PT 185 rod box

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Bill Toohey

Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone done any extensions to there rod boxes. I have a PT185, I can fit 7'0 rods in the boxes no problem, but I can not fit m 7'5" Lommis Flippin Stick in there. It is driving me crazy, to the point that I may sell the rod unless I can figure out a way to store it.

What have you guys done?

This may sound crazy Bill but, I have waaaay too much stuff in the rod boxes to even use them for rods.

I'm just careful on deck because I usually have about ten rods on deck.

I have extra oil,net, drift sock, raingear bag,rodholders, etc,etc,etc in mine.....

There's not alot of storage on that rig...I have my dry bin FULL of tackle and then some.:wacko:
I can't seem to get my 7 footers in my 185 rod lockers. I wonder if they are really like 7'1" rods cause they just barely don't fit.