Remove old watercraft sticker

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Ed Slowinski

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Can someone please tell me the best way to remove

the old registration sticker.I have a fiberglass

boat.I would like to remove the old one not just

put the new one over it.Thanks.

Ed, i just removed the old registration numbers and sticker from my nitro. I used Goo Gone from Lowe's. Your can get it a Wal-Mart too. I soaked mine really good two or three times and then used a razor blade to start them peeling at a corner. If you are careful with the razor and take your time this should work. Goo Gone did not harm my finish at all. You can't even tell where the old numbers were. I'm sure someone on this site has a better solution but this did fine for me. Good luck!:)
Take a hair dryer and soften it up a little bit and while its still warm get something to life the corner of the sticker like a plastic putty knife or a credit card and it should come right off.
Pre soak in Goobee Gone,(its a citric acid product and won't hurt your finish)use the hair dryer, soak again,remove very carefully with blade lifting a coner and peel.Have done this severyl times and not even a scratch.

good luck:rolleyes: