resale value of 2001 PT 185?

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Trevor Nicholson

Active Member
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Just curious if anyone knows what a 2001 Tracker PT 185 with a 90 HP Mercury value would be....ballpark. I bought this boat new in Jan. of '02. I am considering upgrading to an Avalanche within the next year or two. Has anyone out there had similiar circumstances? Any info appreciated....thanks.
Yeah as Tox says I live in East Omaha, IA. Actually Underwood. I get over to Iowa City often to judge gymnastics. You have anything over there that's fishable? Used to fish McBride a lot years ago. Caught a 3 1/2 pound spotted bass there. On a brown fatrap.

Lake McBride is good, Coralville resevoir has nice fish too. If you caught a 3 1/2 lb spot, you should have reported it, would be in official state record book as no oficial spotted bass record has been established as of yet here in Iowa.
Hey guys...I live in Iowa also. Acutually I live close to the middle of you two in Knoxville. I'm only about 20 minutes from driving my boat away from the ramp at Iowa's biggest lake, but the bass fishing is pretty spotty at Red Rock so I usually end up skiing there and fishing the farm ponds and small parks like Lake Miami and such. Where do you end up doing most of your fishing fatrap? IA or NE??
Depends also if you've added anything and if you trade Tracker for Tracker, you will get better trade in than anywhere else. Work with them...I did and could not believe what I got for my ol' beat up rig:)

I caught that spot in 1981 off an isolated bolder by the dam. I didn't even know they didn't have a record on them then. The only reason I knew it was a spot was back then I made frequent trips to Table Rock. I've been kicking myself ever since. I do have a tie for the the state record yellow bass.


I do most of my bass fishing at either Viking Lake near Stanton or Three Mile by Creston. Most of the Nebraskan's bass fish in Iowa. Make for crowded condidions. Many times there are more Nebraska license plates in the parking lot than Iowa. I used to fish the Great Plains Tournaments, IN Bass and a couple other small tournament organizations. I burned out about seven years ago and almost quit fishing altogether.

I fished Lake Miami years ago when my brother lived in Oskaloosa. Either you guys want to meet to fish someplace let me know. I hear Badger near Van Meter isn't too bad.

fatrap...I would love to meet and fish sometime. In fact, I wouldn't mind hitting Three Mile sometime. I've never been there, but a B.A.S.S. club that I'm thinking of joining has a tournament there so it would be nice to give it a try. I've heard the fishing can be alright. I've never hit Viking either so that would be great also.

You will have to keep us up to date on how the BPS is coming. I want to be there when it opens because I've never been to one!
I have fished Miami once every year for the last 3 yrs, have won our club T there 2 of those years, some nice fish in there, day before T last year, a club member caught a 7 lber that was bedding in a top of a tree stump there, WOW, that was a NICE fish. Biggest I've caught there was 3 1/2 lber so far, but will be returning again this year.

We Could meet sometime at Three Mile this year. There are maps with good locations indicated with gps co-ordinates. Viking has some really good bass but is full of yellow bass and will get the ax next year.

As I don't work in the summer it'd be easy to hook up.


PS Looks like they're ready to pour footings for the BPS.