Prop trouble

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I pulled the prop off to look at it. From what I can tell the hub seems to be ok. It has a couple of torn parts but they are not big at all. I am not for sure what I am really looking for when I am looking at a spun hub.

Here is what i did see though. with out the nut on it where I could see the prop shaft i tried turning it again. The prop shaft turned when I tried turning the prop. It took some effort but still not a ton. I only turned it for about 1/2 inch or so. it wasn't much.

I am making myself sick over this because i am nervous its going to cost me a lot of money. Vacation is coming SOON and i am supposed to take the boat with me....please tell me its normal for the prop shaft to turn a little when you put some effort into it.

I am also hoping that this is just one of those things. I will take the boat out sunday for a little spin so that way i can get it to the shop on monday if need be....but I don't have the money for something like this. I can only dish out a couple hundred and i am not going to ask my parents for the money because they already bend over backwards for me to just ahve the boat.

Think of your prop as the wheels on a manual transmission vehicle. If you put it in gear while it's not running and push, you CAN push it.. you'll turn the engine over by doing so... should be the same general principle.

Are there chunks missing out of the hub of the prop? It should be solid rubber, you shouldn't be able to push your finger into it (again, assuming it's the rubber type of hub). When I spun mine, it was almost like grease consistency at the top.

You should know what your motor sounds like at WOT... did the sound change? If not, your tach probably went nuts. I've had mine go high, smack the gauge and it drops back down like it should.

Now please understand that Pat IS the mechanic and I just play one in my feeble mind, but hopefully the answers will help with a diagnosis.
You have use some effort to turn the prop.

PMGOFFR-No the boat handled like it normally does. it didn't start chine walking or anything really different. As for sound It seemed ok but I dont really remember.

Is the Tach off of water pressure? How do I check it? When I was in the dirty water is there a chance I could have clogged it or anything?


No, the tach comes off the motor. The speedo comes off water pressure