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Gary Platt

May 5, 2009
Reaction score
I have recently purchased an '04 882. The fishing seats were missing. I am having a difficult time finding pedestals that fit the existing base. I bought Swivl-Eze Snap-Lock pedestals from Bass Pro, but the diameter is too large. The parts guy at Bass Pro tells me he thinks Swivl-Eze made a running change a while back and that these are no longer available. I measured the inside diameter in the mounts and they are close to 1.690". The Snap-Locks are 1.77". Does anyone know why the change and if there are any of the smaller diameter ones available? I talked to the guy at Bass Pro about changing the bases, but he said that could be difficult, especially the rear one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Gary
I replaced my front pedestal base because it was welded crooked so when I put my extended bike seat on there the dang thing was out 1" at the top.

Since mine was carpeted over it..I just used my exacto knife and cut a 45 from the post opening to the corners of the plate underneath. Bought a new mount (round pin is easier to find seats for) and just used a small dab of glue and mounted the plate on top because of ease and it stainless anyway.
the inserts on your bases have swelled. contact swivel-eze to see if you can get a replacement. or bore them out. MUCH easier than replacing
I have an '04 882 as well and my pedestals are 1.77". I got mine thru BPS i believe.
gplatt, if they're not aftermarket, you could go to a dealer and get replacement parts. I'm kinda anal that way with my 04 PT185.
thanks Jimmy. I am going to replace them.....I got to looking at the rear one yesterday and it was showing signs of rust. I cut the carpet and wow, it was completely rusted. I am going to buy new stainless ones tomorrow. Thanks again for all of the assistance. Gary