
  • Thread starter Tim Koepp [URL]
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I think those of you who actually take the time to read the book will be very surprised.
I ask everyone how many times have terrorist attacked the USA after 911? Just wait.

Actually, I think that it will be insightfull. Most of the ex-Presidents, write about other crap that don't mean diddly.

I also very much appreciate the fact that Mr. Bush is NOT being critical of our current President - although he has every right to be.

To each his own.

mind numbing is listening Barry try and speak without his teleprompter. I've been bombarded for 2 years about how smart this clown is supposed to be and have yet to see any brilliance, unless of course saying "" makes ones "smart". People are finding out quick this guys is no genius, just another lawyer without any experiance in any job.
Woody - you are exactly right. When giving a stump speech or a canned presentation - he is great.

When trying to answer press questions, or anything off the cuff, he stumbles badly.

Bush was unfairly criticised way too much by the media. Though he and his admin did some things I don't necessarily agree with, we the public, are not priveleged to the same information these guys are presented with when decisions must be made. And it should be noted that we should not be. The media has attacked them for so much, when it would have been wrong and dangerous to disclose what was known. I will say that some of the same is beginning to happen already to O. Lou Dobbs at CNN (we all know what this stands for) is close to getting on his you know what.
Well, I, for one, didnt buy these G$%@&@ #!%!#!$% books!

A profitable 2008 for Obama

Posted: 05:53 PM ET

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

Obama raked in $2.5 million in book royalties during 2008.
