New Job Title In September...!!!

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
I am totally stoked...!!! I had the opportunity to interview yesterday for a new surveillence unit being put together at my P.D. which will consist of 4 officers and a Sgt. I worked surveillence in the past with a countywide task force and absolutely loved the experience, so I jumped at the opportunity to do it again. This new unit is starting from scratch and will be multifunctional. The plan is to recieve training from the feds at Quantico in diplomatic security and protection, advanced tactical training (S.W.A.T.), weapons of mass destruction/anti-terrorist training and Rapid Response Training (i.e. - entering a building where an active shooter exists, think "columbine," going directly to him/her armed to the teeth and taking them out), no more surrounding the building and waiting them out while they go on a killing rampage. Like I said, it will be a multifunctional unit, whoes primary role will be surveillence but also with the ability to handle a multitude of situations and incidents when they occur. To make a long story short, I got the gig. We will be recieving our training over the next 6 months and be fully operational by September. I cannot wait to get started...!!!!
That ROCKS Smitty!! Congrat's.....I just hope I DON'T see you on the news someday,,...ala Columbine!! LOL

Troy will be a better place now,..that's for sure!

Carry on,

Sounds exciting, Smitty! Congratulations!

You and your colleagues take care now, ya hear!

God Bless!

Awesome Smitty!

Sounds great!

Will it get you any more fishing time?


Thanks guys, and yes Andy, it very well could get me some more fishin time, did you figure out my alterior motive so quickly.

I hope I don't see me on the news either Mac....I'm not so sure about making Troy a better place, but it's gonna be alot more fun tryin now..!! If your ever interested Mac, or anybody else, I can hook ya up for a ride-along with me anytime ya want. If your interested, just e-mail me...I'll show ya a good time..!!!LOL
Would I get to turn on the siren and talk on the police radio???


I did some ride-alongs back when I was in high school...never had anything more serious than traffic offenses to deal with...the officer always made ME write out the speeding tickets!

Was a fun time...

Hey Smitty... I'll "loan" you the tag line from the back my business cards (ala our Dept SWAT Team)... "If you aren't the one who called for help and the man whose name is on this card is on your front porch... You are gonna have a very bad day!"...
I think a ride along would be pretty cool, but I write enough tickets already. Congrats on the position!

Smitty Congrats & the best of luck. Much of my family is in law enforcement. This new opportunity sounds great. If you are as passionate as you sound about your job you will love all this new training. Have an uncle that was on the task force in Baltimore, MD for 3ys & now is a ship (heli-COP-ter) Captain for the anti-terrorist squad. He loves it. The training is amazing, I love learning from him.

Remember be careful... & the job you do is appreciated by the rest of us.

I'm in Troy, MI 3 or 4 times a year... might take you up on that ride-along.


Smitty,..are you serious???....A ride along??!!! Man I'd LOVE that opportunity!!! I WILL be calling you (or e-mailing!!) My work load should be lightening up a little bit in the summer, I'll get ahold of you after your training is,..that'll be a cool experience!!

carry on!!

Mac in a Ride Along!!! I can see a S&T cartoon in there!!!

Smitty - that is GREAT news! And as everyone else has said, you and your partners are WAY appreciated by the rest of us for the job you do for us!!!

Congrats Smitty,

Have fun......hey more pay bigger boat !

Make sure you get ahold of us Southern MVM boys when you are here. There's some fishing to be done, consider it part of your training!!LOL!!

Congrats Smitty. It's great when a plan comes together..

Mac , Do you have a Scales and Tales police officer shirt to use on the "ride-along"..?? ;>)


I'm with Mac....a ride-along would be AWESOME!!!

I'm in for that...
The ride along offer is good for anyone who wants to take me up on it. I would suggest a Friday night..

If any of you are interested, just e-mail me a few weeks prior to when you wanna go, and I'll submit the necessary paperwork...and bring your camera too, I'm sure the members here would enjoy sharing your experience.

Oh and have to ride in the backseat, behind the screen, so I can control your movements.....!!!!!LOL