Off to SAN DIEGO!!

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
My son went back to a regular unit last week .Leaving me with only 2 weeks to re-book flights and hotel.He says he still has some pain but figures he'll go back to the medic after graduation. I think he's just board. Had to go out a day early in order to get the flight we needed.Also the rates went up 100bucks a ticket! We'll make a short vacation out of it .I think it will do use some good.
you'll have a blast,........spend a day just hangin' out laughing and pointing at all the freaks out there...LOL

It'll be quite a culture shock from life in Minnesota!!
Say hello to my buddy Ken. He is one of the freaks Mac was referring to! LOL!

Rich D
You boys have obviuosly never been to Minneapolis before !! The only think saving us in St. Paul is the Mississippi river between us! Thank GOD.
You're right Mark,....My wife's niece lives in the twin cities and SHE IS a freak!!!!...ahahaha.....purple hair,..piercings,...tattoos......she's getting married out there this summer,..(I'm TERRIBLY busy that weekend too,...can't go,...we're SOOOO bummed!!!!..LOL)
There's a whole sub-culture over there that thrives on the freakdom or children of the damned.Its like someone told them to get a life and that was the best they could come up with.

Mac if you ever do need to come over you have always got a place to stay ,the whole family that goes without saying.
I am currently in San Diego.. Retired from the Military and just waiting for the Wife to Finish school and Job site completion.. Looking at June.. Yep, Pretty much sucks down here. Traffic, a crowd no matter where you go or do, The lake's would be great except they close most of them at the same time so you have to fight thousand's of other fishermen to fish the one's they didnt close (Most of these lake's are 250 to 800 acres) plus, when they do open them all, they have screwed up days that you can fish. One lake will be open Fri, sat, sun while another one will be open wed, sat, sun and another one will be open to water skiing thur and Fri only then fishing only on sat, sun after all the water skiers and jet skiers have churned up the water. Then you have to pay $5 to launch your boat and its $5 per person to fish.. Sorry to go on and on but this place suck's. Heading up to Oregon or Wa to buy a home and fish in peace.. Only good thing about SD is all the military that defend our fine country that are stationed out here.. I am sure your are very proud of your son. I know I am as well as everyone on this board.

Max <><
I have a couple of cousins that live in the Twin Cities. Was up there a couple years ago for a family reunion. Lot's of freaks! My Aunt & Uncle used to live in Duluth. It's hard to believe you're in the same state!LOL.


I am so very happy and proud to say he's one of my friends. God Bless him and all of the new Marines...
Hey Mark,

I think we'd all like to see some pictures... Post some, please.
Greg ,I will definitly take and post pictures.