

Thanks again everyone,'s only going to get better!!

Mac, You da man.....When I buy my son his first "Mac Attack" product It will be kinda neat to know the history behind the "Deal"

Good Luck, make us proud!

Jill Darlin',....I'll make sure your boys get some of the 1st stuff available,...and you're right,...Kathy and the girls are my biggest fans and most staunch supporters,...Kathy is extremely fired up over this whole thing,...she's seen me go from the very 1st panels i drew at our kitchen table 15yrs ago, a licensing agreement,...she couldn't be more proud. Also as an FYI,..Jamie (our soon to be 16yr old) was just selected by her Art Teachers as the "Waterford Mott High School Sophomore Class "Outstanding Artist" of the year. She gets her own section in the Art Show which starts tonite!! Talk about proud!! She's a helluva lot better now at her age than I was at 16!!! I can't wait to see her stuff tonite!!

She was also selected to be in the Who's Who among High School Students for this year the top 6% of all kids in the country!! She's rockin'!!!

When the kids do well it is sweet... Mac that is great...
Mac, that is a tremendous accomplishment! You deserve every bit of success from all your efforts.

Way to go!
Mac congrats buddy you deserve it all!!! just make sure you keep your IP 'cause after all that what it's all about./..

Congrats Mac, it's great when good things happen to such a talented and great person such as you. A toast to Mac! Remember...don't drink and draw!!


Congrats! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. You still ROCK!!

Bob G.
Congrats Mac, I guess the price of the used Mac Ranger's just went up.LOL. Take care Big Dog..

Gene,..LOL....Don't drink and draw,...ahahah...Buzz, the price is still the same,..I'll make my money from S&T and A-P,...not from my friends,..especially from YOU, of the most generous people I've EVER met in my life!! You rock!! Let me know if you're still interested in my'll LOVE the price!!!


Congrats on the contract Mac! You deserve it for all the hard work you've done.

I guess this means that I will have to stop wearing my autographed Scale & Tales shirt and frame it since it is now a collectors item!

Sue D.
The cats outta da bag now boy! You know you snap one picture, introduce yourself to a guy at a weigh-in and the next thing you now....BAMMMO! Deal is done. You know how proud I am of you Mac....

Well I better get busy designing a drawing board to be retor fitted on the back deck of a Ranger. You see it wont be long that Mac has soooo much to do that he will have to do it on the water on the BACK DECK while I am fishing ON THE FRONT DECK.....(with towel in

congrats Mac! glad the deal is coming thru for you. It is great to see good things happen to people who are good and have a passion for something. be sure and let us know all of the different items avail as they come out. I feel really bad now though cause - now EVERYONE will have a scales n tales catfish shirt! :))

seriously though, i'd be interested in the bass "bait me" design put on some carpet to i could replace the carpet on the front deck storage compartment lid. i think that would look cool and there may be a market for us "unsponsored" professional recreational sneak off work early on fridays fish all weekend type of folks.

good luck to ya as it does sound like it is only getting better and better.

Thanks Sue,...but don't stop wearing your shirt,....wear it out,..I'll send you more,..infact I'll send you the one I have earmarked for Trep!!! LOL (Oooops,...that's the one I promised Teri,...ohwell...I'll send you another one of Treps!) James,..thanks man, may be on to something there,...custom carpet inlays!! (Note to self....hook JD up!!,..LOL) Mini, know how I feel about you, and I can't thank you enough for all the GREAT ideas you feed my feable mind,...I've got your back like no other and we'll be doing a LOT of fishin' together real soon!!! But i gotta put the kybosh on the boat mounted drawing board idea....only "drawing" i wana do on a boat is for blast off position!!..LOL We need to get together soon,...i feel the need to jerk toads and laugh my arss off!!!! I'll call ya!

Mac, way cool!!!! Maybe I should quit wearing my Scales and Tales T-shirt and have it framed. Naaah, I like it too much, I will just have to buy another one when I wear this one out.


I'll be waiting to see some S&T characters painted on the hood of Jeff Gordons car for the Daytona 500.Now that would be a sweet paint scheme.(even though I hate Gordon)LOL

And why bedroom sets for kids? I think scales and tales sheets would look pretty darn nice on my bed.LOL

All I can say is, wow Mac!

