PLEASE READ, Fire Safety

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John Martin2

Oct 12, 2008
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Ok I know this is a boat/fishing web site but I just want to take a minute to remind you all that it's fire prevention month. I'll be the first to admit that I will fish 14 hrs in a day but pay little attention to fire saftey on my days off other than the basics. Please for your self and your family remember to change your smoke detector batteries every time you set your clocks back. In my short career of 15 yrs I cannot tell you how many fires I have been in that did not have working detectors, and alot of those were fatal fires. I am posting this message hoping that if I can remind just one person, one more life could be spared from the tragedy of fire. Okay I'll get of my soap box and talk some fishing...
First due engine, Just another day on the JOB....jpg

My engine company and I rescued a unconscious female from the second floor,yes there was smoke detectors in the house, no batteries...
JB I too work with fires but after the fact.I am a supervisor for a fire restoration co. and rebuild after the fires. It makes me sick seeing people losing everything they own,and alot could be prevented with a little thought with candles,heaters,grills and anything else that can start a fire.My hat goes off to you guys.I have only worked on a couple that there were fatalities and checking the smokes is such a easy task considering what they can do for you.
Always good advice and very timely now. I don't think anyone will mind a good safety tip now and then, even on a fishing forum.

30 years a ff here, and now retired.

Awsome message, and reminder about having good, working smoke detectors. But, fires and other things do happen. So dont forget having quality, adequate insurance. And no i dont sell it ! But, Ive seen what not having it can do too!!!
Everyone needs to seriously check their detectors. I went through my house and half of them didn't work. My house is only 11 years old. They are 110V w/ battery back-up and all the bad ones did is buzz a little.

JB, Smoke detectors are important, but we need to do more. Codes have to reflect the ralities of today. We are brigning in way more oil based flammable products in our homes. Homes are burning at a much faster rate than ever before. Suppression crews have little chance to extinguish an established fire before the damage is done. We are also not enforcing the codes we do have.

For the cost of upgrading floors in one room I installed a fire Sprinkler system in my house. Even this is not a means to prevent fires. We have to remember that the best way to prevent fires is to actually stop them from happening. We do this by building better stronger homes, not by reducing the cost or weight of materials. For examples, engineered joists are a great idea in terms of cost, ease of installation and running plumbing wires etc through them, but they bring glues and quick failures under pressure.

Alright enough from me already....this was my high horse.

I applaude JB for the public service message. If more peoplae reminded others like this, the world would more fire safe. Remember, every time you see a Fire Truck responding to an incident, we have already failed.


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