Quite a few rods for sale - some new in package

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score

SP4759-1ML 5'9" ML action $25

All Star Team All Star:

TAS 725S 6" M action Fast tip $40

TAS 786C 6'6" MH action Fast tip $40

TAS 766C (New w/tags/wrap) 6'4" MH Fast $50

TAS 766C (New w/tags/wrap) 6'4" MH Fast $50

All Star American Classic

AC WR1 6'6" MH action $30

AC WR1 6'6" MH action $30

AC WR1 6'6" MH action $30

Shakespeare Ugly Stick

BC 1156-1M (like new) 5'6" M action $25

All prices are local pickup or you pay actual shipping.

The Team All Stars have been going for $80 each in most places. The American Classic originally sold for $80, and the Shakespeare is $40 retail. It's been a few years, but I believe the Pfluegers were around $75 when they used to sell this particular model spinning rod (it's not the cheap one that they put in a combo - these were Pfluegers mid-priced mid-level rod a few years ago).

Trade offers are welcome for hunting / fishing related items, but I'd really like to sell these outright if possible.

All the best,

Is that an Tas 845 CB. I'm not finding an 844 in their catalog.

From the original post:

All prices are local pickup or you pay actual shipping. However, if you buy all $400 worth, then I'll ship on my dime.

I'd lose too much money if I paid shipping for those prices. Shipping individual rods from to a residence isn't cheap. Especially the longer ones. Sorry.

The rod in question is a TAS 844CB. I think the catalog is wrong, because I have three of these rods. Just double checked them, even though I was sure of the model number. I've sold a great number of these rods at fishing shows. Great crankbait rod. I just have too many. Plus, I've been using my ASR series cranking rod more lately, and I'm kind of partial to it.

All the best,

TAS 844CB has been sold. All others remaining.

All the best,


For reference, about what would the shipping charges be for one of your rods to Ohio, 44035?



Depends on the rod, but when I pay for shipping, I normally use PVC pipe and caps at both ends to make sure it won't break. I can get you an estimate next week if you would like.

I'm hunting all weekend (opening day is tomorrow) so the earliest estimate would be Monday evening after work.

All the best,

Glenn, I'm interested in the All Star rod, TAS786C. What would shipping be to zip 42141? John.
Sorry bro john - the TAS786C is sold pending payment. The guy called me this past week, but we couldn't hook up yet to finalize the transaction. Should be hearing from him early this week.

All others still available.

All the best,

By the way... shipping charges on single rods are ridiculous due to the length of the shipment - not the weight. I checked UPS with a 4 lb, 4" diameter, 80" long heavy duty cardboard shipping tube. I wanted to check the shipping from San Antonio TX 78253, to N Ridgeville 44035 (for Roy C - didn't know your town - they had 5 to chose from with that Zip code) and they wanted $21.23 (Estimated Ground UPS) to ship it. I just checked for bro john on the same package and it was $23.54 estimated ground cost (I used Glasgow for your town with that Zip code)

Didn't really matter if I had one rod in it or a half dozen - the price didn't change by more than a couple of dollars. The length kills it for most people. If I were shipping it to a corporate address, I would get a slight break on the price - still not much of a break, but a break nonetheless.

Of note - the UPS website normally comes in low in price compared to the actual shipping. I've paid anywhere from $5 to $15 more when I actually brought in into the UPS store. They admit that their own website is flawed in the estimate. A few times I've got lucky and the price was either very close, or slightly below, but I can count those times on one hand.

I normally ship in PVC pipe or heavy duty cardboard shipping tubes, depending on whether I have the cardboard tubes in at the time I ship (I have one right now). I don't like shipping any other way because I know that I've received too many brand new rods with broken rod tips when someone ships to me in one of those triangle shaped boxes. The tubes cost me a couple of dollars, but I'm willing to pay for them and eat the cost of the shipping material to guaranty the person I'm shipping to receives their rods in one piece.

All the best,

The Platinum P725C's are both sold.

I'm updating the list at this time.

All the best,

bro john,

The sale on the TAS786C fell through. If you are still interested, I'll pay for the PVC shipping tube if you pay for the shipping. Total would be $63.54 shipped.

All the best,