Good things to good people, I'm happy for you bigdog, and wish you continued good fortune! egMike
Congratulations Mac, your on your way. Now does this mean your giving up your limes and switching to Scotch?
COOL DEAL MAC!! I'm really happy for you! I was thinking the same thing that Sue said about that shirt. Hey! when you become a rich and famous "arrrteeest", can I chauffer your Ranger for you? LOL

Best of Luck

Harpo & Andy
Mac, just wanted to say congrats!!

Having been a Commercial artist for most of my adult life, for myself and others, I know how hard it is to make a good living off of being a artist.I just want to say I'm as happy as can be to see someone like you get a chance at the big time. Go get em Big Dog!
'Fool,...I've been a scotch drinker for years!! Love my "Brother's Glen", know,..Levit, Fiddich, and Morangie!!...LOL....That's what I drink when I'm feeling mellow and somewhat refined,...kind of like when Mom's around!!...ahahahahahha.....I'll always keep the limes and Jack around though for those narly days and nights when Mini and Neeley are in the house and the roof is on fire!!

Fame and fortune are nice,..but priorities are genetic! LOL

Harpo, and Andy are right at the top of my "favorites" list, was a great time sharing a few laughs and lunch with you two and James at Hemingway's this past spring, time we can do that,..I'm buying!! (AGAIN!!,..LOL)...Mike and Mike,...thanks guys,..I appreciate the kudo's...and trust me Mike P,...I know how hard it is to get a break as an artist,..and even though I'm faced with the opportunity of a lifetime, I'll never forget the fact that there a million other people out there that are far better than me and maybe even more deserving, but I'm a very humble person and I thank my maker every day for the opportunity to utilize a talent he blessed me with and to do something constructive with it. I will NEVER take that for granted either....I read a great quote once that I never forgot...(just can't remember who said it!!..)

"My talent is God's gift to me,...what I decide to do with it, is my gift back to God!"...(and He's one dude I wanna keep happy!!..LOL)...I am lucky and fortunate I know,...but I'll always do my best to always "give back" in one form or another,'s just the right thing to do!! Thanks for support big dog,...guys like you, FatRap and Mike Watson who are in the business,..I know you guys know how hard it really is,....and I'm very honored to have your respect...thanks man,....thanks a LOT!!

"On those cold hoary nights when men struggle to keep their campfires lit and their cabins warm, such are the nights of Yukon Jack".

I'm savin a bottle with your name on it. We're gonna share it (and it better be someplace where there's 2 beds cause we ain't goin nowhere after a bottle)!! Camp Neeley? Mini Rally? It's either that or a bottle of Mezcal, your choice!! A truly TOXIC experience!!

HOLY S*&#! What else can I say that hasn't been said!! Way to go dude!!

Mini- you want those towels pressed or steamed?LOL!

Rick,....LMAO of Cassy's comment, go get those rods and use'em!!...they're like dorito's!!..We'll make more!!


Last year at the rally I didn't have any rods worthy of your art work, but now I have two BPs Extreme/Curado combos that I would like done whenever you are on Champlain again and it's convenient. And I'll definitely fish with them since my rod collection isn't as extensive as some other members here!!

Bob G.
I've been thinking, Mac..... Does this mean you'll be doing an S&T Carp for the English market..... And a S&T Sturgeon for the Russian..... And maybe even a S&T Great White for the Aussies?!!?


WOW!! What accomplishments on her part!

Mac, I have been very busy lately so I haven't stopped in here much. I just read your wonderful news!! I have alot of Action diecast cars being a racing fan. They are a great company. Congrats on a great deal. Maybe I can get you to autograph your first 1/64 diecast and I will add it to my collection. I can't wait to purchase your stuff. Keep us up to date on where we can find it.

Fish on!

Wait'll you see what i post here on Monday!!!...Just got the call today!!! It's gonna be a HELLUVA WEEKEND Boys and Girls!!! YEEEHAAAAWWWWWWWWW........Be safe everybody!!

Talk to ya'll later...


BTW Teri,...Yes,'re right..A-P is AWESOME!!!! You won't believe what they have in mind for me and S&T, blows MY mind!!!! More later!!!