Only in good ole New Orleans

  • Thread starter Gilbert Scales2
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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
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A black kid gets into a fight here Wednesday night, gets beat up. He goes to his Mother's house and tells her. She gives him a gun, and tells him to go get revenge. He does, killing the other kid. The biggest issue is there is too many guns in New Orleans. I bet the gun he used was not bought from a gun shop, it was probally stolen. When are people going to wake up and face problems. The parent will be charged. Guns cannot hurt anyone until someone pulls the trigger.

Our Sherriff says he wants to start stopping black kids on street corners to check for guns, drugs. The blacks say this is not fair. They march the streets saying enough with the killings, of young blacks. They don't want police to do their job, but want it to stop. If (when) 100 people are killed here 95 are young black males.

I will only say one more thing, if this was a issue of young whites killing each other I would be screaming for the Police to stop them and check them. Sorry to say America is in deep doo doo.

There are times when "profiling" is highly warranted, cases like THAT...and airport security!! When the majority of hijackers and terrorists are of "middle eastern persuasion" then other folks who resemble that description should EXPECT to get searched!!...:angry:

C'mon folks,....if the airport security was looking for 2 "overweight white males with short hair" do you think mini and I wouldfit that "profile"?...HEll YES....:p...would we be pist if we got searched...NO!!......if you fit the description....PLAN on it!! Be it at the airport or on a street corner!!:unsure:

Carry on!!

Yeah and the middle eastern looking gentlemen are complaining about racial profiling.
Interesting points...

Is the color the problem, or is it the poverty line ?

Access to guns is a real issu especially in the states, however, that would be a tough fix, being as one would need to start from the beginning...2nd amendment ?


I dont think "access to guns" is the issue at all. Regardless if someone can aquire one legally or not the bad guys will always have them. Its all black market stuff anyway. Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Its pretty obvious the person in question and his mother have zero regard for human life, and thats sad. It seems like there are two answers to any conflict these days, lawsuits or violence depending on what side of the poverty line you are on.

Personally im glad i can own a gun to defend myself, and in fact i own quite a few.

I agree with Mac too, its time we stopped being PC in this country and stop trying to not offend someone. If a certan group is prone to crime and voilence then target them regardless of thier race, gender, religion whatever. If they dont want to be harassed then maybe they should stop what they are doing thats making them get harassed.

Pierre how much money does it take to know you should not tell your children not to kill someone??? As far as the color thing, you tell me. The Mexicans, Asians, and everybody else that is in this country are doing pretty good. All I am saying is that if it was a white thing I would be screaming for the law to do anything they needed to do. If I were black, I would be trying to do something besides riding the poverty train. I surely would not want to have to watch any young man or woman be killed. My question is asked again, like my first post, when will we face the problems.


Your comments would be considered racist by many, including me, and I'd like to explain why. Your "as far as the color thing - you tell me" - well, here goes - I'll "tell you". To judge someone on the color of their skin is a disgrace. I had someone a while back get offended when I spoke of people in New Orleans in general. I probably stepped over that very same boundry that I feel you did, and it made me stop and take a look at my mistake. I did not refer to anyone as a race, because I was speaking of any race living in that area. But I refered to them as a people - the people living in that part of the country. But you know what? I was wrong to refer to them that way, because not everyone that lives in that part of the country is in that group. Not everyone that lives there is the same. People are INDIVIDUALS, and should be treated as such. And to tell the truth - MOST people that refer to a group by the color of their skin don't even know what color they, themselves, are. I don't think there is a person around that is of "true" race anymore. We, as Americans, and people in many other parts of the world as well, pretty much have sex with anyone, regardless of skin color. Our races have intermingled so much over the course of history, there are no "pure" races of people - of ANY color. I am from Louisiana, and I know for a fact that we have so many different "races" intermingled within my family tree, to call myself by anything other than "American" is not correct. The color of my skin? Who cares! It's a persons actions, INDIVIDUALLY, that define them.

I would be very offended, to be a hard working, upstanding black citizen of the United States, owning a home in New Orleans, to be searched on the corner of the street that my house is located, simply because of the color of my skin. Now, if I'm dressed like a hoodlum, looking dirty, ratty, and being loud and obnoxious - no matter what color my skin was - now that's a different story all together. Those TYPES of people, not those COLOR of people, deserved to be stopped and checked by the police. But to say that it is only the black people that should be stopped, simply because they are black, is ignorant and racist. I lived in Louisiana for 18 years, and I can assure you, it's not only people with black skin that shoot each other.

