Onboard Battery Chargers

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
I could really use some help. I want to get an onboard charger for my boat but don't know which one to get. I was wondering how big the guest units are (couldn't access the website) and if there are any mounting restrictions on them. I was also wondering what amp rating per bank I should get. I mainly fish on the weekends during the summer. I usually don't run the batteries down totally and think I could get away with 5 or 6 amps per bank, but was just curious what everyone else was using.

Thanks in advance,

fishrmn70 (Adam Pollack)

Sorry, the website must be going through some much needed updating. Here is a link to info on our battery chargers.

5 amps per battery should charge your batteries in 10-12 hours. For mounting specs etc, give me a call tol free at Guest at 1-888-483-7865 ext 135 Monday through Friday between 8 M and 4:30 PM EDT.

Have a great day!

Sue D.
Go Guest all the way NO FUSS, NO WORRY, all you have to do is plug it in & forget it , but remember to unplug the damn thing when you move the boat LOL
You mean that long orange thing dragging behind my boat isn't supposed to be there?!!...dayum!!!
Bruce is selling a 2611 on the swap and sell board. I believe that's a 2 bank 10 amp per bank charger for $100. not a bad deal.


No I don't know Bruce or am in any way affiliated with Bruce. I just happened to see his Swap & Sell ad and your post and put them together.

Keep fishin'



You're not the first!!! I get calls about AC cords all the time.

LOL...I was just kiddin'....I haven't done it YET!!!,..I "remembered" before I had the boat all the way out of the garage...but I recall reading a post on this bd about someone dragging a cord all over town once....LMAO!!

I only dragged mine out of the driveway, then saw it.

Adam, I would recommend going with a 10 amp per bank if you can. Should you ever need to charge quicker, say in 5-6 hours you will be able to. Also remember that Guest has the best warranty in the business, is lighter and charges faster than the competition. I had an "X" brand for about 2 weeks in my Ranger until my Guest got installed and I know first hand that the Guest is lighter and faster. There is no disputing their customer service...Sue ROCKS!
I have 2 Guest chargers and love them. I remember the old days of hooking the batteries up to the charge then unhooking them. Never again. Hook 'em up and let the charger do all the work.

I have done the extension cord thing. Left dark-thirty one morning and forgot to unplug the ext cord. Drove about 30 miles, 20 of which were interstate, befor ei stopped to get some gas. Got pout and saw this 15 foot orange extensuion cord behind the boat with the end just about chewed off. felt like a fool. There were even cars passing me on the interstate. Wonder what they thought?

Go with the onboard Guest, you won't be sorry.
Go Guest!

My plug is around the corner so when (um, I mean if, yeah if) I forget to unplug it, I just drag the Guest plug and it doesn't (I mean shouldn't) reach the street!

Rich D
Adam -

I had a 3 bank / 5 amp per bank Guest Charger on my last boat. (Boatless right now.) It gave my batteries plenty of charge that I was able to fish two or three days in a row if I plugged it in each night.

There may be other comparable chargers out there..... But you simply can't beat the service you receive from Sue and the rest of the folks at Guest!


P.S. I do know Bruce and his wife Cathy. The charger he is selling is one Cathy won at our rally in April as a door prize. It has never been used. It is a 2-bank and would serve you well if you have only two batteries on your boat.
I have to admit that just this year I pulled the boat out and around the block.When I came back in to the driveway I noticed my compresser,bench grinder and several other things sitting out in the middle of my driveway! My first thought was WHAT THE HECK! As I investigated closer I realized that the cord was plugged into a bank of outlets as I pulled out of the drive it pulled everything that was plugged into it of the bench caught the compresser on the way out of the garage until the cord pulled itself out of the molded plug end,which was still in the outlet on the boat.My first thought was ,is the boat ok ? it was ,as well as everything else that came crashing off the bench. The cord just needed a new female end on it .I have to say I was impressed buy the strenght of the cord ,my Dewalt compresser is on rubber stops and does not drag easily on concrete.It weights about 75 lbs.

Thanks alot guys. It sounds like Guest is the way to go. Sue, I will give you a call when I don't have to run off to class and actually have some free time (like that ever happens). Still kicking around the idea of getting a three bank for when I fish tournaments and have all 3 batteries in the boat. Thanks again.


P.S. This really is the best forum around, I have been reading this for well over 4 years now and you guys and gals are the best.
Check out the swap and sell Sue D posted some real good deals on some new guest chargers..

Yeah, those are some kick butt prices on awesome chargers!
Guest is the choice by most of the posters here, but for my situation the 10 amp 2 bank Dual Pro SE was best for me. no problems, except when I forgot to unplug the extension chord. I get to the ramp and I have about 1 foot hanging out of my battery compartment. Nice way to start the morning!
The warranty isn't worth the paper it's written on unless you've got the people to back it up.

At Guest Chargers, we know what the after-the-sale service is like.

The Very Finest in the Business. Period.

My money is on Guest.
