Respect for others.....

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eric nichols

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
:angry: After a beautiful evening fishing, caught some nice largemouth, I stopped at a local convenience store to pick up a few things. When I walked out there was some punk, mid 20's, talking on a cell phone kicking my prop to make it spin. I asked if he thought it was a toy, but instead of saying sorry sir, my bad, or at least looking me in the eye, he gave a smart ass laugh and said " nice boat ".....when did parents, and teachers, stop teaching kids to respect other peoples stuff!! Ok, I'm done now.

He's the same punk who's going to steal that prop later on......the older I get, the shorter my temper, don't have patience for that stuff.....:angry::angry::angry::angry: I would have followed him to his car and then sat on his hood....while I talked on the phone.....:lol:
It's called respect and kids nowadays don't have a clue what it means.

What burns my ass more than anything is the language that comes out of these fools mouths:eek:

Jail be damned...if it were mine, it would be like the old days and you'd get busted up side the head and you would immediately straighten up cuz you knew what esle you had comin' if ya' didn't!:p
Todays young people appear to be raised by no one. Our local news has these punks in it everyday for burglary and assault. I'm so glad my kids are not troublemakers. They won't be the ones giving you the FU look.
Seems we are VERY fortunate Bob. My lil' girl is now a supervisor of the cad cam dept. at one of the largest propeller manufacturers in the world;)
Me, too. My oldest Son in in the Air Force Reserves, My Daughter going to Westfield University this Fall, and my 8YO, is still learning the meaning of respect....LOL....:blink:
Funny Bob B.:lol:

That same little girl used to backsass dad when she was little:lol:
I dont think its just kids, its people in general just have no respect for others and thier property. I see it every day, its the same thing as not holding a door for someone, bumping in to them and not saying excuse me.... The idiot that wont give his or her seat on the train to someone that needs it etc...

When i first got my current truck i was out for dinner with my girlfriend and i look out the window and there is some ******** sitting on my hood while waiting for a table, not just leaning against it(which i dont condone either) but literally sitting on my hood of my now hours old truck. Well my girlfriend being the saint she is went out and asked him nicely to not sit on the truck knowing i would handle it differently since i was really mad. Well that lasted for about 5 min and right back on the truck he went. I pretty much lost it, went outside and lets say i didnt ask him nicely the get off the truck the second time. I grabed him by the shirt and removed him from the truck with a small amount of force and then told him that next time he was going to have to leave in an ambulance. This guy wasnt young, he was somewhere around 40. And he didnt get back on the truck again.....

I dont loose my cool like that very often, actually i dont think i have since but if there is one thing that really gets my blood boiling its someone that has no respect for someone elses property.

There was a time where i was fishing a draw tournament and the guy i drew who was in his 50's flicked his ashes and put a cigarette out on the carpet of my 882 when i had it. I almost snapped then too, we had a little war of words about respect for anothers property and he was not to smoke on my boat again. We went at that to the point where i just had enough, i cranked the motor up and told him either he gets off the deck or he can attempt to hang on but i was leaving now, not in 2 min not in 30 seconds but now. I went back to the ramp and told him to get his stuff and get the #$%^ off my boat or i was throwing him off.
Lol.....I don't fight anymore, at 40 it hurts too much when you get hit back......I have his plate number, if it wasnt his car I'm sure his equally punk ass friend will surely rat him out, and I put out an email to the 4 local 2 state police I fish and hunt with about what happened......but I'm not worried about something happening, it would just be nice if people would think before they do something stupid....I guess now I will start strapping the oar to the deck for smacking purposes...:p

I actually saw my buddy back in the day get his ass whooped with a fishing rod of all things!:lol: He smarted off to one of my other fishin' buds and he just grabbed his fishing rod and commenced to whoopin' him good...he had some pretty nasty welts for awhile. Needless to say, he doesn't do that anymore:lol:
"I ain't as good as I once was my how the years have flown; but there was a time, back in my prime when I could easily hold my own"

At 59, I don't fight anymore either, but get me pissed enough and I'm liable to go off! I may get my ass whupped, but it ain't gonna be easy!

