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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Hey folks...

Well it looks like I'll be in town for the rally...SORT OF...

Four of us have scheduled our annual spring trip and it starts on Friday, April 16! We'll be renting a houseboat for the week.

Here's the problem...we rent the houseboat and park it on Barkley...Based on where we park, the distance to the Moors looks like about 20 miles (I'm going to re-check my map)...not sure if I'll be able to hook up with everyone or not...I know I don't want to be navigating the big lake after dark...

So for now, I'm going to have to play it by ear...Maybe I'll see you out fishing!!! I know there won't be many other TV-18's on the water! So if you see one with a bald guy in it, WAVE!!!


P.S. I missed out on our annual trip the last two springs because of work...the last time I went (2001), I caught 200 bass in the 6 days we fished...Last spring, one of the guys in the group caught 300! So, if you want some action, come over to Barkley!!!
Heck, Andy, just get into your car and drive on over!

Haul the boat behind it!

Get in on the tournament on Saturday!

Come join us for dinner Friday and/or Saturday evenings!

Just let me know in advance - if you can - so I can make arrangements since I won't have your name on the list with reservations!

Andy...me and the woman will be stayin'on Barkley also..not sure exactly where yet but, we'll let ya' know later. There's a ton of places to stay so I'll make that decision later this week. I'll probably be doing like you and just hookin' up with the NTOWS crew on Saturday sometime(don't think I'll be fishin' the tournament because we'll be crappY (Mo)fishin' mostly)...kind of a relax after the Holler. That'll wear ya' out after a few days! Let me know exactly where you'll be and we'll hook up...I'll show ya' around...I can take you from Barkley to Kentucky no problem. This will be my fourth time down so I'm pretty familiar with the winding river channel on Barkley.

Just info for the NTOWS guys that have never been there and not familiar with the lakes...get a good HotSpots map get a little familiar with the channels...cause if ya' don't and your runnin' wide open in open water and it's 30 ft. deep in the channel and you accidently run out of the channel..you could be in 1 ft. of water or less! There's a lot of distance betwwen the navigation markers...and unless you have great eyesight..can get into trouble in a heartbeat. A lot of bottom ends have bit the dust there! BE CAREFUL....:)

Good advice TEE...

Barkley is shallower, in general, than Kentucky...

I was told that when the prepared the valley for flooding up Kentucky, they cleared a lot of trees, bulldozed some of the higher hills, and so forth...but, for Barkley, they did not go to near the same extent...moral of the story...be even more careful on Barkley than Kentucky...

Also...watch out for river barges!!!

This will be my fourth trip down to the lakes TEE...I'm getting pretty familiar with them also...I've stayed in a condo out of Big Bear on Kentucky, a houseboat on Kentucky, and a houseboat on Barkley...we generally park the boat in Denumbers Bay on Barkley...that's the plan for this year as well...Let me know when you find out where you're staying on Barkley...

Coowell Andy..we'll definitely let ya' know where. Good point too!...I just about got flipped outta' my boat by one of those barges...they'll produce a 4 foot wave in no time.

My bud and I are bass fishin'a few years back and I wasn't payin' enough attention to what was goin' on. My bud yells at me but, it's too late. I can't get the boat turned around fast enough so I'd be facing the Sunami. Next thing I know is we're on a 60 degree angle sideways and holdin' on for dear life! I bet my fingerprints are still under that topcap....SCARY!

Pay attention and be safe...HEAR ME?


I don't have a map in front of me, but where we are staying - the Moors - is only maybe 3 or 4 miles from the dam.

Last year, at one point, I ran maybe 15 miles down the lake to see what was there..... That is one huge lake! While on the main body, I saw absolutely no indications of shallows. Once you get back off the main body, as on all lakes, it was a different story.

Oh.. they are there..but, mainly on Barkley. Kentucky is pretty easy..if you run down the east shore goin' south on Kentucky your in the channel. Barkley's channel is like a snake from bank to bank.....
