Salmon Anyone....????

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
I went on a salmon charter the weekend before last out of Frankfort Michigan on Lake Michigan.....we had a great and the fishing was fantastic...we got 15 in 6 hours...
And of course....yours truly caught the only lake trout, which also happened to be the smallest fish of the day..........that's the deck hand next to me....apparently a dental plan is not part of his employment package.....
That was mean....funny, but mean. :p Very nice Smitty. We just had some fresh salmon Wednesday that a friend (retired Lansing cop) gave us. Time to fire up the grill and have your NTOWS buds over. :D

Those gotta be bubba teeth right? Anyway I love to catch salmon. Bet that was a blast.

It was a blast....I know my joke was a little mean, but to soften it up a little, he was even making fun of his own chompers.....the first time he smiled at me was when I got on the boat and before my morning coffee.....I nearly turned and ran..:eek:
You were up in my stomping grounds Smitty, wife is from Benzonia,...she grew up a block away from where you turned left on to 115 from 31.....headed to Frankfort.

I was up there over the 4th...fished for smallies in Crystal.....whacked'em too!!:wub:

BTW,...there ARE Dentists up there,.....she has GREAT teeth!!:D


Those teeth are from eating Salmon.:) When I started training dogs some time back and began to learn more and more, I found out never to give Salmon to dogs because it carries a parasite that can kill them. I asked a Vet who works with my wife about that and she said not to worry, "we humans just pass the parasite." Euwwwwwwwww..... I haven't had Salmon since then. I don't care if we pass it or not, I don't want it traveling through me:eek:

Uncle Billy
I will admit to disliking the taste of salmon a great deal...I've had it prepared many ways, but still find the strong taste to my disliking, to me, it tastes just like it smells when you catch em. My wife enjoys salmon, therefore I kept a few fillets...the rest I gave away to fellas at work.

Mac, believe it or not, that was my first time in Frankfort, seems I've been everywhere around that area, but never actually there. It is a very cool little town, the group photo was taken by a BPS employee who was on another charter. We recognized one another from my frequent trips to the store and he volunteered to take our picture. Older gentleman who works in marine electronics..I'm absolutely horrible with names so I can't remember his...he was fishing with another group which included an Auburn Hills copper whom I knew....small world.

Come on over to the WEST side...

Salmon will start their spawning run up the St. Joe River very soon....usually late Aug, or early Sep...

It's a blast to catch them on your bass rod....just you against the trolling allowed!

We caught 8 in 3 hours last year...
