Peta Trying to Ban Fishing

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Dave P

Active Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
We must unite together to stop this ridiculous group of people from taking away our freedom to fish. Already in NJ our Governor is working on a plan to ban hunting and fishing. Check this site out and see what Peta is trying to take away from us sportsman.

Can't hardly disagree with them that fishing probably doesn't feel very good to the fish.

Then again, I'm sure the chickens don't feel good being penned up like they are and then killed.

Could probably make a point that the lettuce might feel pain also, just on a different time scale that we are unable to detect.

So what?

That's life on the planet earth. Always has been and always will be. If they don't like it, go somewhere else :)

It hurts me the next morning after eating a whole bunch of roughage and fiber...give me meat, or give me death!!!
OK, I think PETA has a point and I'm ready to go to the bargaining table with these people.

If they can convince predatory fish to stop eating other fish, I'll give up fishing. After all, who speaks for the bait fish and the larvae?

So, let's sit down together, a few anglers, some PETA officials, and a few representatives from the top of the fish food chain. A shark, a baracuda, a tuna, and maybe some musky and smallmouth as representatives of the fresh-water species. No doubt, since the PETA officials know what's good for fish as well as for people, they'll be able to talk the fish species out of their natural behavior (eating each other).

(Bargaining table note to PETA: Fish will quite happily eat people and other mammals if provided the appropriate opportunity)

Cause and effect. If they can cause a big enough noise they can effect change. The time wasted here on this group proves this point. We should be talking about how to stop them. My opinion. The few members of this group that I have met are dope smoking hipocrits. I once worked in a Bar/restaurant when a local chapter had a meeting. To hear them talk as they ate there Steak and Lobster was more than I could take. The best comment of the night was I made sure they understood they where holding me up because I was going Deer hunting the next day. The leader of the tribe said and I quote "I hope you freeze to death out there" My reply so do I so I won't have to wait on your stupid *** any more..Bruce
We can all have fun with the things peta says for P.R.

But the fact is that they are getting into our schools (even in Michigan)and at children who are probaly indiffernt to our sport.

They are allowed to spew their garbage without any rebuttle.

I have to agree with Dave we need to unite. These people are well funded and seem to have nothing better to do than

promote their agenda. To those who do not fish the statement "fishing Hurts" makes sense. WE are all busy with our real jobs and Families But, WE need to promote fishing to those who don't.

Take someone fishing this season (especially the kids).

Let's see if we can come up with positve Arguements that are profishing/family

please post some ideas
WE have ignored them for to long

That is why their following is growing.

WE must do a better job of educating the youth

about our sport
SAVE the deer, kill a nauga! Ooops sorry! I think everyone here that knows me, knows where I stand on this issue and what I think of PETA! Speed bumps!
Fishing hurts the fish? In all of my years of fishing I have yet to hear a fish cry.....

Realize that the fins of a baitfish are as sharp as any hook (including my favorite Mustads) and when fish A is eaten by fish B it will flare its gills and fins so it cannot be swallowed. Fish B now is experiencing the similar effect of a fish hook. So when a fish is hooked it is very similar to what happens on a daily basis to them in the wild.

If it hurt so bad, they wouldn't fight so hard.

If I had a hook through me, I'd freakin run to the source to reduce the
Bingo,.......and when sharks, bass, muskie, 'cuda's and every other fish and creature in the wild STOPS eating other creatures in the wild,..then I'LL stop fishin'!! (NOT)

PETA people are genetically miswired,....they should be killed and eatin' too just like the weakest of any other species!!....BUT, on the other hand, long as we've got judges and lawyers who will try to eliminate "One nation under God" from our pledge,...we'll have the same judges and lawyers loooking to make money and gain exposure through support of PETA,...their belief in "Any publicity is Good publicity" is the one thing they're working on!!

They tried to protest the BassMaster's Classic a few years ago and they got booed and railed on by the fans so much that they packed up and left after the first day!!,..they got ZERO support there!!

GRASS EATERS are never at the top of the food chain!

Ya know...... the PETA folks about had a S??? fit when all of this web stuff started up. It seems that somebody registered the PETA.ORG name before they did. When you went to the web site, PETA stood for something entirely different:

P eople

E ating

T asty

A nimals

Needless to say, a lawsuit followed shortly thereafter!

here in pa they tried one year during deer season to disrupt the hunters,well,shortly after that the fish and game commision passed a law stating if anyone disrupts hunting or fishing they can be charged with a crime,not sure what it is.if they tried to block the boat launch with there bodies,which they tried to do, back over them,they would move,well,with there mentality,they wont!

here is a twist on there theory,when you plow the ground,dont you think you are killing animals,earthworms,ants,bugs,grubs and such.isnt that killing animals?what about using another bug to eat the bad ones in your garden?isnt that hurting animals? the fish a gets eaten by fish B is the same!!
So, is PETA bread made from wheat and ground up PETA members? Is that what they want us to eat instead of dead animals?

That's pretty nice of them, being so committed to their cause...

Now livin in Virginia there was a movement to add fishing and hunting as every state reisdent's RIGHT under law. You know what happened, IT PASSED!! Laws will be laws but the future belongs to the next generation. I have read many, many posts of members of this board where they are taking their children fishing. That is how to insure the future of our sport. My daughter is 5 and she is without a doubt as hardcore as her dad. I try to show her the balance in nature by practicing catch and release AND having the occasional fish fry (she even helps clean the catch). I go to Wisconsin every year (family reunion)and for the last 2 years my fish fry has been the star attraction (talk about pressure). I have introduced the sport in it's many variations to as many as possible. This is the best preservation strategy I can imagine. PETA needs to re-learn the "Circle of Life" theory.


You are right on the money about getting kids involved. My kids get the chance to bass fish on Champlain with me once a week if the weather/waves permit. My 9 year old son has been tagging along with me hunting for the last two years, including the buck season opener in VT with my father and I. I am an only son and my son is the only grandson in the family and I am greatful that the three of us get the chance to spend that weekend together. Just for the record, my 11 year old daughter has decided not to pursue hunting, but she and my son both shoot bows in our local JOAD program where my wife is an archery instructor (she doesn't hunt either but she makes some awesome venison meals for us).

I think that PETA followers and other extremist activists lose focus on what is real and reasonable. I have other opinions on the whole situation, but I'm not going to post them on this board.

Bob G.
Where's a good "one eyed, one horned, flying purple PETA eater" when you need one?
Toxic - Agree, even though I don't hunt (too much of a wussy to shoot bambi!) and didn't take up fishing till I turned 26 (my father-in-law got me involved) like everything else we need to teach our kids to respect our environment, enjoy mother nature, learn to enjoy the outdoors, rip some lips and be courteous to everyone!