I would hope that you think about this further before you reply.

All the best,

Glenn, seems like you have all the answers. I believe you are saying the same thing our officals are saying. I don't know what part of Louisiana you were living, but here in New Orleans 96 out 0f 100 people killed are young black males, killed by young black males. Call me a racist if you like, all I am saying is I am sick of young black males getting killed. If the fire is burning at your house, no need to spray the water on the neighbor's. Oh, one more thing, there is not many young people living here with houses, or jobs hanging out on street corners. Here folks who don't want to be shot at or carrying guns, don't hang out on street corners.


I'm originally from New Iberia - born and raised. Spent plenty of time in New Orleans - worked there for 3 years. Yes, I do have all the answers. :rolleyes: Thank you for acknowleding that fact. :lol: I'm not sure where you got your statistical data from, but one thing you probably didn't take into account - If the population of an area is such that the majority of the people there are young black males, then there is a high probability that ANY statistic will show a large majority of young black males. Get over it, or better yet, if it bothers you that much... move.

Edited to add: You're statement about "The Mexicans, Asians, and everybody else that is in this country are doing pretty good" is also totally way off base. You obviously haven't done much research into gang violence in other areas of the country, otherwise, you wouldn't have made that statement. I think it's time to take off the blinders and open your eyes to the big picture - "bad people do bad things... skin color has nothing to do with it".

All the best,

. Now, if I'm dressed like a hoodlum, looking dirty, ratty, and being loud and obnoxious - no matter what color my skin was - now that's a different story all together. Those TYPES of people, not those COLOR of people, deserved to be stopped and checked by the police.

So, you're saying Bill Belichick should be stopped and checked?BWAHAHAHAHAHA...

I understand what both you of are saying and there isn't any quick fix. As far as profiling, I'm all for it. Going back to the "cop on the beat" would be ideal but is not practical anymore.

But I guess to be a racist also, If I saw 2, 3, or whatever amount of young black men wearing red or blue do-rags on their heads and/or red or blue flannel shirts walking down my front street, I would call the police, put my dogs on alert and load the shotgun. Why would I do that? Because they don't belong here. They don't live anywhere near this neighborhood nor do they have friends anywhere near here, so why are they here? A sightseeing tour maybe? These things have to be treated seriously without any PC crap.

Bubby, just read a piece last week or so ago in regard to your Mexican statement and I guess by paraphrasing it I will be a double dog racist. Forty-One percent of the prisoners in the western and south-western prisons are Mexicans and those numbers are growing and moving east. And as a whole they don't assimilate either.

There was a list going around the Internet naming all of the terrorist acts that were done by people of Mideastern descent and it was quite a long list. I don't know if anyone else saw or remembers that list. It was pretty remarkable. Anyway, anytime I used that list in a discussion or argument with almost anyone, all they would respond with was, "Oh yea, how about Timothy McVeigh?" For a country that loves to keep score we aren't allowed to on matters such as this or we're racists.. It just gets sillier and sillier.

For being a much smaller part of American society, young black men men shooting and killing other young black men far outweighs any of the other statistics in regard to shootings and shooting deaths, sad to say..

Uncle Billy
Glenn, you do have all the answers. You are right again, being the racist I am, why should I worry. I think I will move in with you, there's enough knowledge there for all of us. Last reply to this subject. However it does bother me to see these young people killed.


I understand that weapons don't kill people by themselves. But how do you explain the violence? You can walk into any pawn shop in america and see guns...semi's as well. I certainly don't want to question oneof your basic rights, but I have to admit here in Canada, we do not have easy access to weapons, you just don't see them, and our gun related violence per capita levels are uncomparable to those of the US.

Our death as a result of snowballs are way up though....maybe we shold outlaw snow.

Pierre, there isn't any way in the world anyone down here in the states can answer that question about violence without being strung up and verbally beaten to death. If you think hard enough I'm sure you'll understand what I'm talking about and I would be happy to debate this subject with you backdoor if you want. Oh, I'm sorry to jump in here.. I just realized you replied to Jim.

Just one more point though, ok? Yep, pawn shops have guns for sale as do a lot of places but you can't just pay the ticket price and walk out. There are a lot of hoops you have to jump through before becoming an owner of a firearm.

Uncle Billy
According to Larry the Cable Guy: "Guns don't kill people, husbands that come home early do." :eek:
