I'm considering buying a new Pro Team 170 for fishing here in western Colorado. I'm looking for input both pro and con. Any comments by 170 owners will be appreciated.
I bought a new 08 Model 170 This is my first real boat and I have no complaints.It is a little small but that is not an issue to me. It handles great,goes on plane instantly and is easy to launch and load. mine with the 50 hp tops out around 34 to 36 mph. I guess the only thing it is a little small.I added all the extras charger,stereo,Front depth finder.It also has plenty of storage room.
I owned a 03 PT 175 SR and it was a great boat. It had a 75 MERC. and it was fully loaded. It WOT great with two people and full of gear.Great boat no complaints. Had it for 4 years until I got My NITRO 591.
Like Nitro591, I had an 02 PT175 with 40hp. Great boat. Lots of fun. Sold it only because I upgraded to a G3 HP180 (60mph high performance bass boat). Whatever you do, try to max out the hp. If I had the 75hp (max on the PT175), I may not have bought bigger!
Thanks to all of you guys for the info on how well you liked your boats. I gotta feeling that for the lakes around here it will be fine. Maybe the 60 horse 4 stroke might be the way to go..........
I'll second the boat, I like others had a 175 mine had the 40 Merc 2 stroke. LOVED the boat, fit my needs, towed easy, fit in the garage, kids loved it... Easy on the gas, rode great in moderate chop/wind...
Get what you can afford, what you want, and enjoy!
I have 2 boys ages 7 and 5 and we bought one this year. We have had a great time fishing in it. It has enough room for use to bream fish when it is all 3 of us. My oldest and I love bass fishing in it. I have had one small problem with it and that was the sending unit for the gas tank went out but my local BPS ordered me a new one no problem. Great boat. I upgraded to a 54lbs trolling motor. No room for a 24v system. We even tried 2 deep cycle batteries with no luck. I have no complaints.