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they still don't have life jackets or decals................I was told they will by end of January
I would love to have one of those jerseys, but that is way too high! A dime over $40 is too much in my opinion.
Rusty, personally I think if they want us to advertise for them they should give the gear away. It's amazin how we the buying publc are willing to pay ridiculous prices for the privledge of advetising for manufacturers an profit making sports teams. :unsure: ;) :rolleyes:
JDJ - Boy, do you remember when Coca-Cola came out with the shirts and sweatshirts years ago. I said then why should I advertise for them. I couldn't agree more.
I remember when manucturers and salesmen would give away shirts, caps and such to get thier name out and get the free advertising. If they want me to be a walking billboard for them they need to compensate me in cash or gear. It's funny that I can buy ball caps all day long for $3.00 but you put Nitro, Caterpiler,Ruger or something like that on it and they want $8.00 to $12.00 bucks for the same cap and you pay again by advertising for them. Not me. :p
Come on fella's, its not about advertising.........its about showing off what your proud of, if you really don't like what you have then dump it and get somethin you can be proud of. My truck is loaded with Champion decals, and I have a closet full of apparel that I bought to say, hey I own a champion and love it, now I'm getting a Nitro too and will do the same, I could care less about advertising, cuz its not about that
I'm proud of my Nitro but if they want me to advertise they will have to compensate me. I do wear the hats they gave me with the purchase but I will not buy anything to advertise for them. If someone asks me about boats I will even recommend it to them and not bill Nitro for it but again I will not pay for the priviledge of advertising for them. I collect hats and probably have about 400 from different companies aroung the country and world. They were all given to me over the years. They sell for $8.00 to $12.00 apiece but are only worth about $3.00 without the names on them. The company jackets and shirts are the same way, you can the things for half the price without the billboard on them.
I don't know, I guess I'm just not the complain type, I've never heard of people cryin about not advertisin?????????? Man I'd be depressed if I thought that way
So voicing oppinions is crying or complaing to you. Kinda like crying and complaing about the factory HP rigging of the boat you ordered. That would depress me if I thought that way. :lol:

Man life must be tuff for some of you. Almost everything has a stamp or tag on it.:D

You guys are tough this morning. :p

To some degree I air on the side of JDJ particularly for over the edge marketed companies. For example, I refuse to wear anything with a Nike logo on it since it is an extreme example of marketing. I am amazed at how people bought into that marketing and are willing to pay big bucks to wear something that advertizes for them. When I see a Nike logo it makes me sick at how many people fall prey to marketing and advertizing.
Did you guys strip your decals on your boats? Cuz your advertising. Hope your pants don't have a logo or tag on them.

Hey its the world we live in.

Hats are becoming tough to buy without some type of logo these days. But I'd rather advertise than get a sunburn on the top of my head.
I'd LOVE it all FREE, i'm not above free advertizing for someone if I like their products. Some of it i'll admit is the "woody envy" of the Pro's. Not that they make a lot of $$, most of them anyway, but it looks COOL and I think some of it is ego for folks who don't know you or fishing to think "Hey dad, look at that COOL bass boat and the dude has sponsors all over his boat and truck, he must be a Pro!!" LOL

Now if I can get Tracker to give me a free Avalanche with a 175 Opti Dual Console, i'll fish all the local T's, wear their gear, and talk trash to all those Glass boats!!! LOL

Of course, while i'm paying the boat, i'll keep my cash bought Nitro!! LOL
BMCD<LOL!!!!!!!!, yeah guys take off all your clothes, put all your tools away and all necessities that have a brand name on them cuz guess what.......Your advertising!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, sorry JDJ, I didn't mean to come down ya like that, I just never heard of anyone say anything about wearing your boats hats/jackets ect........I respect your opinion
Sorry, BCMD Very funny and you made the point, so fella's take everything you own and throw it out cuz guess what? Your advertising........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! JDJ, sorry for the insult there, I just never heard anyone look at it that way b4, i do respect your I'm cryin!!!!:wacko:
In the end, everyone has the freedom to choose. You weigh the advantages and disadvantages just like anything other issus and make a choice. I decided I wanted a boat bad enough so I was going to live with the big Nitro signage on the side ... plus it looks cool :cool:

I always hated when I would buy a new truck or car and they would glue on some cheap a$$

plastic medellion or sticker. I always made that part of the sale , take the d^^n think off the vehicle.or nock the price down !:D

I'm with ya Mark.

Years ago I actually had one of those cheezy riveted emblems taken off a previous vehicle and the body work done to fix her up.
Every new vehicle I have ordered it was in the contract that if the dealer put their logo on it they would break the deal. I've even made them remove the cheesey license plate frames with their name on it unless they want to pay me by the month for the advertising. As far as the Manufacturers name plates I have learned to live with them instead of having bondo in the holes. A friend of mine actually sued and won over the dealer riveting their nameplate/logo on a new caddy he bought when it came in. He won and ended up with a new vehicle. I will advertise for any of them as long as they compensate me with cash or gear. :)

As far as the manufacturers tags and such there isn't a whole lot you can do about that so I live with it unless it can be easily removed.

I do however respect everyones right to pay for the advertising they give all of these companies as I would hope everyone would respect my rights to not pay for advertising for them.
yep, had the dealers logo decal removed from my wife's vehicle before we drove it off the lot. Got home and noticer there were swirl marks on the tailgate where the decal used to be. Took it back and they kept the tailgate and had to buff everything out. Whenever my wife would go to the dealership for warranty items (oil change, etc) the salesmen would go inside the building, lol. She's only 5'2", but full of vinegar, lol.
Now you guys have made me mad:angry: I guess I never really thought about how much advertising I do for Nitro. I always were my Nitro t-shirt when I am fishing and I recently purchased one of those new visors.

All of that chit is made in China and probably only cost them $7 from the manufacturer!!!

Oh chit, I am emailing Nitro about this chit! I think it is crazy and totally obsured that they price those jerseys for that much!!!:angry::angry::angry:
Hey Rusty, as my "friend" used to say "relax, have a homebrew!"

The US is a capitalistic society, if they can get $1,000 for a shirt that costs them $7 to make/buy, more power to them!!
I hear you Trep. There is nothing wrong with making a nice profit. However, making a freakin killin of your own name???? Geeeez! Maybe I need to make a shirt that says "I'd rather be fishing with Rusty"

Rusty - Yup, think about the mark up on some of the Athletic gear (football, baseball, basketball) hats, jerseys... MAN and that again is the advertize for the team!
I wonder if they use the money from the hats and shirts to offset some of the cost of manufacturing the boats? Do we get an unseen cost reduction on our boats from this? Just something to think about. Oh yea IMHO if ya don't want to spend 20 bucks for a nitro all means don't...if no one did i bet the price would come down.

For most it is a seperate licensed profit making deal that has nothing to do with the original product cost/price just another way to make more money which is fine with me. My only thing is if they are going to make money off of me advertising for them they need to compensate me for it. :)