I had my talk with the lawn mower guy yesterday, and although it coulda got ugly, I just stuck to the facts and explained how it would be from now on...... he got the message.
My dad retired from the military after 20+ years, he also did 18 years as a prison guard. He was tough with 3 boys, never spared the belt, and I thank him for it. He told us no ear rings, no tats, open the door for your mother and your sister or else. Of course at anytime when we didn't live under his roof we could get ear rings, tats, etc, but to this day, and I'm 50, none of have out of the respect we learned from him.

That's whats missing with a lot of these kids now a days.:)

You called 6 police officers to tell them about some guy mindlessly spinning your prop with his foot? Gees, you guys get spun [:wacko:] up pretty quickly.
I remember one time when my older brother was 16,.......he went to a high school "teen club" and an older (18yr old) dude started picking on him for some reason. My brother told the dude to back off and leave him alone or he was going to kick his arss!! Well..the older dude was quite a bit bigger than my brother, so he continued to be a jerk and finally my brother said,.."Enough A-HOLE!!..OUTSIDE!!". Well..they went outside along with a couple other friends on each "side" and my brother's friends both happened to be Varsity Football players and they kept the other dudes buddies from ganging up on my brother just incase it got outa hand. brother commenced to beating the livin' crap out of that 18 yr old and i mean he F'd him up!! He was all over him like a spider-monkey and pummeled the dude to semi-conciousness. The older guy ended up going to the hospital for several stitches and then went home and told his DAD that he got his ass kicked by a GANG!! (He was faaarr to embarrased to tell him it was a 16 yr old skinny kid!!) Well....the kids old man ended up coming over to our house and told our Dad that he wanted Gordy to pay for his kid's medical bills or he was going to press charges!! Sooo, Dad told my brother,.."OK Son,..let this be a lesson, more fighting and you will pay me back for this!" Soooo,..Gord had to pay off @ $300 in medical bills (this was in 1969.....$300 was a whole summer's wages,..LOL) and for YEARS he carried those receipts in his wallet as a reminder to himself..."Don't get all medievel on somebody if they can ID you!!"

3 years later he joined the USMC,...eventually went to the USNA and served with SEAL Team 2 in Iraq and Somalia. He kicked THEIR ***** and didnt give a damn about paying restitution.....dead men don't talk. :angry::eek:

Funny how life can come full circle like that!! ;)
I don't like MMA but I do like the Bully Beatdown show!

Yes, Marty, I do get pissed when people bother things that don't belong to them....especially people I don't know....I agree with Bob B. 100%, that's the same punk that will steal that prop, and more, given the chance.....I sent the email to put my buddies in the they know, as well as me, where to look if damage was done or stuff comes up camp a few years back a member of our lease brought a buddy, that no one knew, with him......the guy picked up my friends bow, pulled back, and dry fired it.....1 trashed Bowtech later, he got thumped pretty bad....had he not touched someone elses stuff, he wouldn't have got beat down and his bank account wouldnt be $750 short.

Kids these days are missing the meaning and value of another word-


When I was growing up in our house they went hand in hand. If you messed up, you took repsonsibility for it. And vice versa, when something went well, you got the credit.

Ken S,

The responsibility/accountability is a concept foreign to Americans of all ages now. When kids are taught thru the media that they needn't accept R/A for their actions because our so-called "role-models" don't, then what can we expect? If the parents can't do it, they'll have to learn it the hard way.


MK is probably gonna be the first one to go off on someone messing with his stuff. Him callin' you out on your solutions was "mindless". I'm beginning to see the pattern I learned from Glenn.
I actually have had pretty decent experiences with young people. Sure, there are some that should get their butts kicked, but by and large, at least where I am, the youngsters are pretty respectful and seem to have learned right from wrong. My 2 daughters a few years back recently graduated from Auburn, are now married to 2 good guys, and both of their families though not perfect happen to be pretty cool and good to hang with. Their friends also happen to be mostly good kids too.