Pro Team 175

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Brad F

Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
First time poster here. Stumbled accross this site the other day. What a wealth of info you guys are.

My question is, I want to upgrade from a 1995 16ft Deep Pro V and I am considering a new Pro Team 175. I want a boat that will be able to handle a little bit of everything from big lakes (Example:Minnetonka) to smaller rivers fishing for everything from walleye to musky. I have especially began spending alot of time hunting musky.

From those of you with much more wisdon and experience, is a 175 a proper boat for me to consider?? The price is right and it would fit in my garage. This is a BIG requirement.

Thanks in advance!!
Welcome Brad. I'm sure you'll get more answers. If it was me on that big water you mention fishing I'd get the biggest boat I could that would still fit in my garage.

I agree...If you can swing the 185 with at least a won't regret it:)
Welcome Aboard! I own a '05 PT175 with a 50hp, and it's a great boat. However, it got somewhat rough at the lake I was on this past summer and I was wishing I'd have gone with the PT185 and just a touch more power.
All good input, also consider the PC 175, since the layout has more below gunway space like your Deep V, it is (I think) saver when fishing in the wakes/waves as you can be lower then on the traditional decks of a bass boat. I've got a 2000 with a 40 HP, been a great boat, like everyone else will tell you get the most HP you can afford. Would I like the 75 Hp sure, but I didn't have the $$ 5 years ago and did NOT want to get a smaller boat with a larger engine.

I could be wrong and I am certain the fellas will give you more info then I can but I would think that the Pro V line as well as the Targas are better suited for what you have described as your type of fishing.

Brad, I believe Cass has a good point about getting a boat with a deeper V for your type of fishing.
Thanks for all your input. Maybe I need to expand my garage so I can fit a bigger boat!!

I found an unused 2004 16'6'' Pro Angler with a 50hp that I may have to consider. I just like the few extra bells and whistles the 175 affords me.

Thanks again guys. I'm sure I'll have more questions!!

I have a 2003 PT 175 with a 25hp 4-stroke(local lakes have hp limits). I have actually fished a number of times with it on Lake Minnetonka(if you are refering to the lake just west/sw of Minneapolis. My sister lives in Shorewood so I am usually up there at least once a summer around the 4th of July. I have also had my boat out on 20,000 acre Mark Twain lake in Missouri. I never felt uncomfortable from a boat standpoint, but obviously you would want a much larger motor than I can have with my local hp limits. Sometimes with the smaller hp you feel a little defensive in bad weather. Also I am off the water long before the serious big pleasure boating starts up with the huge wakes/etc. If I wanted that type of boat I would probably go with the 185 for the extra size and then of course probably 50+ hp motor. I think in all of the PT's you will get wet from spray if the wind is coming from the right direction. If you are new to Minnetonka I might be able to give you a couple of areas that I have had some luck in. There are certain bays/coves that are off limits during spawn, but can be great if you are in there on the first couple of days after they open.
Hey it ok for me to drop you an e-mail?? I see we don't live too far from each other.