Nitro Z21Port side drawer frame

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Jul 15, 2021
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I am needing some helping finding the frame (with rod holder) for the port side drawer assembly in my boat. I've check the tracker parts, etc. and no luck. I was hoping someone on here could help. My boat is a 2016 Nitro Z21. Thanks!!!
Rod holder and drawer frame.jpg
drawer slot in boat.jpg
Try Great Lakes Skipper, they have a lot of NOS parts may take a lot of searching on there online catalog by I'm almost positive they would have it. They buy out all the factory leftovers.
I was able to find it finally, I had to send the picture to Tracker parts and they were able to give me the part #. I ordered it from Bass Pro.
Hi, can you please post the BP part number? I am curious about adding similar to my 2017 Z18.
Funny! Just searched that part on and it returned a 2 pack of Betts Bee Pop Poppers.

I will pick up the phone and call BP.

Thanks for the info!
Funny! Just searched that part on and it returned a 2 pack of Betts Bee Pop Poppers.

I will pick up the phone and call BP.

Thanks for the info!
Sorry about that I should have clarified it a little better. I bought it through the BPS boat service center. That part # is through tracker marine parts center.