New update on Bro in-law. Good thing my sister has a temper...

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Rich D

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2001
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Ok. What I assumed was normal post operative discomfort (I only saw him sleeping Saturday, so had not witnessed the bad stuff) was more. The doctors and nurses have just learned a life lesson that I learned along time ago, "Don't p!$$ off my sister." See post below.

"I know you have all been worrying about Russ and I didn't get a chance to email yesterday. Sorry.. the last few days have been agonizing for Russ and I. I just had a meeting with the nursing supervisor and nursing manager about Russells'weekend care this morning. I am filing a formal complaint against the nursing staff on the 7th floor. Russ has been sick throwing up, sweats, in pain since Friday evening... nothing was being done about it. All I heard all weekend long every time I asked a question was that it was the weekend or the doctor would have to answer that. When I would ask for a doctor the nurse would say it's the weekend. In the meantime Russ was getting worse plus his general care was horrible. He had nothing to eat since Friday plus no fluids, I was afraid along with whatever else he had going on, he would become extremely malnourished and dehydrated. By yesterday I had it... I had to leave to take our daughter to get her braces off at lunch time and before I left I voiced all my concerns with the nurse and told them I expected answers when I got back. Well when I got back and nothing was being done, he still was not even seen by a doctor, I flipped. It basically took 3 hours of b*(^*^ng, refusing to get on the phone with the doctor who insisted he would just see him in the morning and the end threat of me telling them they had 2 minutes to get a doctor in to see him or I was disconnecting his bed myself and wheeling him down to the emergency room for them to act. I doctor finally did come in to see him and it was determined that Russ was not able to empty his bladder. They pulled out 1 liter of urine. His bladder was in total spasms and he was basically drowning in his own urine.

The medical doctor was back this morning with the urologist They are going to run some more tests because Russ is still complaining of stomach pains and just as a precaution. After the entire weekend incident I postponed his back surgery until the beginning of next week. I explained to the neuro doctors I was not comfortable with Russ having major surgery and having to go through another weekend with hearing it's the weekend. Their physician assistant witnessed the nursing staff neglect and was involved with the complaint this morning so they agreed. I told them unless they could put him in the ICU unit after the surgery they are to wait until Monday. Believe it or not there is a good side to all of this. Russell is responding wonderfully. Last night when I flipped I glanced down at him and he was looking right at me. I said to him "Wow..I guess I was just a huge mega b!+%^h, huh?" and he shook his head yes. Then I asked him --are you that sick Russ, do you feel that sick that I need to be carrying on like this and he nodded yes and squeezed my hand. He has been mouthing words like crazy. He has answered every question I have been asking him yesterday and today. He has been asking for water, telling us when he has a cramp in his legs. Our son and his friend are here this morning with him and our son called right away to tell me how aware he is. He knows what's going on and is beginning to communicate and express it. Another friend was in yesterday morning trimming his moustache and he asked Russ if I was in to visit him yet and Russ shook his yes. He also remembered what day it was and that I had told him that morning. So his retention level is even starting to return."

Thank you all!

Rich D
Good news Rich. You've got to be proud of your sister. I'd sure want her in my corner. Hope things continue to improve.
Everybody has an angle watching over them. You just happen to be his. Your all in our prayers.

Everything in quotes is from the email my sister sends, her words, not mine. She is tough when she has to be!

Rich D
Sometimes you just gotta slap the crap outta some folks, to get them responding.

Glad to hear that he is continuing to make steps forward.

You have to stay on top of the hospital personal. They get the opinion that they know everything and you know nothing. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to worry you. Just watch everything.

Once again... In the end all is still going in the right direction...
Wonderful, sounds like he is moving in the right direction. Will keep praying. Robert