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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
For those of you who don't have a program to resize your photographs.....

Drop me and e-mail ([email protected]) and I'll send you MS Photo Editor. Be sure to show NTOWS in the subject line so I won't delete you as junk mail. It takes about 3 minutes to download on my dial-up connection. (Less time than Dan's striper pictures! LOL!)

Simple instructions:

When you first start the program, you will get a notice that "Registration Failed". Click on "OK" and the program will open. (I get the same message all the time because I e-mailed it to myself when I got a new computer.)

Once you've got a photograph up.....

Click on "Image".

Select "Resize" from the drop down menu.

In the lower right corner is "Units"; select "Pixels".

Set the largest dimension to 500; the program will adjust the other dimension.

Save and post!

From the bottom of my dial-up heart..... Thank you!!

I use Jasc After Shot. I will usually resize pic's that I take with the camera down to 800 X whatever, but I usually do not mess with pic's I get off the internet or that are e-mailed to me. Would it be better if I went down to 500 on everything?

I downsize to 500 because my monitor is only 15".....

500 Pixels is just about right for the small screen size.

But, the smaller the size, the less time to download, the less space it takes up in your Member Library and in Rich's server.....
I will try to be more cognizant of that sort of thing in the future. I know it is quite annoying to start to open a thread and a picture on it is so large that you can go make a sandwich and come back and it's stil loading. Plus like you say the picture is so big that you really can't see it with out scrolling back and forth and up and down.

Wait just a second... because Staci is too cheap to get a bigger monitor and DSL, we've gotta conform? Hmmm..

Send it to me please.