NX 882 boarding ladder

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2000
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Has anybody successfully installed a boarding ladder on this boat? I would really like to have it installed for the wife so she doesn't have to step on the cav plate when getting on the boat.


i have a seen a boarding ladder installed on a NX750. they used the folding model and mounted it on the port side of the transom.

not being a bid fan of the overall appearance, i tend to climb back in over the edge at the back deck. my next rig will have a factory installed ladder..

I do't think Mr. Hamilton will object to me putting this up. If you want to see more go to his library (Bill Hamilton).

You're welcome!!:lol:


I have been looking for the right boarding ladder too. I don't like the idea of putting holes in a boat.

I have looked at a few but am waiting to win a lottery. A portable ladder is preferred. There are a couple that I like. One has the big hooks that can hook on the gunwale on either side and the other is a rope ladder that can hood onto a cleat.

Until i get around to buying a ladder, I use a very inexpensive yet functional reboarding device by stringing a line from the front cleat to the stern cleat with just enough sag to allow someone in the water to step on it and then reboard. I use braided lines that are easy on bare feet.

If/when I get a real ladder, I will repost with the details.


This is the one I'm looking for. I took this picture at the boat show. Does anybody know what brand it is? I don't think it's a Skeeter ladder. I think it would work on a 591.

I don't think that will work Harpo....Look at the way the rear of the bug boat drops straight off. NITRO's are curved. You would have to overhang the upper portion of the mount and that would put a lot of stress on it boarding. See how Bill's is curved. Mike, the only ladder you can get that doesn't mount to the boat are the rope type that hang on a cleat. With those you practiclly have to have Special Forces training to climb up them:lol:

I am looking at the e-ladder, it mounts on the motor bolts. It is made by a company named R and R Design in Terrell, Texas. I just need to get off my rear and order one.

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